sensitive topics THERES NO EVER COMING BACK THIS TIME // battle

Mar 26, 2023

sleekserpent & 19 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Anger twists it's way across pale features, painting a rather ugly expression across the pinkish-cream toms face. Bdgerstripes words leave a bitter taste in his mouth - she will not let him see his own kits, even should they win.

Why is it every interaction between them leaves her feeling unsettled, wrong-footed from the very start? Head shakes, and teth flash as they snarl to themselves. No - it doesn't matter, not now. War rages on around him, and without another thought towards the tortoiseshell molly he knows is slipping into the safety of the nursery, he thrusts himself into battle.

Enimies on all sides - cats she once called clanmates, now nothing btu traitors. Blood and shouts fill the air, but Sleekserpent blocks all of it out, baby blue eyes settling upon one frame in particular. Theres no real meaning in her choice, except that she knows Skyclaw has singled her out, given her a mocking name to remind them of her place - she is not on his side.

With a mighty leap, Sleekserpent aims to barrel into Vilefury, hoping to slam his shoulder into her side and leave her winded. He hardly gives pause before continuing, unsheathed claws swiping towards her muzzle in an attempt to disorient her, and if lucky, draw blood. clanmates or not, he refuses to hold back... no matter how Badgerstripes words linger in his mind.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

D I D I L O V E Y O U T O O M U C H ?


// takes place immediately following this thread, and simultaneously with the uprising thread
vilefury and carrionshriek. Ever since those names left Skyclaws mouth- she had felt nothing but hatred leave a foul taste in her mouth. Anger like no other, but she respected her sister. She followed her sisters words to be safe, and took her steps carefully despite wanting to draw blood on these foul enemies-

Neither of them deserved these names. They were unorthodox, and completely horrid and disgusting. Skyclaw and his followers consistently disrespected her clan. And she would make them pay. When Nightbird singled her out, Vilefury heeded her words, and was left to wait. Wait, for when Flamewhisker was ready.

Thunder crashed, rain poured, and she heard the words loud and clear. It was time.

These idiots were going to pay for what they did to all of them. The wrongfully exiled cats returned with Fallowbite in lead, and Vilefury found her blood boiling and paws itching. Her bicoloured head turned too slow- the body of another was colliding into her. She would leap back, paws sliding against the water, and feeling the claws dug into her muzzle and nose- whipping her head to the side in a wince.

A snarl would lay in the back of the young warriors throat as her anger gave her an ugly face- ears pinned back and teeth showing in a growl against the creature before her. He was no longer a clanmate- this proved it further despite his actions previously. Sleekserpent was just as deserving as his name.

Vilefury would fall back on hind legs before attempting to slam her front paws down on the cream toms head, before attempting to dig teeth in wherever she could purchase them. If successful, she would rip and tear at the toms head.

sleekserpent & 19 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

The surprise is only momentary - Vilefury is quick to rear back, though he taks pride in the drops of crimson he can see welling up from her wounds. The rain is nonexistent white noise to her ears - only the flashes of light proving to be any sort of distraction. Still, despite their ages, Sleekserpent is far from a large cat - hissing as paws slam down upon their frame. There's little time to think, only to act - instinct driven, moons of past battle experience surging to the forefront. Teeth find purchase in his ear, but little more - the pale tabby tom rolling over, aiming to kick upwards with powerful legs and hit her in the stomach. He feels flesh tear from his figure, but there's little time to worry about that now - lunging to his paws quick as he can, growling and turning to leap back towards her - hoping to reverse their previous positions. Blood drips down his face, and his left eye squints through the haze - the warrior now bearing only one ear for all his efforts.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

D I D I L O V E Y O U T O O M U C H ?


Velvet skin, tender soft ear tears from his flesh, helping her even, as he rolls over, pulling her with him. Powerful hind legs kick into her stomach, tossing her slender wirey form off of him. She maintains her footing however, gasping for breath that was forced from her lungs.

Panting, eyes of blue flames casting anger into the tom, blood dripping from her white muzzle. A frenzy where the edges of her vision could be red. His form still bowled into her- but she aimed to rip claws into his face, and peel back legs into his stomach hoping to stagger him off of her and back. "I thought you were a clanmate- you're nothing but a traitor, Sleekserpent," she hisses, "a coward, just like skyclaw."

Her words are venomous, her vision clouded by the furious fight she performed in. If he does stagger back, she will continue to dart forward on toes, swiping at his face before bouncing back hopefully out of range from him.


sleekserpent & 19 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Claws rake across his face and he can barely withhold his wince - his injuries will matter little in the end, if only he wins. Teeth grit as she grunts, eyes narrowing - " I am no coward, " she snaps. They aren't- if they were a coward, they wouldn't be here. Sleekserpent is no coward - he has always done what was best for thunderclan, always.

And yet-

Vilefury darts forwards before he can finish his thoughts, but he too moves swiftly - matching her steps with his own as he dodges. She tries to flee, but enough is enough putting all her strength into her leap she pounces on her, rolling them across the rain-slick ground to stand above her.

19 moons of life, of training, of hard work. They are a thunderclan warrior, and a strong one at that. And yet, as baby blue eyes look down through a haze of red and rain - blood so thick he can't taste anything else - he hesitates. Ths isn't her first kill - no, Pebblestep has gained that dubious honor, quick though they'd met their end. That is't what shakes them, but instead it's Badgerstripes words that ring loudly in their ears.

Around them wages war - bodies falling, more and more on Skyclaws side of things - on his side. They're losing, aren't they?

'... if you survive on the wrong side of history, I will personally see to it that not a single one of your bloodied paws will step foot in the nursery.'

Is she on the wrong side? Is Badgerstripe right? Paw hangs raised in the air in that moment, meant to deal the killing blow - and really, it's be so easy. Just one little swipe of his claws across the throat - like prey, only larger. And yet-

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

D I D I L O V E Y O U T O O M U C H ?

  • Sad
  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre and ixora

With each hit, she felt more triumphant. The white and black molly felt more .. empowered. Her anger felt stronger, though, hurting then did not quench it. But Sleekserpent wasn't backing down as blood dripped down his face. She thought she was faster- but not yet as he seemed to dance with her, backwards more.

All of vilefurys training revolved around thinking. In a state where she was angry as she was, she did not think. She used her speed and agility, but no thought went behind her actions as anger clouded her judgement. She was only growing angrier as now she was missing.

Sleekserpent threw herself towards the newly made warrior, and they tumbled and turned until finally he stood victorious over her. Thunder and lightning cracked above him- outlining his form. His claws hung in he air, and she expected a blow- but she took in the hesitation quickly. Her form would quickly dart towards his neck, teeth connecting with throat, digging white muzzle into the throat of her clanmate.

Shed hold on tight, eyes clenched shut until she could feel his form go limp above her, the anger numbing her, barely noticing the blood that dropped down her face, neck and muddling into the wet ground. But as vilefury pulled her slender form from underneath him, looked down upon the body of her clanmate, she almost choked.

She did that. Vilefury. This.. this character Skyclaw created. She did that. She .. murdered. Did that make her no different than them? But, this was different. This was fighting for their freedom, their rights. For their clanmates to come back who were wrongfully exiled. Bigred, leafhusk; the many deaths that occured because of them. Howlingstar even! The innocents killed! Her sisters name- she tried over and over in her head to not feel guilty, but she couldn't stand it.

Skyclaw had warned her, that her anger was going to get to her head. Vilefury. She... She only felt vile as her deep blue gaze was locked onto the shocked form of her once clanmate. But she no longer felt anger, it drained out of her like the heat in her body. It left her stunned, all the adrenaline from the fight emptied out while she stood there- frozen.

"why didn't you just- fight for what was right? your.. your head was clouded in lies, fellow warrior." And finally, she would pull her body away, but not in victory- in shame. there were bodies littering the ground, blood staining the field, and they were so close to victory.

She should feel accomplished! But why was this guilt eating at her like a vulture on a carcass?