Life could be a funky little thing sometimes, Fern wished that such a phrase didn't have negative connotations at the moment. ShadowClan's atmosphere matched its terrain now more than ever, the promise of newleaf food overshadowed by the death of a leader and a chip on the shoulders of everyone. She was not so stupid as to ignore the weight of the tragedy, in its own ways it'd affected her too. She'd approached the leader's den that day with unclear intentions, slowly craning her neck into the hollow until her eyes locked with a familiar black-and-white form. She did her best to feign as if she was supposed to lock eyes with them, nodding her head in agreement to something that hadn't even been said. She'd thought that Pitchstar might have left something behind that was worth taking, her shoulders sagging slightly with the realisation that that wasn't the case. "Hello, Chilledgaze." She cocked her head as if reminiscing about a fond memory. Soon, she wouldn't be calling them that. It would take some getting used to, calling them by their leader name. Chilledstar, a name that sounded equally as frigid as Pitch's had been - she hoped it wasn't a sign of things to come.

Her eyes seemed to glow in the gloom with a childlike fascination, a cocked smile upon her muzzle. "I have something very important to ask you." The voice that seldom spoke above a whisper grew grave momentarily, like getting ready to spill some terrible secret. "I believe our friendship has gone to the next base and you know what that means..." She paused, breathed, and tilted her head to a near-impossible angle. "Would you like... to see my collection of wonderful things?" The awe returned to her voice, her smile turned to a gleeful grin and she began to shuffle back out the entrance of the leader's den, already expecting Chilledgaze to follow. They had a lot of stress on their paws, but even if that were not the case, who wouldn't want to see what the ticked tabby had found throughout her tenure in ShadowClan? "Oh trust me it's to die for, it will cheer you right up, I promise."



"next level? i wasn't aware we were on any level of friendship."

chilledgaze stretched out their body, shaking out their pelt and giving it a few swift licks. presentable. they had to look presentable. they didn't seem very amused, however, at having to get up to see whatever it was that she wanted them to see. they slowly blinked before letting out a very exaggerated sigh.

"alright, fine. but maybe refrain from killing me. think we've had enough death around for a few moons. though... no. not yet."

they giggle before nodding their head for ferndance to show them the way.

"Are we not friends?" Green eyes grew wide, a faux look of betrayal hovering amidst them. The cinnamon tabby's tail rose confidently as she watched Chilledgaze move in acceptance and accept her offer, her impudent smile offering the promise that they would not regret their decision. She blinked slowly as the leader spoke, an alabaster paw placed to her chest as she bowed (almost like a twoleg). Between Pitchstar and Flickerfire, the clan had lost a lot, but they had no choice but to keep on keeping on. Amusement caused her to purr, toes flexing. "I am a bringer of death and destruction. Should you change your mind... you know where to find me." She had offered the same thing to Smogmaw when he was laced with chills... multiple times actually, she recalled. Death had been offered time and time again to the tabby but he never seemed keen to accept, just as well, for Ferndance would not be keen to act should one day, they decide that her claws should be marred with the blood of clanmates. She was not as loved by them as she'd first thought, but her own affection for the group had returned after a moon of self-doubt.

Leading Chilledgaze away from the leader's den, the cinnamon tabby soon found the warrior's den and slunk into it, the thorny brambles getting easier and easier to crouch away from as the promised prey had still not returned to the swamplands. Soon, she hoped still, her emerald eyes adjusting to the dimmer light. She realised that there was no one else around and gestured with her tail for them to follow her in, shuffling towards a noticeably unkempt corner where erratically placed bedding lay. "Here it is... my collection. A rare sight to behold indeed." She uncovered the haphazard layer of pine needles, strange objects of all shapes and materials catching the faint beam of light that their forms did not block. Feathers, rocks, shiny things, some gathered by Fern's own paws, others suspiciously ending up in her nest when their original owners had gone on patrol. She offered a wide smile - none of them had meaning to the tabby but that was precisely why they were special. "There are so many wonderful things in the marsh just waiting to be found. Like this." She pawed at a large white feather, dragging it closer for Chilledgaze to assess. "What sort of bird would this even belong to?"