The autumn chill makes her shiver. Very soon it'll be leaf-bare, a time that brings bitter memories. Long ago she would huddle closer to her siblings in their nests. Their mother would tell them stories of the world around them. Funny enough all of them were raised in an abandoned badger den. She had felt safe back then with her mother and siblings. The harsh wind and it's screeching could not touch them here. Their home provided the warmth they needed for leaf-bare. On the nights where wind was particularly cool she remembered all of the huddling closer. Everything it seems was right there. Maybe they were all destined to be Windclanners and they didn't know it back then. Being born in an abandoned badger den was the first sign. The next sign was that they all had similar builds that they all became tunnelers. They all were a family of tunnelers. The bitterness began with spats. Her relationship with her mother was... Nonexistent. She dared not keep in touch with her sister and brothers for a time. And it seemed they didn't care for her, but it was at that time everyone began finding their own path.

Her path since she'd left her birthplace was filled with blood and greed. She had become a rogue and joined a group of rogues. It had been some time but it was around this time when she remembered a broken promise made with others. It was also this time where she became all too aware of her naivety and swore never to bear her heart to anyone again. She didn't like thinking about that time, but there was something about the autumn chill that brought her back. She shivers, only to realize hmm... It's not as cold. A paw is brought to her chest and she finally notices a bit more fluff than usual. Good timing. I won't be as cold, but the sand is still annoying to sleep in. Ugh but anyway. Leaf-fall was the time where she had lost half of her tail. It's difficult to forget such an event, yet every time she recalls what happened... I forgive you.

Nevertheless, despite her winter coat coming in, the wind is very much frigid tonight. Maybe sitting by the river was not a smart move, but she'd rather be here than get pelted by sand tonight. She shouldn't complain much anyway. It's been moons since she's huddled with anyone to keep warm or even move her nest close to someone else. For moons she had went to her badger set which she had decorated and spent the cool nights there or she would be found in the tunnels. It was humorous perhaps that she picked a sizable badger set given her small frame, but old habits die hard. If the lack of food and rogue attacks can't kill me, the last thing I want is the cold to take me out. Who knows maybe someone is dying choking on a mouthful of sand now. That's a joke. I hope not. That would suck. Again she shivers, this time sniffling. Her wounds still throb, but what could they do? They were ordered to push past their pain. I gotta figure out something to keep warm around here. There's gotta be some abandoned dens around the area.

It's then that she feels eyes on her, that she whips her head around to find Fogbound. Her mind betrays her, reminding her of his kindness. How he licked her wounds and offered to carry her. She shoves those thoughts down, no, this is Fogbound. The air is awkward between her and she understands that is her fault. She hadn't done their ritual of messing with him. Nothing she gave him. She had already thanked him for his kindness, she doesn't know what more could he want. In the end she sighs and turns her head back to the river. A sneeze escapes her, which is followed by a huff of annoyance afterward. He's still here isn't he? She swivels her head back to him and finally speaks to him. Well... Asks him a question, but she is indeed speaking to him. "What is it?"

/ @FOGBOUND weeps most of this is her going over past, but fogbound related she's just cold and shivering. has no idea what he wants from her given the fact that he's still around watching her.
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
One would assume he was growing out of his asshole era, but Fogbound couldn’t disagree more. He was a heartless bastard, but the smokey tom took pride in that as much as it deterred others. He wasn’t for the faint of heart, succumbing to his romantic charm, but there were a few that exceeded that and it brought some color back into his monochrome life after things went south with those of his past. Things he dared not think of or even discuss with anyone, even his siblings weren’t privy to.

His children, well, Fogbound winced. He wasn’t the greatest father and certainly didn’t deserve the ‘Father of the Year’ award with how things played. No matter, he hadn’t thought good and well about this for some time, but it seemed this leaf-bare brought the most depressing out of them, certainly spurred on by starvation and the growing threat of rouges. He wondered if being so close to death had caused him to see things in a new light. A shame that isn’t true.

His ruby optics landed on the shivering feline, unbothered by her brash question to settle beside her. If he was younger, Fogbound would have teased her for being cold, but now, well, he wasn’t that much of an asshole; he supposed. Oh, never mind that. He couldn’t remember when he’d been this close to someone that wasn’t his siblings, thoughts spinning around a mate ( his best friend ) who betrayed him something awful. He breathed, flank rising heavily with the motion, irritating wounds that Fogbound couldn’t be bothered with.

“Must there be something?” He mused, tapping the ground idly with claws still stained with ichor, letting the other share the warmth that radiated off of him. Fogbound should be thankful for his genes, well adapted to the colder environments. His silky smooth fur that he rigorously kept groomed even when injured, although he rarely did just injured like this, serious enough to warrant the medicine cat’s attention. Tsk. “Why is it you’re out here alone, mhm? Cold, don’t you agree?” He inquired, resting a ruby gaze on her form, giving a slight tilt to his helm as he said this. “It’d be a terrible day if an owl swooped you up. I wouldn’t have anyone to tease.” He grinned cheekily, bushy tail sweeping across the sandy ground, already feeling the small grains dig into his fur.
thought speech
A twitch. Why must you do this? Can't a lady have some privacy? The fact that he taps the ground with that all too smug demeanor washes away any thoughts she had of him being kind. Oh she's heard of him alright and how some she-cats would swoon by his presence alone. It is her fault in the first place given how much she enjoys listening and partaking in gossip. Love is one thing they all converse about and she has given up. There's always someone who is interested by Fogbound and never fail to bring up how handsome he is or how much of a gentleman he is. In short, a perfect mate. Such things make her eyes roll in annoyance. She plays along with it though and allows whoever Fogbound ensnares with his charm to dream wistfully of a day where the two would be together. Who was she to break their heart? They dared not think of who he really was underneath layers of charm.

Maybe in her youth she would have dreamed similar things and pursued Fogbound, beaming as she shared with other she-cats the charming things he had done in the day. However, that time was long gone. She was only left with failed dreams. The only reason why she remained was for her kin nothing else. If she died in the heat of battle that was the best she could ever ask for. She only hoped that her kin would think of her now and then. Wow this has certainly turned depressing. In any case, she was still rather irritated that he treated her as some kit. He would be met with a scoff "With you there's always something. It's not like we share tongues or anything." The statement itself is peculiar for her to even bring up and she's sure he doesn't cares enough to have noticed. Rabbitclaw has never been seen sharing tongues with another cat much less receive one.

He is met with rejection. Pride is on the line and even if she freezes her she refuses to answer to his smug beck and call. "Why'd you make it sound like I'm doing something suspicious? And yes it is fucking cold." That's one of the dumbest questions you've asked me. Do better Foggy. "If you're oh so curious, I'm just thinking. What? Wanted to catch me with a lover or something? I know you like me, but it's not very gentlemanly to be sneaking up on a lady." Maybe she should have used a better choice of words than something similar to what he had said during the battle. Things were just. Chaotic. To even sum it up as chaotic seemed like a disservice to the events that transpired.

Fur bristles at his comment, she'd heard about that. It was a concern that tunnelers were in fear of because of their lithe figures. As for her? Well, she didn't want to be swooped up by an owl of all things. She'd rather claw herself out and die by plummeting from the sky. She was going to be eaten either way, but at the very least she would go out by her own paws instead of being killed by an owl. He's faced with a scowl, "Har har very funny asshole." Whatever anger she has towards him is cut short when she sneezes again. This time however she lets out a groan and shivers immediately afterward. "Good to know you'll miss me. What a pain you are, even if I die it looks like I won't be able to rest in peace. Anyone ever tell you how needy you are?" Blue hues stare into ruby, a smirk he is graced with. "Ehh, guess haunting you in your dreams wouldn't be too bad. Not like I have anything better to do." She has thought about it before. If she were to go out. Who would she visit, but the only cats who she'd really want to visit would be her kin other than Fogbound.

WHY IS IT SO COLD? DON'T TELL ME... FINE. I CAN DO THIS. Fogbound would be woefully unprepared for her to suddenly draw near him and burrow into him (more like his abundance of fluff) and stay there. It takes all her will power not to sign in relief. The last thing she wants is for him to mock her for that. After all, this is for warmth nothing more. The least this oaf of a tom can do is provide her that. Guilt riddles her pelt that she is doing this, but they've done some things they'd never do in the last days. Who would have thought it only takes them being kicked out by rogues and thrown on the outskirts of Thunderclan territory for this to happen. This is awkward. Where do I even go from here. Faintly she recalls he is healing and may have pressed into a wound. It wouldn't hurt, more so be an annoyance, but knowing Fogbound she pressed against him less. An apology wants to fall from her lips, but she finds herself saying "How are you?" instead.​
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
He huffed, amusement curling at dark lips at the comment. He supposed she was right. There usually was something, but to make a comment about sharing tongues, then, that was rather particular, wasn’t it? He remained silent, letting out a hmph at her obvious lack of an answer. Pity. He would have offered the other an olive branch, or perhaps Fogbound had used up his last bit of niceness, replaced by faux kindness and no more curious than concerned. Emotions are such a fickle thing. He’d much rather get rid of them altogether, but then the others wouldn’t witness his devilish charm but a monotone replacement. Oh, how the world would suffer. He supposed his ego was getting the better of him, but he had a reason, didn’t he? To keep everyone at a limb’s length was always something the smokey moor runner was proficient in.

“Now you’re turning my question around, mhm? I can’t help but wonder if you're plotting my demise.” He teased, grinning cheekily. In the end, he got what he wanted, ear flickering with a low-guttural hum. “Oh? A lover, mhm? Cheating already and we haven’t had our second date yet.” He chuffed. His gaze darkened at the familiar comment, images of a rogue playing out behind his eyelids and the blistering pain that ripped at his smokey fur brought nothing but annoyance. “Using my words against me, I see. Perhaps you really do need to get your ears checked, my lady.”

“You wound me.” He snickered, watching the other sneeze again with a furrowed brow. He shifted, curling a tail around his flank, resting lazily as it moved with the rise and fall of his flank. “Oh, my love, you haven’t seen me needy.” He grinned wickedly, leaning forward as he spoke only to pull back a tad.

“To haunt me in my dreams and you say I’m the needy one. I believe that title is yours, my lady—” His voice tapered off, stiffening at the sudden contact, watching the other burrow into his fur with a snort. There you are. He shifted into a better position, bringing the other closer. He was wondering when the other would take advantage of the warmth and it seemed he hadn’t been wrong when approaching the shivering cat.

To be this close to someone who wasn’t his siblings was new territory, not awkward, but new. His thoughts strayed to his ex-mate, apologetic as she watched him be ripped apart, but he knew she would do it again. He wondered if anything they shared mattered, only then did he opt to push those thoughts away, instead, feeling the other breath against his side.

His wounds were an afterthought, staring at Rabbitclaw through his peripheral while ruby optics stared ahead, silent when she spoke again. He snorted, a grin weakening on dark lips. “I’m doing well, yes.” He rumbled. To nearly die twice, one would have to wonder if Fogbound was crazy and maybe he was. “Your wounds.” He shifted. “How are they faring?”
thought speech
"Oh! So you finally caught on?!" The expression she carries is of faux surprise, while her tone carries a playful tilt. Why do you sound so bothered, Foggie? "Seems like someone's jealous of somecat that doesn't exist. Worried someone might steal me away? Another tunneler, maybe? How cute, for you to be so riled up. I'd imagine you'd be furious, unable to sink your claws into their flesh." She would be lying to say she didn't have the mental image of Fogbound being so furious at being unable to follow her into the tunnels nor her fake tunneler lover. It was highly amusing to her see him attempt to chase them or barge his way through. Although... It's been awhile since she's been with someone. It was nothing serious, so she doesn't think it would count. Most would say technically she was in a relationship not too long ago. Whatever, in her eyes it wasn't a relationship at all. However, returning to this moment she can't help but be a little peeved. For a moment it feels like he is genuinely upset about her cheating, but this is pretend. We're just playing a little game.

Guilt prickles through her fur, even though he insults her. There's something wrong here and clueless she is to it. A blunt apology isn't something she is ready to give to him. Fogbound would mercilessly take advantage of her weakness. Without a doubt he would either laugh at her or say something like 'oh seems like my lady can't stop thinking about me'. That is something she wouldn't want to go through because he knows. And she hates that he knows. Hates that he knows what wounds to push. For that reason she chuffs "Are you sure I need to? Sounds like you're the one who needs his ears checked." She gives him no room to retort, "I wouldn't mess with someone's heart like that." Rabbitclaw deems it unnecessary to elaborate. If Fogbound can't understand what she's getting at, then he really was stupid.

They move along again, as if whatever that was didn't happen. Stupid cold. H-huh? Oh right. She can't help but turn to look at him with a smirk, "Thank you. It pleases me to know that I am the only one who can wound you properly." It's then that her face morphs into deadpanned expression at his admission. "Y'know. I think that was one of the worst ways you could say something like that." What made it ten times worse was the fact that he thought he looked cool and was smooth while saying it. Dude you made it sound like you wanna catnap me and keep me locked up in a badger set. Never mind that she said something similar moments ago. What she said was totally normal and not all creepy in any way or concerning. "But I would be lying to say that doesn't make me curious my lord. Just how needy can you be?"

Seems like he was unprepared for her to do this (it's not like she was either). Shit maybe I shouldn't have. He's all stiff. Great now he's snorting, he only does that when he's amused. Fantastic. Maybe freezing to death is not so ba-. Blue eyes widen in surprise as she's drawn closer against him. This wasn't supposed to happen. The silence between them is almost suffocating. He had called her needy and now she's unsure. What is this? What is she supposed to make of this? She silently tries to recall what you're supposed to do in this situation. A memory of tails intertwined is brought to the surface. That was no help. Fogbound was not him. And things have changed since then, yet it feels wrong to take without giving anything in return to Fogbound.

Unaware he is in the middle of a dilemma, she begins to draw away from him. Rabbitclaw recognizes he doesn't need this. With his annoyingly abundant fuf. Nevertheless, she will share her warmth with him. Meeting eyes with him is difficult for what she is about to do. Warmth is replaced with cold. The cold will not last. It never does. She moves so that she's in front of him and burrows herself into him. She's crossed a line between them. It's too late to go back, her mind supplies while she has head burrowed into his neck. Might as well do it, you've already made it this far. Fogbound would feel her twitch, before he felt arms around his frame. A hug. This would be as far as she goes. Resting her tail on his was... Out of line. Even more out of line than this. If he told her off after this she would not blame him. I crossed the line after all. She does her best to burry those thoughts while their fur brushes against against each other with each breath.

Ears flick at his words. A liar is what Fogbound is. It's as clear as day that he is not doing well. However, she will not push. It's terrifying to push him to speak about what is wrong because that evokes emotion. Emotions that are far too huge even bigger than Fogbound and complicated. Now she can't speak for him, but she doesn't want her heart to be exposed any more that it possibly is. The second scenario of what might happen is that he would become fussy and run away from her, after insulting her that is. She could take his biting words, but she didn't want him to be royally pissed at her and distance himself from her. And that. Is something she doesn't want to unpack and quickly snuffs out the idea of him totally ignoring her as if she didn't exist. That she held no meaning in his life. That was an immediate nope! For that reason and that reason alone she doesn't give him a verbal answer, as well as ignoring his snort. She is thankful that Fogbound moves them along, yet she has half a mind to scurry off from his inquiry. Why the hell would you ask that?!

Rabbitclaw huffs against his fur, "Other than being a pain, they're healing. Worst part about wounds is how itchy they get, makes me wanna scratch 'em." It's amusing to remember even when she was a kit, she struggled with taking care of herself. Back then, whenever she got hurt she would bite at her scabs or scratch them if her parents didn't keep their eyes on her. There were times where her brother told on her and oh man did she get a mouthful for it as well as proper punishment. Her mind lingers to a time when her mother would forbid her from going out to play with her siblings. She chuckles at the memory. "Only a few will scar." Perhaps to Fogbound, she seems amused by the fact some of her wounds will end up becoming scars. Or maybe he was questioning if she really had any sanity.

It's here that she is at a loss. What is there to say? Is there anything left to say at all? Other than the unspoken that looms over them. Before she can stop herself these words leave her maw "It could be worse."
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
Him? Jealous? Fogbound snorted at the implication, but let the molly carry on with a wave of his tail. A far cry from the truth, but all in good fun. If he dared humor the thought, perhaps Rabbitclaw would tease him for a potential lover if that didn’t leave him with a sour taste. He had the occasional fling, nothing serious, and if it was, Fogbound was quick to nip it in the flank before it blew out of proportion. He may talk a big game, but the moor runner disliked the thought of settling down, not with how things went. He quite enjoyed the thrill of the chance, no-strings-attached romance that he could remember once upon a time, snorting at his advances and charismatic charm.

Ah. No matter. He was thinking thoughts that were no less useless than the day they happened.

Oh, but what was the fun in telling you? He thought, grinning smugly at the needy comment, not as wicked as his own. A thing left for the imagination, although it certainly has some implications, doesn’t it? He wasn’t nearly as insane as Sootstar, but perhaps he was just as baffling, dancing with the insane in a deadly game.

His gaze narrowed, surprise dancing within ruby optics at the movement, no longer pressed up against his side, but his front, getting a closer view of the molly who looked—Fogbound blinked, feeling the twitch of muscle before forelimbs wrapped around his neck, burrowing into his abundant fluff, feeling her breath just at his neck sent shivers down his spine. He wondered if she could feel the slight tremor, but paid no mind, body shifting to accommodate the other, tucking her further into his frame with a silent rumble, mind blissfully blank for once.

If he thought of his ex-mate, then no one would know but him.

He didn’t know what spurred her into action, but some part of him enjoyed the sudden closeness, something he’d deny—even himself. It was one thing he never teased. A rarity, but even he had some moral. He wasn’t a barbarian unless someone had humored the thought of doing something to the few he cherished, then perhaps he was a barbarian in those instances, but truly! He was a gentleman, even if he wanted to sink his claws into someone’s eye socket and jokingly admit to committing murder. Who would dare think otherwise? He was an asshole, but surely someone with such charm couldn’t possibly be anything, but a law-abiding warrior.

Rabbitclaw speaks, talking about itchy wounds drawing a rumbling hum in acknowledgement, no doubt feeling the steady vibrations that pulled up from his chest. To itch and itch at a healing wound was familiar, but living in the city left him with enough self-restraint from nipping at wounds, not unless he wanted to bear the humiliation of being taken to a vet by some feeble-minded upwalker. “To bear the burden, I applaud you for your strong will, my lady.” If he was being sincere, or not, one couldn’t tell, Fogbound always did like keeping it a mystery as much as he enjoyed being ruthlessly blunt.

His own would certainly scar, burdened by humiliation when seeing the lengthy scar adoring his side, curling at his shoulder and ending at his flank. It could have been worse, he supposed, echoing Rabbitclaw’s comment. “It could be worse, yes.” He vocalized, ruby gaze staring out. I would have enjoyed watching the life leave their eyes. It would have given me such pleasure. He grinned devilishly, ruby eyes crinkling at the thought. To return the favor. Oh, how lovely that would be. “One of us may not have seen another day.” His gaze crinkled in mirth. Perhaps he truly was insane, but even so, that made Rabbitclaw a bit insane, didn’t it?

“When getting those pretty ears of yours checked, maybe Wolfsong will have something for that itch. I’d hate to see you reopen your wounds. It would be dull without you to bicker with.” He dipped back into a teasing tone. This was familiar. He wasn’t good with emotions, especially dipping into dangerous territory.
thought speech
When he doesn't answer how needy he is, she brings a paw to her forehead and sighs. It's bad, isn't it? He won't tell her. It's not like she will die without an answer, but it's irritating that this is the hill is he deciding to die on. That this question out of all the other questions is off limits. Personally, she doesn't care too about how needy he actually is. That's something Fogbound's future partners have to worry about. She gives up and mews "Keep your secrets then." It's already bad enough as it is. If he already makes me crazy, then I don't even wanna know how much worse it would be.

The slight tremor from him is unexpected to say the least. Aren't you used to this kind of thing? Unless you don't allow your little escapades to do this? One would think she kept track in avid detail of everything he did at this point. That was not that case, she didn't go out of her way to ask about Fogbound nor ask those he was with how was Fogbound. That was simply information she didn't want or need to know. If it was brought up because let's face it you can't control what gossip is tossed around, she would zone out immediately. On her end, she was similar. She had many casual relationships that wouldn't last long. If things started to get serious or felt as such, she would cut it off immediately. Distinctly she feels and hears a sound and unconsciously she rumbles along with him. Lost in thoughts she is thinking of every past relationship that she's had within the clan.

None of whom she'd been with were bad. They were okay. The most recent would a tom called Cedarbark. An uptight tom who avoided her like the plague after everything was said and done. Cedarbark had been a moor runner, so it wasn't like they were going to be close in the first place. She supposes it was easy for them in that sense. Although it was amusing to purposely be in his presence. Oh, how he loathed even breathing the same air as her. The memory of his icy glare brought a small smile to her maw. She didn't love him. He didn't love her either. That's how she preferred it. When someone tried to fight for her it was complicated and she would play up her villainess persona for them to regret they had ever loved her. It was for the best. Fogbound is different. Even though they played this game of pretend lovers, he could never have feelings for her. That's what made him safe. No matter how far they took things, whatever they were didn't matter. It would only matter when pretend became real. Something she refuses to think about.

This is weird. I can feel every little movement of yours. In fact, he moves her with him. "Don't applaud me yet, I'm about to nip and scratch at them any second now and you won't be able to stop me." A strong will? That was debatable. When it came to wounds that was questionable, she hated the itch that followed and biting at them brought relief. One would be amazed the number of times her siblings had to reprimand her or keep an eye on her. The reminders were practically etched in her brain not to pick at them because that was bad and it slows the healing process even more, but! It! was! Just! Too! Irritating! I wanna ask who decided to make them itch so bad?! Her thoughts are cut when he agrees that things can be worse. All she can offer is a hum in agreement, not really knowing what else to say.

His words cause her to chuckle, she understands what he means and how she would have loved it if that had been the case. She was no saint and would never try and convince herself as such. After all, she quite enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. To treat her enemies as prey and watch as hope was replaced with fear, and then desperation. The light that left their eyes was a reward of a perfect execution. If Fogbound desired to steal her heart, the quickest way to do so was an offering. It was wrong she knows. Still, if he asked her to become mates with an offering who was she to deny him? Ah, she should snuff out such vulgar ideas. Although it is quite difficult to do so when he speaks of battle, something that plagues her mind.

Again with the pretty ears and the mention of Wolfsong. Is this your way of making sure I take care of myself? You're annoying, you know that? Even though he says it would be dull without her, she can't take it in. The fact that she is important to him. What stands out to her in this moment that he is extremely pushy. Whether it's to see Wolfsong or wanting his way. To be honest he appears more and more like a kit than an actual warrior. She's not some weakling and doesn't need him to loom over her, or shove her to Wolfsong. I can actually picture him dragging me to Wolfsong and I don't like it. With a roll of her eyes and a grumble, "Fine. I get it you care about me. Don't worry fluff butt, I'll go see Wolfsong so you can stop worrying." There is no room for him to respond. "Actually, you're coming. We'll go together. If I gotta do it, you're doing it too."