these buildings are crumbling down — sharpeye


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE OBSIDIAN-HUED BRUTE JERKED UPWARD with a choked wheeze, helm slamming against the edge of his nest in his haste to move. His chest constricted, unwilling to let out the scream that rested heavily against his tongue, swallowing it down until it weighed heavily in his stomach, feeling queasy.
He glanced around the warrior’s den, copper-molten hues narrowing, hoping he hadn’t woken up anyone with the noise. He sighed, body slumping into his nest with an inaudible grumble. Sure as hell was a close one.

The ex-loner clambered to his paws, ignoring the way his bones popped and cracked as he moved, slipping out of the warrior’s den. He inhaled a lungful of air, welcoming the familiar taste of pine on his tongue. He relaxed into the sea of darkness, becoming nothing more than a shadow against the den’s outer walls of the bramble. He sighed through his nose, shaking his helm to vanquish the thoughts that threatened to plague his mind.

Youkai’s skin buzzed beneath obsidian-hued fur, claws digging into the soft earth to ground himself, a far outcry with his shuttered breaths. He huffed, helm tilting back to stare at his surroundings, eyelids fluttering close hoping to let the sounds of nature ease his troubled mind. It did. It helped. Mostly. He could still taste blood on his tongue, the sticky substance staining the whites of his fur. Shit. He rolled his aching shoulders, slumping forward with an audible groan. Damn nightmare keeping me awake. He grouched, brows furrowed in annoyance. “Guess another walk around camp is in order.” He remarked sourly, willowy tail twitching at the thought of moving, but he needed to ease the tingling sensation that blossomed along his skin, tightening in places of old wounds that had scarred over with time.

thoughts speech

Sleep. Sharpeye honestly held a love-hate relationship with sleep. He craved it but feared it at times, and at times it was held beyond his reach when he desired it the most. Sweet abyss, a terrifying pit of darkness that could drag him down, down. However, on this particular night the embrace of slumber was well beyond his reach. Sharpeye wasn't even sure how long he had laid there in his nest watching the rise and fall of his neighbour's side but he knew it had been some time. So much for being perky for his next patrol in the morning.

Sharp movement nearby seized his attention and he found himself training his focus on the form of another feline stirring in the gloom. He gave it a short while before rising from his nest so he could tail whoever it happened to be. Oh, it seemed to be Duskpool, a tom he admittedly did not know particularly well. Though he reckoned they probably had things in common. He didn't mean to be listening as closely as he did, but his senses could at times be a little too sharp. "Perhaps a walk just outside of camp would be better?" He offered as he made his presence known as he stepped closer. "Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you."

.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE OBSIDIAN-HUED MALE SHIFTED, GLANCING over at the other with furrowed brows not quite expecting his statement to be answered. The large male shifted, glancing lazily at the camp’s interest with a quirk of his nose, sighing. “Suppose so.” He remarked. His willowy tail flickered as he clambered to his feet, body groaning in protest.

“No matter.” He hummed. His copper-molten hues shifted to stare at the other, unblinking, head cocked. “Care to join?” He could use the company, regardless of whether he liked it. Dusk wasn’t too keen on staying trapped in his head. Not now, at least. The male huffed, drawing his gaze to the camp’s entrance.

thoughts speech

"If you don't mind me tagging along." Sharpeye replied with a gentle nod of his head and a roll of his shoulders. Maybe with luck he would be able to sleep for a little while afterwards, provided that the walk through the forest steadied his sense of restlessness. One could hope. Seeing that the other was already looking in the direction of the camp's entrance he decided to lead the way out into the woods beyond. The night melody that filled the air was different from that of the one audible in the safe confines of their home. He preferred it in truth. The small tom looked over at the larger tom with a neutral expression that displayed no sense of judgement. "So, what's been on your mind?"
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
HE FOLLOWED THE OTHER WITHOUT complaint, tail flickering as he did so. The male shuffled through the camp’s entrance, welcoming the earthy tones that settled lightly on his tongue. He sighed, shaking his helm to clear his head, embracing the familiar buzz that encompassed his mind while following the smaller male, tail flickering absently.

Dusk shifted his gaze, giving the other a side-eye, brows furrowed in thought. He sighed, offering a half-hearted shrug in response. How does one explain it? The black-smoked mackerel tabby grumbled, glancing at his paws with a hard stare, brows furrowed. “The past.” He jerked his chin upward, offering the male a half-hearted grin, copper-molten hues crinkling. “Can’t seem to let it go.” He sighed, tilting his head while watching the pines above them. “Nightmares don’t help either.” He remarked with a bitter laugh that shook his frame, sobering up seconds later with a huff. “It’s why I don’t sleep in the warrior’s den, should have known better.” He muttered, optics rolling with a tired sigh.

The obsidian-hued male shifted, brow raising at the other. “You?” He trilled with no judgment within copper-molten hues. He sure as hell didn’t have a right to judge others, not when he could barely get his shit together.

thoughts speech

Troubles with the past? Sharpeye gave a nod of understanding as he heard Duskpool out with the same ongoing level of patience he had for nearly everyone in his life. Nightmares. The bane of every living creature. "I'm sorry to hear that. I won't pry into the details of your past but might I suggest, how does one put it, do a bit of spiritual healing? Sometimes you just have to sit down and process through the source of the strife. It won't always fix things but it could help to manage the issues."

Giving advice was the easy part, it was the act of putting it into practice that was the hard part. Though now the focus turned to him and he guessed it was time to peel back the source of his own inability to settle on that particular night. "A mixture of things keep me awake, I guess. Such as being too exhausted to sleep, thinking too much, and, well, I experience vivid dreams that freak me out." A lot kept him awake in truth, though he wasn't entirely sure as to how to address it either. Well, except for managing a proper and constant routine. But who seriously had time for that?