With the boars gone, Wolfwind figures she can finally get to somethin' she's been wantin' too for awhile.

She gets Sparkpaw up early in the mornin'. Grand and merciful as she was, it wasn't necessarily somethin' she did regularly. She'd drag him up if dawn patrol was due. Otherwise, she would wait to see his face, rather than wakin' him up to hers. She brings him out west, by the river that sits between the Owl Tree and Sandy Hollow. Wolfwind takes a good few moments to stretch her limbs following the walk, tailing curling behind her as she does. " Allllright, " she says without lookin' at him.

He was gettin' real old. Things were changin' quick too, state of the territory in peril more than she'd like. She was a lead warrior now. That was strange.

Nothin' had to change between the two of them, though. Wolfwind gives him a lopsided smile. She ought to start thinkin' bout' his assessment, but that's not what today was for. Wolfwind clears her throat. " If you could be taught anythin' in the world, Sparky, what would it be? "

[ ooc: @Sparkpaw :3c ]
He was nice and cozy in his nest when Wolfwind woke him earlier than usual. He wondered why, she didn't usually! What was the reason for this betrayal.......

He stretched and yawned, making sure not to kick any of the other apprentices in the process. This time. He usually stretched out over one of his sisters to be obnoxious or stretched his paws into them just to bother them. They were spared this today, fortunately for them.

"I'm coming..." He mumbled, still tired.

He's not tired for long, though. He was quick to wake up, following Wolfwind to wherever she was leading him. They were doing EARLY MORNING TRAINING. No problem. He was gonna ACE IT, just like he always does!! He as baby siblings to be cool for now, after all. He's gotta work HARDER.

Wolfwind starts talking to him without looking back at him. That must mean today's training was going to be INTENSE. The question she poses makes him hesitate, though.

"Anything in the world....?" He repeats, then sets his brain to work thinking on it.

Absolutely anything..... There's so much, how could he pick? He could learn to fly. Breathe fire. Breathe water. Become the BEST warrior in combat the world has ever seen. There was so much more, too. But if he had to be realistic...... To choose something that would help him and his clan.... Wait.

Those things WOULD help his clan. Imagine the things he could do with those powers. He could protect his clan from ANYTHING. like those stupid boars. He could've even protected Shadowclan from those bears. He supposes what he wants most.... Is to know how to best protect those he cares about.

"I would wanna learn how to protect the clan in the best way possible." He says. "There's so many things that we can't do anything about...Like the boars. I wanna learn how to beat up animals that think we're like prey." He continues. "Other cats, too. I want to make Riverclan eat their overgrown ego and choke on it." He finishes.

"And also I want to breathe fire."
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She can practically see his mind working in real - time. Maybe anything in the world, had been too much leeway for him, the kinda thing that overwhelmed you with ideas, not to mention, Wolfwind has this habit of forgetting her apprentice has inherited his father's "intelligence". She watches Sparky with a calm face though, gently smilin'. With how much of a joy its been to have him, he deserves a day where she'll work with him on whatever, no matter how fuckin' stupid it is.

I would wanna learn how to protect the clan in the best way possible. It's positively endearing, and a gross fond look crawls its way onto her face. It occurs to Wolfwind how alike they are. Though she;d gone about it differently once upon a time, all she's ever wanted was to keep the people she loves safe. It was all a matter of bringing yer expectations down, accepting whats real, not beatin' yourself up for things out of your control. She was still learnin' that part. I wanna learn how to beat up animals that think we're like prey. Damn, if she doesn't agree. Other cats, too. I want to make Riverclan eat their overgrown ego and choke on it. She did good with this one.

And also I want to breathe fire. There it is. Wolfwind snorts. " One heepin' serving of justice, coming right up for ya, Sparks. " She smiles. " And uh, I'll see what I can do about that last one. "

The warrior shakes out her thick pelt. " Okay! Boring lecture time. " She warns him before sitting. Cause she know apprentice her would've rolled the hell out of her eyes at somethin' like this. " This might shock ya', but listen: The best way to protect your clan is to be smart. Which is sort 'f subject, yea, but think about... like... " Wolfwind trails off, thinkin' about a good example for this sorta thing.

She would suddenly stand up and begin stomping around, tail half - tucked over itself to give the appearance of one, shortened tail. She roars her best damn roar. " I'm a bear, and I'm invadin' your camp! " She says, ripping off ShadowClan straight - up. She stomps dramatically toward a shrub " I'm approaching the nursery and I'm MASSIVE with bad breath and big claws. What do you do? "