These days of dust || Intro


Heal your frays
Aug 12, 2023


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothpaw woke unusually early this morning, being a night owl and all. He mumbles under his breath, scolding himself for not being able to close his eyes again. Moth sighs as he forces himself out of bed, stretching as he makes his way out of the apprentice den. To get his mind off of his father abandoning him, he scowls around to find any chores needing to be done. This was his first day without anyone telling him what to do, how would he tell someone that his father/mentor had left him? Would they think negatively about him? Even though his father was deathly ill, he still felt rage and hurt coming from his heart. Rage being just a tick away from being released.

After last nights storm, Moth noticed the camp floor was covered by the oak leaves that surrounded the territory and the never-ending leaking elder den. Moth planned to use some of the oak leaves to seal the dens, however he knew this fix probably wouldn't last, at least it keeps his mind clear... Right? Wrong. All the young tom could think about was his father. He huffed, but managed to keep working, seeming normal to those that don't know what's going on. Moth has always been so focused on his training, that he became under socialized, making him shy. Moth and his father were never really seen in camp, they were always out training. This would be Mothpaw's first time being in camp all day, he dreaded it.

  • // I do have a new mentor that is going to mentor him planned with someone. If that makes any sense, I had issues putting that sentence together.

    Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Storm did some damage.” Raccoonstripe is awake already, pawing at a sodden pile of leaves bursting with tender emerald color. “But stars, we needed it. The streams have been dry lately.” The tabby sighs and begins to sweep the leaves into sopping-wet piles. He spots a black figure pushing the leaves nearest the apprentice’s den around—the sunlight, weak still, lights onto cream and gold flecks like pale fire. “Mothpaw! Are you taking these to the elder’s den?

The tabby pads over, his own task forgotten. What were apprentices for, if not to see to menial business like that? “Finish up here, will you? I’ve got a patrol to lead. Tell your…” He trails off, grimacing. Right. His father had been one of the many deserters their Clan had been faced with recently. Sourly, he finishes, “If you see any other apprentices not assigned to something this morning, tell them I told them to help you. This place is a mess.” He doesn’t waste too much time, stalking to the fresh-kill pile to pick through it before he leaves for his patrol.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- The young tom had to be out here for longer than a hour or so, that he didn't realize that the sun had shown its face till he felt the heat sickle down his fur. This made Mothpaw so focused on what he was doing that RaccoonStripe had startled him. You could say that he jumped out of his skin with how high his hackles stood. The young tom gathered himself a mere second after, and waited till RaccoonStripe had ran over to him to calmly nod with comprehension.

As RaccoonStripe ran off to fill the fresh-kill pile, Moth went back into the apprentice den to see if anyone else was up to help assist. The young tom wasn't so keen on asking for help, but he knew he couldn't clean the whole clan himself. He scoffed at the thought of talking to another.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Evergreenpaw didn't like storms. They made everything messy, and she wasn't a fan of how the world smelled after rain. She didn't mind cleaning, however. It was relaxing to her, not as nerve-wracking as when she was training and worrying that whatever she did wasn't good enough.

She had overheard the conversation Mothpaw had with Raccoonstripe and figured that, since she had nothing better to do at the moment, she would help the younger apprentice. Hesitantly, the fawn she-cat approached behind him, though leaving a slight distance between herself and the chimera.

"Um," she called softly, trying to get his attention "I'll help you clean up and fix the elder's den. If you want to go get the others that are available, I'll start gathering everything into a pile. Or, um, we could... do it the other way around."




♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- When Mothpaw finished preparing himself to talk to someone first, he turned around to see Evergreenpaw behind him. Mothpaw stood at a attention-like-pose as he tried to do math in his head. The tom straightened his bed-head with a quick shake. "Uh... yeah- The first one," He spoke as he walked past Evergreenpaw, entering into apprentice den.

Mothpaw stood at the entrance and scanned around for anyone awake, he caught movement of someone in a dark corner. "Hello? RaccoonStripe wants... He wants apprentices to help with debris," not caring about anyone else sleeping, he spoke in a normal tone. He didn't care for a response, and walked back out, walking to assist Evergreenpaw with putting everything in a pile. "I-I was just going... going to take the leaves an-.. and layer them on leaking spots with moss.... Unless you had a better idea?"

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual


"Repairing the elders den, eh? Can I lend a paw or two to the endeavour?" Shiningsun offered as he padded his way towards Mothpaw and Evergreenpaw. He might not be an apprentice, or assigned to the job, but he was an eager workaholic with nothing better to do at that moment. Though he also hoped that his size and height would come in useful in regards to reaching the ceiling of the den. "Might I recommend adding some mud to the leaves and moss for a sturdier hold?"


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- "Yeah that's fine," Mothpaw spoke in a stern tone, "I'm not a professional at this.." The young tom was already exhausted with the heat gleaming on his black fur, he started appreciating the extra hands, knowing this would mean less work in less time. He sighed and nodded at Shiningsun and Evergreenpaw with gratitude. His mouth full with small leaves and sticks, all but he could carry with his young and small body, he started working on putting everything in a pile next to dens that needed repairs.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

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Dragonflyeye stared at the carnage the storm had wrought in camp, annoyed that Starclan themselves had allowed this type of destruction to occur. She knew she would have to help clean up, just like everyone else, and started doing just that. She only did it because otherwise someone or the other would be on her behind about not helping, and she would have to help anyways. She smiled at any who looked at her, ears twitching and fur flared at the mess and the humidity.

Her picking up of debris and the like take her over to the Elders den, where some apprentices as well as Shiningsun are patching up the roof or something. She glances at them, tilting her head. "Y'all oughtta climb up there and fix it from that angle, ya?"
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothpaw glanced over to Dragonflyeye, then back to what he was doing, avoiding eye contact, ”I-I believe Shiningsun is on it, bu-but extra help is appreciated.” Mothpaw had finally cleared the area around the elder den and observed his work for a second, then continued working.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual


Shiningsun didn't waste time with getting on with the task of roof repair, humming a merry tune to himself all the while. Though he took pause when Dragonflyeye spoke up and attracted his attention. "Maybe someone light could do some of the repairs from the top of the den? If I climbed up there then we'd only get a bigger hole, heh!" Fortunately he could reach from the ground when rearing up, but climbing up the outside of the den would be an impossibility for a fella as sizeable as him. Taking care, he pressed his paws against the den wall in order to sandwich the mud-leaf-stick mixture into place.


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- The young tom looked around and could see he was the youngest and smallest apprentice that was helping at the moment, he sighed. He wasn't quite the fan of heights, but he acknowledged that it needed it to be done. He shook off his stress and brought a fine mixture of leaves before climbing up the side of the elder's den. "I'm on it," he mumbled.

  • Sorry for the late response! Was busy....

    Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 8 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual