these frosted flakes suck - blizzard hunt


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Two days wasn't a lot of time to heal, but things were starting to get bad. The majority of Skyclan bore wounds from the raid, and in the days following it the snow had fallen with a ferocity Quill had never seen before. It had left everyone confined to their dens as the camp was slowly burried beneath the falling white, but finally -finally- there seemed to be enough of a break in the downfall for the cats to try their luck at heading outside.

The apprentices den is completely covered over in snow and ice, and it takes broad shoulders and brute force for Quillpaw to finally shove himself out to the surface. Mismatched eyes close themselves sharply against the dim light of the cloud-covered sky, the shift from the darkness of the den leaving him with a slight headache. He's sore and tired, and his wounds throb despite the treatment he's received from Dawnglare. But they aren't bleeding anymore and he's strong enough to move, and for Quillpaw that's enough. Cat's have to eat, snow has to be cleared; there's shit to do and he can't sit in his nest all day shirking his chores just because he's a little banged up.

As if to farther prove this, others begin to push forth from the other dens as well, covered in wounds and ready to face the day. Quill isn't special, he's just one of many.

Among them is Blazestar, organizing a group of cats to clear the entrance, and while that's happening Quill shifts his attention to the nearest warrior.

"We're sending out a hunting patrol, right? I'll go with them."the chimera says as mismatched eyes shift to land on the cats gathering out in the clearing with him as he makes his way out and away from the apprentices den. He knows the prey wont be running great today, but not trying at all would only guarantee empty stomachs. Low chances were better than no chances.

OOC- this is taking place at the same time as Blazestars group/thread, so it's open to anyone who isn't helping out with that!



skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Standing huddled next to her mentor for warmth, fur puffed up so she looks like a puffball of brown and cream. Whilst happy to hunt and provide for SkyClan, she can't believe they have to go out in this weather and brave the elements. She doubts they'll be able to see anything much less catch it. But still, they had to try right? "I hope we find something good," Howlpaw speaks up. "But anything would be better than nothing at this rate."

He's hungry. It's the first thing that the large tabby noticed as he stepped out into the camp. The second thing he noted was that the hunting patrol he'd been assigned had finally begun to gather, a competitive determination overcame Silversmoke as he recalled who his hunting partner was. He stepped closer to the two apprentices, offering a stout nod and not much else to the youths as his narrowed pupils scanned the camp. The clan needed all the help they could get, he wouldn't be opposed to bringing his own trainee along if it meant getting the insufferable kid some experience, but it wasn't a priority. The warrior's plump tail slowly lashed the longer he felt the wind on his back, bringing with it the promise of a miserable hunt. Still, for his home, he would endure whatever trials the territory had to offer him. "We can leave now." There was no lead warrior amongst them, no shepherd to guide the hungry sheep on how long they should be outside of camp for, but the tom would try his best to be a replacement for any meaningful authority. They'd barely been injured in the raid, their opinions wouldn't be clouded by pain or fatigue.

As he opened his mouth again, there was a brief worry that his opinions were swayed by bad blood, however. "We'll starve to death if we stick around for the late risers." He couldn't remember most of the names assigned to the hunting patrol, he just remembered Slate's, and that was enough for the long-furred tabby to want to leave early. If he could avoid the dark feline all together, it would make the hunt far more pleasant.



Sore, injured, and frustrated about his loss in the raid, Quill had little patience to be standing around doing nothing, especially after the blizzard had forced them all to stay indoors for the last little while. Despite his physical condition, he just wanted to do something, to keep his head busy and maybe burn some of his frustration off by focusing on something else for a bit. And so he wasn't oppose to Silversmoke taking the reigns, having been about thirty seconds from doing it himself despite being an apprentice. "Sounds good to me. The others can catch up or split off into their own group once they're up." agreed the chimera, clearly not considering it a big deal if the three of them took off earlier to go hunt instead of waiting around and wasting time.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders