These Hidden Mirrors Expose The Mess | Dipperpaw

For the first time in a while, Mosspaw had been told to clean the elder's nests. The task was often used as a punishment for misbehavior, and as she never misbehaved, she had rarely been assigned the task. However, regardless of its unpleasantness, it still needed doing, even when no one had misbehaved. So she had been told it was her turn to take care of it.

She tried not to have any problem with that. It was a task that needed doing like any other, she told herself. Even as she felt a slight disappointment at knowing she would not get to train today instead.

Aspenhaze had also told her to find another apprentice to assist her, however, and with a glance around camp she instantly knew who to approach.

"Dipperpaw. I am in need of someone to help me clean the elder's nests. Are you available?" There were no shortage of other apprentices she could ask, but most would meet her question with sour glances or excuses. Though she did not know the other apprentice personally, from what Mosspaw had heard she was someone who could be relied upon. After all, the other apprentices occasionally called Dipperpaw a stick in the mud, which was exactly what they always called her.​

Dipperpaw had worked hard today. If she wasn't training to the best of her abilities how was she ever going to be a warrior worthy of RiverClan? After a long day, however, there is only one thing she wants to do. She wants to relax in the shade of the willow tree, she wants to just watch the leaves sway softly in the breeze, making shade dance across her features as she slowly falls into sleep, lulled by the gentle murmur of the river nearby. She is laying with half-lidded eyes, ready to execute her plan, when she hears her name being called. Was she availably? A frown breaks up the monotony of her usual facial features as she looks up at Mosspaw.

Cleaning the Elders Den, as unfavorable as that sounded, was something that was expected of her as an apprentice. If she was found lazing about while Mosspaw took on all the work herself how would that make her look? She can almost hear it now, the mocking jeers calling her lazy. She blinks once and looks out to the river with a forlorn look, no doubt mourning the nap she would be missing out on. "Yes I suppose I'm free" she says, returning her star-burst gaze to the other molly, her expression once again pulled into neutrality.

When she pushes herself to her tired feet she stands next to Mosspaw. The other apprentice is tall like she is with a similar build and Dipperpaw takes note. "Show me where to go boss" she says in a flat tone, her words indicate some sort of joke is attempted but her features do not show it.