14. The rain clouds threatening the territory all day finally unleash a heavy rainfall. Your characters are caught out in the downpour - how do they pass the time?

Though the sky is overcast, the wind is strangely warm for the leafbare season. It's optimism, subdued but bright, that keeps Blazestar's steps light and his spirits high.

Soon, his Clan will be fed again, and there will be plenty of herbs. They have new warriors, and with the warm weather, there may be kits on the horizon.

And in ThunderClan, too, he thinks, but he tries to keep the darkness from creeping over him.

He walks alongside Daisyflight, the two of them alone together for the first time in many moons. Blazestar glances beside him at the blue calico, remembering the last time, perhaps -- the night she came to his den unbidden, the night she told him with regret gleaming in her eyes that she couldn't follow in his pawsteps.

The Ragdoll studies her without thinking of how blatant he's being. He still believes she would have been plenty capable of succeeding him, but luckily he has Orangeblossom now, who, although young, has shown herself to be a competent deputy so far.

So why is it he still misses Daisyflight at his side?

He opens his mouth to speak, but a fat raindrop lands squarely on the bridge of his nose. He stops in his tracks, blinking owlishly at the liquid beginning to dribble down his chin. Within heartbeats, the clouds split, and rain begins to pelt them both.

Blazestar is almost instantly weighted down by the heaviness of his thick pale fur, dragging his bones toward the scattered pine needles and mud beneath them. He scowls at Daisyflight, as if to say, "Of course the day we choose to walk together it does this." His bad planning, as usual.

Dark eyes find a secure spot -- shelter in an arching root of a massive nearby pine. He indicates with his head that she should follow him, and he makes a beeline for the spot that will shield them from the cold.

The moment he's somewhere safe, Blazestar begins to wildly shake his fur out. Droplets fly in every direction.


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The air teased the clutter of her mind free, it’s unseen eddies combing her patchwork pelt. Daisyflight allowed her tail to rap the passing ferns without much thought, an act she normally reserved for the warmer moons. The mice could run free a little longer, as no doubt she and Blazestar would have much to discuss- clanlife never ended. With luck, it would get easier in greenleaf, provided there were no more refugees at their doorstep.

The warrior heaved her attention from the tumultuous skies only to be met with two rounds of ice-indigo. Surprise was schooled to sly reciprocation, her chin retreating slightly into her snowy chest as she waited for him to resurface from his thoughts. Leadership levied a great many to-dos and Daisyflight couldn’t begrudge him from drifting off to sift through them. That persistent guilt- for stepping away from much of that itched like burs on her shoulders.

An opportunity presented; she took a second to watch back. Seeing him every day around camp was vastly different to this- the gold engraving of his brow more visible. There was a novelty to it

A remark, perhaps on his lack of tact or head-in-the-clouds nature, was burnt from her throat as a water droplet flicked across his sunny snout. Her words shot from her nose in a snort, a little louder than she would have liked, and all pretences of subtly were dropped. However, what had been a light-hearted flurry soon turned to a torrent and Daisyflight’s amusement soured.

She went to look for shelter when rain hit her brow, laden with a sort of karma. Blaze’s round eyes made a little more sense now. Nose wrinkled in distaste, she could only trust that his retreating form meant her had found a spot. The calico bundled herself inside, preparing to begin a hasty grooming when-

"Oh- would you- stop that! You’re like a second storm!" Daisyflight’s incredulity piqued with every droplet flung her way. Wet made her ruffled spine jagged, her flanks pulled down like a snow-dressed branch. She whipped her sodden tail towards him unapologetically, sated by the ribbon of water that raced towards the ragdoll. Serves him right. Mildly, she was reminded of her apprentice’s squirrel draped across his face.

The roar of the elements outside the hollow confirmed her suspicions- they’d be here a while. A weary smile met Blazestar as she turned back to him. "Just our luck- you’re stuck with me I’m afraid." And then, unable to resist prying, a question hummed from her waterlogged frame. "What was all that thinking you were doing, earlier?"

/this is so long omg sorry
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Blazestar barely registers that he's shaking a lake's worth of water onto Daisyflight. She had joined him in a haste, and now that he notices her with him, he gives her an embarrassed grin. "Sorry," he says, and resists the urge to shake his fur again. "Here, I'll help dry you. I owe you that at least. It's still kind of cold out here."

Blazestar does not flinch as her whiplike tail shoots rainwater into his face. He knows he deserves it, so he blinks the offending droplets away with patience.

"Just our luck- you're stuck with me I'm afraid." Blazestar shakes his head and leans forward to try to groom her fur the wrong direction. "I feel more sorry for you, stuck with me," he says warmly.

But her question catches him off guard, and he lets his tongue fall away from her calico fur. "What was all that thinking you were doing, earlier?"

Instead of pausing or thinking about his answer, he says, casually, "You." He meets her eyes a moment, denim clashing with electric green, before he resumes his business of drying her pelt. "I was thinking that I wouldn't have made it this far without you. That's all." His smile curls around his cleaning tongue -- how true it was. "Imagine if you'd turned me down when I asked you to be deputy... and you'd have been within your right." He doesn't mention her pregnancy, well-developed at that point, but the implication is there.

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She accepted his apology with a chiding sigh, unable to summon the effort required to remain irritated with him. Blazestar’s grooming came as a surprise, although not unwelcome. Quietly, the molly endeavoured to neaten her pelt properly when he stopped. Using the back of her paw, Daisyflight swept the rain from her white cheeks. After moons spent in the filth of the streets, she’d rather not have a serious conversation with water weighing down her whiskers.

‘You’. Content half-lids bled open with suspicion, too-wide pupils sliding from the tip of her nose to look back at the ragdoll. Any other cat and Daisyflight might have wrung the implications dry. But this was Blaze and surely it was only a naïve drop of honesty, meant for open conversation rather than hidden intricacies. Wordless, the calico listened as he continued to speak.

"Me? You ought to be careful with that sort of candour.” Her words were whisked in a squall of humour, a shake of her head freeing the last of the moisture from her snout. "You’re likely right.” Not one to understate her worth, the warrior purred in agreement.

”As ill-timed as it was, I was glad for it. And- I wouldn’t refuse you. This pine forest of ours is made better by your leadership.” Skyclan was the only one with a reliable cat at its helm in her eyes. Thunderclan, perhaps. As disagreeable she found some of his decisions, she couldn’t deny their reasoning. Kindness, when able to be afforded, was important. He was trustworthy.

Discomfort snagged at her spine. ”I’m only sorry that… I couldn’t hold up my end of the arrangement.” Stars swam in the inner twists of her mind, a threat to her composure.

/lowkey not happy w this, sorry :<
Daisyflight's wit -- and the quickness of her tongue -- still surprises him sometimes. Blazestar ducks his head slightly, smiling ruefully at her response. "Me? You ought to be careful with that sort of candour." "What am I, if not an honest cat?" He purrs, tensing as though to shake his pelt out again -- and then he stops, remembering the second downpour he'd showered his friend with.

He's humbled by her, by the devotion she's shown him through so much. Blazestar looks at her with soft blue eyes. "Not made better by me," he murmurs. He tilts his head to the silver-dark sky, droplets flecking his fire-painted face. "I built nothing alone. I protect nothing alone. I owe so much..." He trails off, wistful.

Daisyflight, too, seems somber in her reflection. "I'm only sorry that... I couldn't hold up my end of the arrangement." Blazestar snaps his head to look at her. "You have." That dark night, when she'd come to him glowing with moonlight, regret stark in her eyes. "Orangeblossom is capable. I think she'll make a fine leader after me." He doesn't hesitate as he says this, but his eyes linger on Daisyflight's face for a moment. "But for the record... so would you."

Blazestar leans again to lick a drop of rain beaded up on her blue-patched shoulder. A simple gesture. "Do you have regrets?" He asks, tone softer.