These saints are watching me | deer

The thunderpath was avoided by most the clan because quite frankly it was terrifying. She had not witnessed what happened to Briarstar and she was thankful for it, but just hearing about it had instilled in her and all of her clanmates a caution to avoid it as much as possible. She was not avoiding it today, unfortunately for Halfshade the hunger gnawing her own belly was enough to drive her out further and further from the hunting places closer to camp in an effort to chase down something of significant, eventually it lead her out to the thunderpath itself, the scent of gasoline and burning filling her nostrils and almost masking the fact ThunderClan lay just beyond the treeline. The pine forest scent was almost as abhorrent as the black two-leg stone that divided them, but she paid the other side no mind as she crept along. Occasionally a monster roared past, the wind sending her pelt rippling in a mottled cascade over her body and nearly knocking her over from the force of it but she stood proudly and continued, pausing only to glance down at a puddle of dirty slush and snow near the edge of the grit and gravel pathway to adjust herself; using the reflective surface to smooth her fur back into place from the rowdy and chilling winds.

Her grooming distracted her, though she knew she'd have to fix her fur again in short time and the roar of a weaving monster did not even register over the howling wind until it had all but reached her, the mechanical beast had swerved off the thunderpath and just marginally into the slopping ditch and she gave a shriek of alarm before bouncing back to avoid it, the twisting rubber tires slamming down onto the puddle she'd been admiring herself in moments before and sending a cascade of sludge and melted snow curling over her like a blanket to knock the torbie backwards into the ditch and beneath its filthy hold. Halfshade burst from the mound of white and dirt flecked snow, drenched, spitting and hissing in a quiet tantrum before he turned and realized what she'd been knocked down next to. Though her fur was soaked and cold, body shivering and filthy, the snow had done her one good deed this day: the perfectly preserved remains of what looked like the haunch of a deer. The gristle and bits of already pecked carrion and bone next to it were not worth her attention but somehow a good chunk of the hooved beast's leg was still intact.
She was cold, wet and now about to drag a deer leg through the marshlands but the torbie set to the task with grit teeth and claws out.

It was tedious, she was miserable and it would take forever to dry off and feel warm again, but slowly Halfshade was making her grunting and grumbling way back to the camp dragging the chunk of meat with her and struggling all the while. It occurred to her that she might have better luck with help, but the fear of losing this to some larger predator pushed any thought of walking away from it out of her mind. Hell no. It was HERS. Well, and ShadowClan's, but after what she went through she was taking the biggest bite when she got back.

restless. that's all they ever were these days, it seemed, but what was new? chilledgaze had tried to get some semblance of rest, rustling within their nest which has become rather uncomfortable. moss lined has been tattered and cold, and the fur was not enough, as their claws desperately kneaded through it, trying to make it softer. it didn't work, and chilledgaze was through trying, now. standing from their nest with a shake of their pelt, they trotted out of the warrior's den, with a stretch of their skinny body. a few tired blinks as they looked at the hustle around camp, or lack there of. they weren't paying that much attention. with a grunt, they began to make their way for the entrance, planning to try and find anything they could for food. they pushed their way out of camp, nose twitching in the cold air, as they tried to find anything. they needed something, for fucks sake. they couldn't keep going like this, with nothing to eat. chilledgaze stopped in their tracks, brows furrowing before their nose twitched. they picked up their pace, seeing the familiar pelt of halfshade and some... meat that she had been dragging. it looked good enough to eat right now, but they bite their tongue. they needed to get it to camp.

"hm. good find... do you need help dragging it back?"

they didn't even have anything to say. they were thankful to the warrior. it wouldn't last forever, but this meal would at least take the bite out of everyone's stomach. they weren't even gonna complain about that. and if anyone did- they'd have a very cranky deputy to deal with. not that halfshade couldn't handle herself.

//editted bc im a FOOL a real idiot if you will

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If you don't like me, that's your problem
A yawn bursts forth from the girl's maw as she exits the apprentice's den, sleep still heavy upon ebon lids. Another long night of training while out with Dewspider had left her sleeping up until this point. A low hum vibrates within her throat as she takes a moment to look around. She notes Chilledgaze exiting camp and decides that it would be best if she were productive as well, even if she were exhausted. Quietly she follows behind the deputy, getting ready to call out to them. That is until her ears perked at the sound of Halfshade dragged something with considerable effort towards camp. Part of it was eaten away, but there was still a rather meaty side left to the unrecognizable body part. What kind of animal was this? Either way, Tornadopaw walked over with surprise shimmering within the citrine depths of her eyes. "Wow Halfshade, and you even brought it nearly all the way back to camp on your own too. It's only fair you eat some of it first along with the queens and kits once we get it there." Tornado murmured with a nod of her head, yellow eyes still examining the limb. "Where'd you find it?" She asked, turning her attention back to the older molly whilst edging closer to offer assistance.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
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There was chatter nearby that was undoubtedly more interesting than the failed hunt that he was on, so the moment his mentor turned away Teaselpaw began to track down the source of the clamour. It did not take long to discover, for the source of it was a trio of cats gathered around what was possibly the biggest lump of meat he'd ever seen, albeit with a hoof stuck to the end of it. If it didn't smell so much me might have doubted that it was real- and that all-too-familiar flare of jealousy kindled in his chest as soon as he laid eyes on Tornadopaw. Had she snagged this? Someone younger than him with this sort of prize, when he'd hardly managed to catch a frog?

He was being irrational, though- thankfully he soon realised it before he could snap. Halfshade was the one who held it, most likely her prize. And briefly his attention slipped to the deputy, who seemed... approving, if not overjoyed. "You could knock someone out with that," Teaselpaw exclaimed- something of a joke, though it wasn't exactly untrue.
The scent of meat, real meat, wafts through the camp and tickles the tiny hairs inside Flickerfire's nose. She first mistakes the scent for a dream. It's not the meat of a rat, which is all her palette seems to know anymore; it's stranger, sweeter, in a way, but foreign. Her stomach twists and fights away what little sleep she'd been able to glean from her nap.

Curiosity and hope stoke like embers in dull reddish eyes. She steps beside Teaselpaw, realizing Halfshade has brought them food enough for everyone to have a bite or two. Like the lions of old, ShadowClan will spend one glorious night feasting as a pride.

The tortoiseshell looks at Halfshade reverently. "Ain't no way you hunted this, so what'd ya steal it from?" The promise of meat, even just a couple of bites, has returned some of the life to her expression. The black and gold pelted skeleton even grins, though it looks grotesque on her thin frame. "Did the mighty Halfshade steal from a fox and win?"

Even as she says it, she's confident a fox wouldn't have hunted a deer; they're barely any bigger than a cat. She paces around the leg, her tail tip flicking madly.