// please wait for @Mosspaw to post!

With lungwort secure, the journeying cats have gotten what they came for. Now they have begun the long, exhausting trek all the way back down the mountain. They likely won't see green for an entire quarter-moon, a fact Stormywing would usually be bothered by but she is far too elated about their discovery to care. Her steps, though tired, are energized with optimism. Those steps, however, are getting harder to take as the snow comes down harder and harder. Winds buffet against her face, painful and biting. Someone behind her shouts that they need to take cover for the night and she wholly agrees. "My paws are about to fall off!" She shouts to her companions as she squints through the harsh snowfall for any sort of shelter.

Something that looks like a cavern catches her attention. She is hesitant to go back underground after the cave-in, but they don't have much of a choice. Besides, they don't have to go far. They just need to get out of this snow. "Over here!" She yowls, shouldering the cat directly next to her to try and get them to go to the shelter, too. It's the RiverClan apprentice, she realizes, so she calls out, "Sorry, Mosspaw!" before pushing her again. She has no interest in losing any journey-mates out here.

Once inside, the shivering she-cat gives herself a shake, snow now dusting the ground. "StarClan, now that's a storm!" She trills through chattering teeth, looking back towards Mosspaw and the rest of the cats that come inside.
Though her thick fur insulated her from the cold, Mosspaw could barely see her own paws through the storm. Without the luxury of sight, she could not even recognize her own clanmates among the crowd of cats huddling together for warmth. So, for once, she was forced to simply stick close to whoever she could rather than keeping to Riverclan.

Her ear flicked as someone yowled directly into it. Before she could turn towards the noise, a shoulder collided with her suddenly. "Hey! What are-" She cried in protest, before realizing what the voice in her ear was trying to tell her. Even as she squinted in the direction she was being shoved in, she could not make out the shelter that the other cat had spotted. Still, she turned to blindly trudge in that direction.

Eventually, a cavern revealed itself, and Mosspaw sighed in relief as she stepped inside. The memory of the cave-in caused her to glace upward nervously, but this was still better than being outside in this weather. Without the blizzard in her eyes, she could finally recognize who it had been who ushered her to safety. It was perhaps the last cat she would have expected.

Stormywing; the most annoying Thunderclanner.

A title she did not give out lightly.

The realization made her ear flick. That explained why the cat ushering her out of the snow had been so abrasive, but Stormywing had still gotten her out of the snow, regardless of her methods. After a few moments hesitation, she finally said what she would have said immediately had it been to any other cat. "Good job spotting this cave. I could not see anything." Mosspaw reluctantly complimented. In spite of her distaste for the other cat, she was too thankful to be out of the cold to say nothing at all.​
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Shortly after Stormywing and Mosspaw comes Orangeblossom, ear-tips numb with the cold and fur encrusted with snow. She shakes out her pelt as soon as she's clear of the entrance, sending flakes scattering (this does little to change the appearance of said pelt, white-furred as she is, but there's probably a little more ginger visible in the low light). Glancing upward at the cave ceiling and realising where they've hidden themselves she shudders, and turns her attention firmly towards the front of their little shelter. If this cave started to tremble and collapse too, she'd rather take her chances with the blizzard.

"Reminds me of the blizzard we had back in leafbare. We were stuck in camp for days." Her breath mists as she speaks, dropping her lungwort bundle beside her paws. She glances at the two young she-cats, mostly trying to determine whether either was old enough to remember the horrible weather event. "Hopefully this one doesn't last as long."
Stormywing still shivers as she looks back at Mosspaw, ears twitching to acknowledge the praise. "I'm just glad we're not stuck out there," She comments back, shuddering at the thought. She does her best to fluff out her short pelt and gets to work licking at her chest, hoping to rid herself of the snow that's quickly melting there.

Her eyes lift to the SkyClan deputy as she brings up the blizzard that had snowed in all five clans. She remembers it - she'd hated being cooped up for so long. "We had to tunnel out of our own camp!" She replies, rolling her eyes at the chilly memory. "I'd kill for a nice Greenleaf sun right about now." But she knows by the time they return to the clans, it will be well into the Leaf-fall season. The leaves will be falling, and frost may even cover the forest floor on some cold mornings. She sighs wistfully; at least she'll have her nest back.