they cloud my mind and soul - sharing prey

the river was not far behind, and he longed for it to be further. his stomach would rumble and flip with anxiety and hunger, and they were finally pulling to a small rest. he had to stop his shaky limbs anyways, and he hoped this would be enough.

it wasn't long before the scent of rabbit hit his nose, his jaw dropping slightly to inhale the air better between teeth slightly ajar. his eyes closed, soaking in the surroundings. it was quick to find the direction it was in, and he knew drifting off from the group wouldn't get him lost.

they had come to a standstill for now, a short rest, and he would take advantage of it. broad shoulders guided the pale tom as he stalked away, not saying a word to anyone. he dared not risk it be stolen from him.

soon enough, blue eyes would meet black beady eyes, it's nose twitching before digging into a patch of grass. its mouth tugged at it before chewing, unaware of the toms presence. his stomach rumbled louder. his tongue licked his salivating lips. it's form was plump, stocking up for winter more than likely. and unfortunately, he knew it was big enough to share with a few others.

his body leaped forward, claws meeting brown fur, teeth meeting bone deep in its neck. the soft snap would assure him that indeed there would be food to bring back. but god damn it, he caught it himself, and he would take the first bite.

so the tom reapproached the group, the bunny slightly dragging along behind him. memories recalled of his first catch that didn't seem too long ago. (it wasn't). but he recalled his form barely able to haul the body, and his panting from lugging it across the moors.

the apprentice would set it down before him, before a sigh would leave. "If anyone would like to share this with me, you are welcome to join." he regretted it, however he knew if it was him being left out he'd be upset about it. good things would bring good things, right? After inviting others, he would take that bite, slowly chewing as if conserving the food for if they were to go a few days without it.

//retro cave system!

She’d helped prove RiverClan’s cunning and strength at the river, and Iciclefang still bears the banner of her Clan pride. Her fur has long dried from her swim and rescue mission, though she finds herself wishing she’d taken the time to fish before they’d moved on. Her belly grumbles from exerting herself, and she’ll be forced to take land prey here. She tastes the air, the scent of rabbit bathing her tongue, and she sighs. Chasing rabbits like a WindClanner! Really!

She needn’t bother, though. A pale blur whips past her, shooting after the rabbit with speed she has to admire. The apprentice brings his catch back, a sizeable rabbit that drags a bit against the earth. “I’ll share,” she murmurs, giving the WindClan apprentice a wary look. She has no taste for rabbit. It reminds her of Smokethroat and Weaselclaw tussling over frost-bitten turf, the rabbit secure in her jaws as she’d fled.

Her Clan had bled because of that rabbit.

She forces herself to relax beside the WindClanner. He’d been a kit at his mother’s belly then, most likely, if he’d even been born yet. She wants to blame him, too, just as she would any cat carrying WindClan blood… but she’s tired, and she has to admit the rabbit smells tempting. She bends her face toward the fresh-kill and takes a generous mouthful. “Mm. It’s no trout, but it’ll do.” She swallows and swipes her tongue around her mouth. “It was a good catch. I saw how fast you were.” The praise is not spoken warmly, but matter-of-factly, the way Iciclefang says most things.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Hunger and thirst had been forgotten in the wake of the chaos from the bridge. It could have been worse, it could have been incredibly worse than what they were given, she knows. They were lucky the bridge was in any condition to be crossed at all, not so decayed that each platform would have broken beneath the weight of a cat. The river could have been infested with creatures unkind to cats, like the ones Petalnose and her patrol had faced off against before.

They were lucky. StarClan still had eyes on them.

Now the time had passed where they were long since winding down from the excitement. Her appetite had returned, and she had begun to share the same thoughts as her counterpart. That river might have been full of plenty fish to feed each of them and anyone else open to trying a taste. Hunting on land was simply not one of Hazecloud's favorable methods, as she was rather poor at it. The silky-furred cat may sooner outrun a WindClanner than find joy hunting through fields.

She doesn't even fathom chasing down the rabbit, but to no surprise the moor-born apprentice is delighted to. It's an efficient catch. She wondered if Milkpaw's mentor was on this journey too or if they had been too sick to come with him.

"Glad you're still able to hunt after after your dip in the water." Her tone sounded genuine, nothing malicious hidden behind it if only for a bit of teasing.
A Tortie was first to approach, remembering her body fluidly swimming through the river with ease. He couldn't help but think of them as fish themselves, rather than just cats. Cat fish. But, some say you are what you eat. Windclan ate rabbits, so they're fast, and riverclanners ate fish, so they swim. It made sense in his head. He held back a snicker, finally swallowing his prey to disguise it.

They were all doing their best even here to just, survive. Make it back home to whatever they needed to go to... Yeah, just surviving.

He dipped his head in greeting to both of them, his saviour following suit in joining to eat the rabbit. He was kind of surprised, he thought they only ate fish, surprisingly enough.

"Thank you, enjoy," he said simply, cracking a side grin at the compliment Iciclefang offered him. Hazeclouds tone was gentle, but a shudder ran through the apprentice at the reminder he so desperately tried to avoid thinking about. "I'd much rather run than swim. You can feel the wind through your fur, and you don't have to worry about drowning. A mouthful of dirt isn't gonna hurt you, just harden you up!" A chuckle finally did escape the toms jaws at the thought. He'd gotten several mouthfuls of dirts, and even still did sometimes.
Iciclefang trills a quiet greeting to her Clanmate as Hazecloud slips close to them. The gray she-cat’s green gaze rests on the rabbit, flicking mirthfully to Milkpaw as he takes a bite. “Glad you’re still able to hunt after your dip in the water.” The tortoiseshell snorts with quiet laughter, unable to bite it back. There’s no malice in the gesture, however. She takes another nibble from the rabbit’s hindquarters.

She acknowledges the pale tabby’s comment with a small nod. “The river is a fickle beast,” she agrees. “The smallest RiverClan kit learns very quickly to respect the water for what it is—beautiful, a source of life, but deadly.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin