This was the worst. Moons of debris and carrion built up to just make one hug colossal mess and, of course, who had been assigned to go and clear it all out? Why, none other than herself, of course! Because why wouldn't she be made to paw through rubbish and filth? At least she is not alone in this venture, however. There are others, a whole patrols worth actually but most important to her is her sibling, Laurelpaw. "Think fast!" she cries out as she tosses a paw-full of twoleg garbage at her littermate, her cackling laugh can be heard piercing the air (regardless of if her aim is true or not). If Laurelpaw returned fire she would stick her tongue out at him.

"Hey I'm actually, like, really glad you're here." she would admit quietly after a few long seconds of work stretch between them. It is not often she gets to hang out with her sibling, now that they are no longer kits, and it feels wrong in a way that Halfpaw could not explain. Why did stupid Sneezepaw have to get assigned to my mentor, why couldn't it have been Laurelpaw she thinks bitterly to herself. If Laurelpaw was Sharpshadow's apprentice too then Halfpaw could be with her brother all the time. She could keep him safe, just like she had in WindClan. Just like she always would.

Suddenly, a fat drop of water hits her square in the head. Then another, then another "What the-" Before she can even finish her sentence, the sky had opened up and let loose a torrential downpour of water. "Hare-dung!" she curses before skittering backwards, right into the tunnel they had just cleared. "Lucky we cleaned this otherwise we'd be huddling in trash right about now" she grumbles to no one in particular before turning once again to her brother "Hey, tell me something?" she asks, leveling him with a serious look "Do you ever have any weird dreams? Dreams about, like.. you know.." racing across the open moors, diving into tunnels after a squealing calico pelt. What life would have been like if things had gone differently and she was Larkpaw instead of Halfpaw. "Ah no nevermind its stupid. Forget I said anything." she says, a half-hearted laugh accompanying her words to disguise the way her voice ever so slightly hitches. Laurelpaw had felt differently about their time spent in WindClan shes certain of it. Besides, it was foolish of her to feel this way. She was a ShadowClan warrior. And ShadowClan warriors did not dream about what it would be like to live in other clans.

Nettlepaw would understand, she thinks. She misses him.

// please wait for @Laurelpaw. mentor tag for when this is open @SHARPSHADOW
prompt : Leaf-bare has caused debris to fill up in the thunderpath tunnels. Sticks, leaves, branches and broken pieces of foliage form large clumps that would make navigation through them difficult. You and some others are tasked with clearing out this debris, but a sudden burst of nasty weather means you'll have to take shelter! How do you pass the time with one another as you wait out the storm?

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight

it hits my head and I feel numb—————————————————————————————
Laurelpaw shook nasty garbage goop off his paw as he continued the less than envious task of cleaning the tunnels. And although his mind is on the task at hand, he can’t help but cringe at the future grooming session he was in for, he knew for a fact that the brown staining his white paw was not going to be pleasant on the tongue. Then a soggy chunk of garbage smacks against the side of his head with a wet thud. The blow puffs the tom up tenfold, making him a gross fluffy mess. He tries to retaliate against his sister but his attempt at justice fails as his own scoop of garbage barely makes it to his sister’s paws. In response to her gleeful teasing his tail lashes side to side with annoyance and sticking his tongue back out at her.

He goes back to work irritated now that he had sludge dripping down the side of his face, if she had been any other cat there was no chance she wouldn’t have had her face smeared into the garbage but Halfpaw was his sister, his ride or die. He would cool a hothead for her sake, after all she took care of him more often than she annoyed him. Her voice broke through the silence of their work and that put a full end to his annoyance as he nodded “Yeah, I mean I’d be more happy if I wasn’t covered in grossness, but me too.” he added the last part a little haphazardly, he wasn’t used to having to sincerely use his words, he preferred thinking them instead of saying them, but obviously Halfpaw was pondering something more and needed some sort of reassurance.

He was trying to think of another thing that might sooth his sister’s troubled thoughts when the water started pouring. All thought dissipated in an instant and the blue boy shot into the tunnel. His fur bristled with annoyance once again, he hadn’t been quick enough to avoid some of the water dripping past his fur and now he could already feel a chill soaking into his spine. He is hardly given a second to breath before Halfpaw is once again talking to him, she didn’t skip a beat. Laurelpaw meets her levelled gaze, not quite understanding why she is so serious, and then she can’t finish her question. It hangs for a second unspoken, Laurelpaw can guess what it’s about. He doesn’t really dream ever, nights are quick and dark, maybe he lacks imagination. Either way he thinks he understands. She tried to laugh it off but she’s obviously been thinking, been dreaming, about it for far to long. He lets his gaze fall to the small puddles forming outside the tunnel and whispers “I liked the open skies… the trees can be… too much sometimes.” he hoped other cats wouldn’t hear. After all they did to get Larkkit and Ouzelkit back it would be not only traitorous but heartbreaking to know that both the kits, at least a little bit, missed the moors, and for Laurelpaw the cats that roamed them.

my body's looking wrong——————————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
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