they long to be close to you [ snail ]



Comet doesn't like this place. Comet doesn't like these adult with their patronizing gazes and their words that cut like knives. Comets so used to not getting any attention and now the attention was more than just a glare here and there, it was negative and the only positive thing about this clan is Snail. She showed kindness in darkness even if her clanmates, or whatever these creatures called themselves, scorned her for it. She's genuinely really trying her best but these cats test her patience.

For now she stays in the nursery because shes 'not old enough to become an apprentice' or whatever the hell that means. Shes resting by Snails side and the nursery is quiet and peaceful but theres a deep rooted frown on her face, eyes fixed in to a glare pointed at nothing in particular. "Are you my new mom now?" it comes out as a sigh as she tucks her paws under her body and theres a genuine spark of curiosity in her eyes as she looks up to her. Maybe Snail could make the clan feel a little less overwhelming and overbearing.

// @Snailcurl.
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

It still feels wrong - hiding in a den made of brambles, instead of her burrow beneath the roots of the old birch tree. Alone, no mate beside her. Or, she supposes, not quite alone anymore - no, she's got a kit sleeping beside her these days. Green gaze flits down at the unexpected question, a gentle look on her face. "If you'd like that," she says softly, aiming to give comet a gentle lick upon her forehead in the hopes of comforting her. "I wouldn't want to replace your mother... but I promise I'll do my best to care for you as my own," she says gently, honestly. Parenthood is a new experience for the molly, but she's trying her best.