private they talk shit, but I love it every time // ash

siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d

When siltcloud makes her way to the twolegplace, it is with the memory of ginger and white fur haunting her mind, green eyes haunted in her every waking moment. She can't sleep, can barely eat - it is only lomapaw and granitepelt that keep her going. But she can't stop thinking about it, can't stop remembering. When a glimpse of red catches her eye, drawing her focus like a moth to a flame, siltcloud almost thinks she's dreaming again. but the shape, the color, and markings - all of it are not quite right. It's not poppypaw, no, this is a stranger.

Something about this fact upsets her more than it should, and all of her carefully laid out plans are thrown out the window. Dusty and dirty as she is, pelt drenched in the stench of the carrionplace, siltcloud moves forwards through the shadows, teeth grit harshly as she leaps at ashpaw blindly, hoping to send them both flying, attacking her simply for being there. There is nothing sane about siltcloud in that moment - she only knows that she wants this stranger to hurt, to die. Why does she get to live, when poppypaw does not? Why must starclan take everything from her?

// @ashpaw!
TW for brief mentions of poppypaws death <3


She knows that she's close — she's heard rumors, now, from kittypets and strays, about clans who mark borders and attack trespassers. It fills her up with hope that she's terrified to humor. But it's been a long day of traveling for both Ash and little Hellebore; she feels dead on her feet, and her belly rumbles.

So they'd found a place to shelter for the night, Ashpaw promising to bring back food. And now here she is — hunting — and searching, from the corners of glass-green eyes, for hints of home.

Then she's thrown.

A force slams into her so hard she topples right over, and a horrible stench fills Ashpaw's nose — she retches even as she's tackled to the ground. Carrion. She lashes out the moment she recognizes her attacker for a cat, spitting and snarling with ears pinned back.

Long, sharp claws seek their purchase in Siltcloud's flank, her hind legs bunny-kicking at the rogue's belly from where she's fallen pinned. But Ashpaw is exhausted and hungry from days of walking, from fights and chases before now; she's weaker than she should be. Her blows and slashes are weaker than they should be.

"Get off of me," she hisses, "put your claws away, I'll — I'll hunt somewhere else! I didn't notice scent marks — "

Assuming it's a territory dispute, she hopes the fight will end here. Prays it will. Can she survive another fight, in this state?

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • retro return!

  • - 12 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to riverclan warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclefang
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - bitter, cagey, jumpy; responds violently when startled; perpetually exhausted; territorial, unfriendly to non-riverclanners
    - soft spot for kits
  • - kidnapped from riverclan by twolegs! but she making her ESCAPE!!!
    - found an abandoned child. took the child.