pafp they tell you things you want } hunting chat

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Really, it seemed as though most patrols that were sent out these days were focused on hunting. That much made sense to Swiftfire, considering leafbare still hadn't been granting Riverclan more than the minimum mercy in order to survive. It seemed like hungry mouths were everywhere, and even with enemies lurking in the shadows, keeping all of their warriors alive needed to be a top priority. That was why she hadn't protested at all when she'd been called along on another hunting patrol, this time alongside a few other cats and one particularly familiar face - Dawnstorm. Another former member of the Ripple Colony, and one that seemed to be suffering the most out of all of them. She was sure he didn't see it that way, but he'd already gone through so much, even with Deacon and Sasha hopefully over the horizon. Though with recent events, that didn't seem to be as much of a sure thing as she had once hoped.

The other's confrontation with Ashpodelpaw was replaying in her head as she walked, though she wasn't sure how much of a confrontation it could really be called. That would imply that Dawnstorm had been an active participant, rather than just someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thinking about it made her jaw clench, an unfamiliar anger gripping her before she shoved it down into her stomach. She hated being angry with anyone regarding their opinions on the Ripple Colony, considering everything they had all been through, but it was hard when innocent cats like Dawnstorm were being caught up in the chaos.

Slowing down a little so that she and Dawnstorm were walking side by side, Swiftfire spared a brief glance at the rest of the patrol ahead of them. She wouldn't stop any of them from offering their thoughts if they wanted to, but her focus was primarily on him for the moment. "Hey Dawnstorm... how've you been feeling?" Already anticipating a slightly blank look to be directed her way, she continued without stopping. "I know things have been tense lately, with what Deacon and Sasha did. But I really don't think it's fair to take it out on you, you know? I don't expect everyone to just be buddy buddy, but you've just been trying to fit in." In another situation she might've kept her voice down, rendered silent by a want for nobody else to interrupt. In this case though she almost welcomed it, wanting to make sure that the other cats around them knew just how hard Dawnstorm was trying. At least to her.

// please wait for @DAWNSTORM !!

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
die with memories , not dreams .
His helm tilted, listening with deadpan features despite the twinge of grief that came with mentioning Sasha and Deacon. It was a cat-sized hole that would never be filled, and admittedly, Dawnstorm wasn’t sure if he wanted it filled because wouldn’t that mean he’d forget about them? After everything, he still couldn’t find it within himself to hate them, even if his stomach curled in emotions he couldn’t quite explain. It had been gruesome, what Deacon did to Smokestar, despite that, family was family, even if things didn’t work out, but things just went wrong and that was where opinions differed.

He gave a languid blink, tail nearly dragging against the ground in thought, ears cocking in a way that bled into crinkled features, mulling over his words. “I am … alright.” He affirmed, nodding. He was. He will be. That was what mattered. He can act, not well, but he can act like nothing bothered him, especially in front of others, especially his family. They didn’t need to know. A sturdy figure is what they needed, someone to lean on, to offer advice and comfort when things became too much, when clan life became stressful, and when missing home became too much. “I was there.” He responded, nodding, voice soft. “I am at fault as much as they are, though I did not wish for blood, nor death … It is only fair.” He rumbled, helm watching the backs of their hunting patrol, face impassively blank. “I am merely … doing what is only right as a warrior.” He would then add, offering a soft grin despite the unperturbed blankness of mismatched hues. “I am alright and you will be okay.” One day. He hadn’t added.

“Has anyone?” He then added, gaze crinkled, referring to minor incidents, remembering Hazecloud’s words, not for himself, but for others.
thought speech