camp They Want To Stand For Their Phantom Delusions, || Worrying || They Don’t Understand Their Demands Are Illusions


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

Chickbloom remembered this feeling.

He’d woken up that morning with a tightness in his throat, like an invisible hand was clasped around his neck. It felt heavy, like the weight of the world was resting on the whelp’s windpipe instead of his shoulders. It was omnipresent, never getting better or worse, but it left the boy with the sense that oxygen was now a precious commodity.

He’d taken greedy gulps most of the morning, as if he was trying to expand his throat like one would a tire, but it didn’t help. Chickbloom knew it wouldn’t. It had happened once a few moons ago, before the baby bird had hatched and was still known as Eggshell. This suffocating feeling had only abated with the help of others, with one in particular never failing to give guidance.

But Silversmoke was gone now.

Chickbloom’s psuedo-mentor had vanished; the strongest in Skyclan seemingly done in by rogues deep into the territory. Disbelief at the event had been diminished each passing day, until only terror remained. The coward was always scared leaving camp after that; worried that a slinking shadow would descend from a tree trunk and silently slit his throat, but the appearance of that group of rogues in the border just the other day had ratcheted the feline’s fear up to eleven. He didn’t want to get hurt. He didn’t want his friends to get hurt. He didn’t want anyone to die.

“M-Maybe…M-Maybe we should m-move camps?” Chickbloom suddenly blurted out to no one in particular, feeling shame rise in his pelt as a few pairs of eyes turned the tomcat’s way. “S-Since…since the rogues are s-such a big - y’know - p-problem, s-shouldn’t we leave?”
Something about his fellow lead warrior's disappearance made the circumstances all too real. Slate had not been particularly close to his other slain clanmates─it was not as if he had been close to Silversmoke either─but SkyClan had lost a loyal, skilled warrior. As aggravating as the silver tabby tom was at times, as much as they butted heads even on the most minor of matters, Silversmoke was a member of the leader's council for a reason. Now, he would not be able to contribute his wisdom or skill to the cause of fending off the rogues.

Tensions were just about peaking in SkyClan's camp. Cats were unsure if they were safe even leaving the clearing at this point. Slate did not wish to live in fear, but he was prepared to put up a fight every time he stepped foot into the pines.

Slate could see why the fretting Chickbloom would think it would be simpler to evade the issue rather than confront it head-on. It was the way of a coward, an easy route that would allow SkyClan to slip away from the nonsensical violence and live out their days in lands unknown. Then the rogues would close in on their territory and eventually bother the other clans. It would be a never-ending cycle, one that Slate did not want to give in to. He did not wish to run from these mangy curs. Slate wanted to fight, to spill as much blood as necessary.

"We can't let them win." The lead warrior tells Chickbloom with narrowed eyes. His determination was steadfast but he stood on shaky ground. Slate wasn't sure how much more of this SkyClan could take. "If we abandoned our territory then we'd risk losing warriors. We can't afford that, not with the cold seasons comin' up." Daylight warriors, that is. If they were truly loyal and indebted to SkyClan then, in his mind, they would follow them to the ends of the earth without any regard for their twoleg masters. However, with their loyalty being divided into two, there would be a chance that they'd give up their allegiance to SkyClan entirely. It was a shame to think about, really, how some cats would think to do so. It irked him.

The lead warrior flicks a shredded ear, turning a fiery gaze toward the camp exit, absorbed in thought. "We need to up our training, patrol in large groups if we must." It was all they could do for now. Truthfully, though, Slate's patience was skating on thin ice. It would not be long before the Maine Coon took matters into his own paws and stormed toward the city with the intent of questioning every cat he came across for answers.

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    a lead warrior of skyclan, slate is forty-one moons and is mentoring coffeepaw. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
Bat paced around the camp in restless anticipation, the tip of his feathered tail flicking to and fro in an endless rhythm with each ripple of his muscles. He was not nervous, not afraid, if anything his mannerisms bore an air of complete indifference- nonchalance. One thing he learned during his minimal time here was that word travelled quickly around camp, a rippling buzz that grew in its intensity as the sun slid across the sky- rogues had attacked the SkyClan cats. Ones brought from one of the newest additions no less, and whether or not such a foreboding series of events was deliberate or not remained to be seen. He was not concerned, at least not yet- he knew rogues, for he too bore the marks of one such past, a blight upon his tattered soul which could never be hidden, could never be mended, not truly.

He was pulled from his thoughts by a string of insufferable blubbering, his mahogany hued head swiveling so that those shifty, verdurous eyes which sat nestled deeply within their enervated sockets glinting with intrigue as they settled upon the very source of such a pathetic sound. Of course. Chickbloom was his name, if his memory served him well- notorious for his inability to hold his own, reduced to utter mess when faced with the cruel unrest of the world beyond his own. How sheltered must one be to become what he was? The very prospect of contemplating it was enough to drive Bat to insanity- but what he proposed after- oh, how it drove him to the very edge.

"Leave?" He echoed the word with a scoff, approaching the distraught creature with a slinking frame. He slowed as he neared him, circling around the other's sinking form, so close that his silken fur brushed just slightly against the others. "Poor bloke what's lost 'is mind somewhere, innit?" A twisted smile spread across his face, the corners of his jaws twitching as his serrated teeth- one of which was missing- unveiled themselves to the world. It was almost wicked, not in the way a smile should be, something about it was devoid of the purity brought on by what is so commonly meant to signify joy. "They'll find ya, ya know. No matter where ya run- Them mucks'll be a right plague so long as yer still standin.' Runnin' off now would prove to be quite daft...If ya don't feel safe 'ere, where ya got yer own bloody arsenal watchin' yer arse..." A shake of his head accompanied his pause, slow and drawn out, the scent of fear filling every inch of space between them, though it was definitely not his own. "...Ya wont feel safe anywhere, mate." He pressed himself forward then, posture righting itself as his face moved closer towards Chickbloom's- almost like a snake striking an adversary.

Bat's delivery was, admittedly, hostile- self serving in the way his incentive was to provoke an even more intense reaction out of the clearly fraught tom before him- however the words which were spoken did hold some reasoning within it. They couldn't leave, it was a risk too great. The clan was strong because of its many numbers, their loyalty to one another and their community tied closely into one which was whole- it was bigger than them, and even bigger still than the rouges- selfish rogues, surrounded by others just like themselves who would only support the other so long as they reap the benefits of what another sows. To abandon such a thing, even just in theory, was imbecilic.​
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Cats are disappearing. Oleander is aware of this on some level, though she has yet to connect the synapses that would send her adrenal gland into a fit. Her sympathetic nervous system has yet to floor the accelerator and send her crashing through reason; it has yet to cradle her with cortisol; her amygdala and hypothalamus remain mercifully out of comms. Maybe it's because she has not spent much time here, yet — she had seen Silversmoke before, but not enough to register his absence a real issue. Whatever was taking them, wherever they were going, was none of her concern.

At least, it wasn't. When Chickbloom blubbers to the air, though, Oleander's ears prick, straight as a soldier's posture. Something about moving camp because of rogues — she had been a rogue once, or so she'd been told; the word had not existed in Nightshade's colony. But if she had been a rogue, that meant that they were, too. Is it possible that Nightshade is after her, after all? Is it possible that Lovage lied? That she had been followed?

Wide, plasma-blue gaze swings to Slate and lands there with impact. He refuses Chickbloom's proposal and claims that they have to fight the rogues head-on. And then another voice joins in (and she really struggles to understand it, which she is annoyed by) and elaborates on the fear. Losing warriors. Increasing training. They'll always find you. You can't run. She sees the raven-black pelt, the arm and claws of the cat who had mauled her mother, and she finds her own breath hitching.

Air hiccups down her throat. Oleander doesn't quite understand the strange pattern, and so walks through it towards Slate, kitten eyes imploring him for... well, she doesn't really know what. "Is he... coming back?" she asks him, pausing to shovel air down her trachea. It seems her amygdala and hypothalamus have made a salacious rendezvous. She can hardly move, so she shivers at Slate's paws, feather-down fur collecting into fine silver needles. "I don't... want to. He'll take me back!"

Oleander shoves her face into Slate's foreleg, wetting it quickly with tears and snot. She hadn't realized she was crying until the fur had dampened beneath her. He does not particularly comfort her. In fact, she doesn't think they've really met — but he is something to hide in, and so she makes use of him accordingly. She does not know whether Slate could stand up against Nightshade, but she has to seek solace somewhere.

  • ooc.
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
"We will not be leaving our home, Chickbloom." Fireflyglow mews from behind the group as he walks over to join them, haunting stare wide with determination. His tail sweeps over the ground beneath him, tail-tip twitching and curling inwards as he thinks of how he could protect the cats in his den. Should he keep his claws dirty, so infection will be more likely if a cat were to try to come in to his den? Rogues didn't have access to a medicine cat, after all.

He thinks idly of Greeneyes, of Howlfire and her kits- of the rest of his family which lived in the confines of these sprawling, tall pine trees. Mother has yet to fail yet at protecting them, and She would continue to do so. "Rest your mind, dear friend." He reassures the egg yolk tom, brushing his cheek up against his friend's before pulling back. ​

In a way, Chickbloom regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He still stood by the statement, coming from a place of both cowardice and concern, but an image of Silversmoke’s disappointed face flashed in an anxiety-riddled head. What would the stern warrior think if he’d heard that? The milksop’s muscles stiffened as he imagined the lecture he would receive in return, no doubt lambasting him for letting down not just Silversmoke, but all of Skyclan.

In Silversmoke’s absence, Chickbloom expected to hear those hypothetical words wielded by Slate as the other stepped forwards. An ever-wide gaze winced in anticipation as the angry warrior opened his maw, but the boy was surprised at the scary cat saying something much more supportive than he’d expected.

Well, ‘supportive’ may have been too strong a word. Pragmatic, certainly. A far departure from the fierce devotion to wild life Chickbloom had come to expect from Slate. Amber eyes narrowed for a half moment, fire flickering in contemplation. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who was afraid? A folded-eared head shook away the ridiculous notion as fatalism once again took hold. The whelp nearly retorted, ‘They got Silversmoke, what hope to we have?’ But bit his tongue. The thought of his pseudo-mentor guided his brain in a better direction. “I’m not - I’m n-no good at fighting, but I’d l-like to t-take part in the training you’re suggesting - i-if you’ll have me…” Chickbloom never thought he’d ever ask Slate for combat lessons, but with no Silversmoke…

As if sensing the slight, nearly imperceptible uptick in his mental state, the universe deemed it fit to send someone to tear it back down again. The perpetually-terrified tom had never talked with Batscreech, but he already frightened him. Egg-battered fur bristled as the boy’s personal space was invaded, and Chickbloom attempted to back away. “T-They’re just c-cats…you can hide from them…” The baby bird squeaked back impotently, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself. The rouges were already demons in his mind, hiding around every corner and unbeatable in combat. Even though he’d survived the scrape at the border, it was just a fluke.

The pit Batscreech had pushed him into was growing deeper. If they couldn’t fight and couldn’t run, then…all that was left to do was die. Chickbloom didn’t want to die. He didn’t want his friends to die. But it would surely happen sooner or later. The whelp was now digging the pit deeper. Batscreech’s actions powered him like someone jumpstarting a car, All he needed was a little push.

Then, a rope made of soothing words was cast down to him. The warrior hadn’t realized ember eyes were doused with doubt until he felt a teardrop flick away as Fireflyglow brushed against him. Unlike with Batscreech, though, Chickbloom welcomed the warmth. “I don’t - y-you all know I d-don’t want to leave…” The warrior began, drawing in a shaky breath while he tried to regain control of himself. “B-But if it means no one else g-gets hurt, then…” The milksop’s focus shifted from mud to the medicine cat. Firefly should understand most of all, right? “I c-can’t rest my mind until - until we’re all safe, and the easiest way is g-getting out of here.”