sensitive topics they won't make it home [joining]


hi hi!!
Jun 10, 2024
𓆝 . ° ✦Mica lay in the too small bed provided to him, bony ribcage poking through. Why did they stop paying attention to him? They hadn't seemed to pay him much mind at all for a few moons now, sometimes remembering they were supposed to feed him. Thankfully, yesterday had been one of those days. Maybe one of the kits would play with him! Maybe they'd care today! He huffed out a breath before stretching his long legs. He'd been curled there for far too long. His energy was dwindling, but his spirit wasn't! The thin tom pulled himself from the confines of the fuzzy thing, seeing an opportunity in the window left cracked. For some reason, these people didn't have that weird mesh on them, which was nice for them. Giving up nearly immediately on the idea to find one of the kits, he jumped up to the open window.

He squeezed through the gap, landing with a soft thump on the wooden porch. Sitting on the edge of the steps, he let his mind wander. Maybe... there was more for him out there? He'd seen plenty of cats leaving and coming back through the day. Maybe he could be one too. That would be so fun! Exploring seemed like it would be so interesting! And having someone to talk to? That'd be even better! Mica shook his head. His people loved him... he thought. He didn't need anyone else. He was happy here! Definitely.

The see-through door opening with such a force that it smacked the wall made him nearly jump out of his skin. Loud, so loud! Whipping their head around, he was met with the elder female. He couldn't understand the words coming out of her mouth. His person reared her foot back and just looked so angry, he couldn't help the yelp that came from him. Even before her foot connected with him. He shrieked, skidding across the grass at the bottom of the steps. Something snapped in them, they couldn't stay here. Like his life flashing before his eyes, their person coming down the steps after him. He scrambled to his paws as fast as he could. He'd been pushed, stepped on, ignored, shouted at, but never kicked. He needed to get out of there.

The mostly white tom sprinted to the fence, jumping up as high as he could. His claws gripped the edge of the wood and splintered along with it as they heaved themself over. He landed in an awkward crash, still reeling from being kicked. He stared out at the woods, fear suddenly gripping him. What now? Another shout from his person sent him running again. He didn't even know where he was going but he went. Straight into the strange woods. Unfamiliar scents flooded him as he ran. Unknowingly toward a patrol of cats.
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  • ooc: TW neglect and abuse </3 Anyone can be a part of the patrol!
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.

Wandering near the Twolegplace never bode well within restless gut, as misfortune seemed ever-so-keen to ambush him from the shadows of its dwelling, from the darkness of the asphalt path to the concrete jungle that lie just beyond. That was, until something interrupted the Skyclan patrol. "Shit! Is that a - a kittypet?" Shrill shriek escaped the chimaeric tomcat, like a skirl whistling from the mouth of an instrument, an ungraceful and terribly-sounding note of sheer surprise. Ivory blur rushed quickly into the peripheral vision of the patrol-goer, with the revelation a rude awakening from his misbegotten stupor. The unfamiliar kittypet, who reeked of the Twolegplace's smokestack plumes, seemed as though he were running rather than attacking. To Chrysaliswing, a stranger deserved no penance nor discernment of their intent. They should know better than to dash into the forest, after all. Needle-sharp hackles rose at the kittypet, claws unsheathing as quickly as the strident rooster knew to call the mornings to summons, primed and sharpened instinct. "Stand back! Don't make another move, or I'll make sure all the white on your pelt turns to red." Chrysaliswing growled, heterochromatiz gaze narrowing in sulfuric wrath.

  • IC opinions! welcome to skyclan!
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Nervous
Reactions: cloudypaw~
The way this stranger falls is utterly distasteful. Anyone who's climbed anything ought to know how to twist yourself midair so ugly mishaps like these cannot happen, but time and time again, he has been proven remiss on this matter. Was it once or twice, that he has seen clanmates take ugly tumbles from trees? No, twice, he recalls the mangling of Figfeathers leg, and some fool that seemed to need extra sunrises in den just for the dent in his skull. If you ask him, that had been present well before the tumble...

A fall of this height, however, should require no medical attention. But in the same vien, a fall of this height should have no reason to be so clumsy. They splat against the ground like a bug squashed beneath an unseeable paw. Perhaps they should leave them that way... twitching on the ground. He knew how things like this went. The inevitability that was, you are here, and here is SkyClan. Dawnglare's nose wrinkles in distaste at the same time Chrysaliswing spits his silly threats. With a grimace on his face, he says, " Oh no, he is the least of your concerns... " It is one of the first steps in this territory in awhile... And though he preferred this forest to ThunderClan's, he yearns for what lies behind the very walls this stranger has tumbled from, even more. " Go — Turn back before you waste your entire life here. "
𓆝 . ° ✦Mica was reeling, heart pounding harder than it ever had. He skidded to a stop about a tail-length away from Chrisaliswing and his spat threats. Was everyone suddenly out to get him? His eyes were wide at the idea of all his white becoming red. "P-please don't, I'm sorry," He squeaked out, cowering backward into a mere shadow.

Turn back? No way. No chance. "They... they kicked me, I can't go... I can't go back there," He sputtered out. He was pitiful at best, looking much younger than he was in fear and hunger. The boy backed up a few steps, ready to flee if they chased him.
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  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.
  • Wow
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

————————Warrior | 43 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Bazza was still new to the Clan, technically he still wasn't of the Clan. It was an interesting learning process, this whole... Warrior Code thing. The lack of cooperation was... mind boggling to the foreign cat, to say the least. But he was willing to learn the ways of his new Clan, and follow the leader as it were. To a point. As the short-furred kinda-warrior walked in on a pair of his new clanmates interrogating some poor scrawning creature, Bazza decided that he'd reached that point. "Settle down mate, settle down. Ain't nobody makin' you go back nowhere." the lanky tom reassured Mica in his thick, foreign drawl. As always there was a smile on Bazzas face, and it was softened for this strangers benefit. "Blood an' ashes mates, look at th'poor fella. Y'd haveta be mad as a goanna t'think him a threat." he said to Dawnglare and Chyrsaliswing. Despite his words, there was no disrespect to his tone, it was as cheerful and well-intentioned as ever. With an idle scratch of the cheek with a hindpaw Bazza turned his attention back to the newcomer. "Now, watcha doin' round these parts mate. What happened, y'look like a crocodile jumped ya, why don't y'take a few seconds to calm down, yeah?"

[penned by Delphy].


It was appalling to see how Chrysaliswing was behaving in the face of this situation. Maybe Florabreeze was just a bleeding heart, while she did think a heart attack was coming because of the sudden appearance of the stranger she didn’t immediately jump down his throat. Dawnglare wasn’t all that welcoming either, which she noted with scrutiny but she hadn’t had much time to set expectations. It was probably just her bias against the chimera, his slight against Honeysplash and his unwillingness to take accountability hung heavy on her mind. She was a professional though, she didn’t want to let her personal feelings get in the way of doing her best as a representative of the clan.

“No one’s going to harm you, he’s just scared” she spoke softly, like she was speaking to a cornered animal. Though, she supposed that she was quite literally speaking to one. The maine coon frowned as he explained his circumstances, spluttering out that he was kicked presumably by his housefolk. She was thankful that Bazza seemed to share her sentiment on the fact that this cat couldn’t be a threat at all. No way this was some kind of act, if it was then she would take the fall for being tricked by it. Who wouldn’t be? Chrysaliswing wouldn’t be apparently.

She smiled, trying to appear as disarming as possible. While Florabreeze wanted to take a step forward she didn’t want to scare him off so she remained rooted to the ground below them. “You said you were kicked, right? How bad does it hurt?” They have a medicine cat with them, so if things were dire there was a chance that he could be helped. If Dawnglare felt so inclined to assist anyways, she wasn’t sure what he meant by his warning that the stranger may waste his life here. “I’m Florabreeze, can you tell us your name?”


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
𓆝 . ° ✦More cats? At least these ones seemed more friendly. The pain in his ribs throbbed at it's mention. "It's, um, it's kinda rough," he admitted. Florabreeze seemed like someone they could trust, at least for now. "But I'll be alright," he added. His green eyes flicked between all the cats around him. Settling from panic to just nervous, the young boy managed to relax his protective crouch with a wince.

They acknowledged Bazza, though with a bit of confusion at the accent. With a deep breath, he explained. "My people don' usually pay a ton'a attention t' me, but uh, guess I made her mad or somethin',"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.

Loud snort escaped Chrysaliswing's maw as both Dawnglare and Florabreeze attempted to pacify him, as though his flame could simply be brushed away, until it exhausted itself of its own fuel. The stranger's wide eyes, almost owlish in unfettered shape, stood unblinking and fearful. Even Bazza seemed apt to humor Mica's churlish, childish words. "The Twolegs kicked you? I thought they were supposed to like cats." The chimaeric warrior muttered under hot breath, as if in disbelief that such a story even happened, as convincing of an actor Mica was. If the Twolegs were so cruel, why did any cat decide to stay with them, when a whole world lie at their feet? There was nothing to be gained if one's master was so brutish, he mused grimly. Still, he allowed the others in the patrol to take the helm in inducting this scraggly kittypet - it wasn't like his protests and complaints did anything in the face of foolhardy kin. The chimaeric warrior simply rolled his eyes, lashing his tail all the while.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

She trails a little behind the patrol, today. Orangestar had caught a promising scent, hoping to return to camp with a lark or two, but has since come up with little luck. The commotion at the border, however, promises something a little more interesting.

The cat cowering before them is young; she'd guess at the age of Figfeather's kits, maybe a little older, but kittypets do age differently in comparison to wild cats. The adolescent's pelt is fluffed out, tail tucked, scared. Injured, apparently. Orangestar glances to Dawnglare as her paws meet the earth beneath the tree she'd just descended from, a disquieted look flitting across her maw. She does not often agree with Chrysaliswing, but the notion of twolegs doing this makes her pause; this kit had clearly found himself among the worst of their kind. Brown eyes narrow, but her gravelly meow is light as she says half to herself, "Every creature has rogues among them."

A beat follows. Quiet once more, Orangestar turns her attention back to the brown-patched figure before her. She sets her shoulders, not quite demanding an answer but certainly expecting one when she continues: "Do you intend to return to them? And what is your name?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & fangs
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦The aggressive one had a point, but not one he wanted to think about very hard. At least this new cat, (another cat? jeez, how many of them were there?), seemed like she had some authority. She seemed... nice enough. He opened his mouth to reply to her question, but the idea of going back made his voice die in his throat like a flame sputtering out. He thought back to just a few days prior, getting picked up by one of the two-leg kits with no care for if it hurt him, getting spun around and dumped back on the ground. The grown two-legs paying him no mind at all. Shoved away, scolded, shut in suffocating rooms.

He shook his head the tiniest bit to rid himself of his overwhelming thoughts. "N-no, ma'am." He looked down at his paws. "I'm Mica,"
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  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.
"Mica. My name is Orangestar. If you will not return then you may stay with us in SkyClan, if you would like." The tip of her tail lifts, gesturing for quiet, and her gaze rests squarely on the young tom. She isn't done. "Pay attention, as will only say this once. This life is not a kit-game. It is hard, and you will see death. But it is fulfilling. We live together as kin, trust and fight for each other. We share our freshkill, and abide by a Warrior's Code of honour. You will be taught to climb, and to defend yourself."

Her torn ear twitches, and Orangestar squares her paws once more. She glances, briefly, to Dawnglare; he would have to give Mica a look over, if he chose to stay, but young cats were always welcome. New paws to learn to hunt were always needed: better to train them now, in greenleaf. "If that sounds too scary, you are welcome to leave peacefully. Some of the twolegplace loners are kind, and some of our daylight warriors' twolegs are known to take in loners to be taken care of."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & fangs
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦So this cat was Orangestar. He could probably remember that. Kind of an odd name, but they all kind of had odd names so far. He liked them though. "That sounds great, um," he meowed, standing a bit taller. The promise of peace definitely eased his nerves a bit. The aggressive one he still kept in his periphery though. Just in case. "y'know, not the death or anything, but yeah, I'd love to join," The young tom, ignorant of the sheer amount of things he'd have to learn, gave a bright smile toward Orangestar.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5946625a416c54423263767043773d3d2d3433383230373331322e313463666332353665323430663131353434313033333535343434382e6a7067
    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.
  • Like
Reactions: Orangestar