broke all the cages
Jan 11, 2024

She / Her
42 moons

    SH BLACK MOLLY W/ LOW WHITE & HETEROCHROMATIC YELLOW-BLUE EYES In sharp contrast to both of her siblings, Cresent's sleek fur is cloaked in an abyss of ebony. Her belly and rear paw are splashed with white, stopping just short of her chest. Her pelt is littered with deep scars, some old and some freshly earned, reflecting a past that was cruel and unforgiving. Her striking heterochromatic eyes gleam with intelligence and intensity, the right a pale daisy yellow and the left a cool stormy blue. Her right ear has been torn off in some past scuffle, along with her tail, which is now a short fluffy bob. Her figure is elegant but strong, cut lean from the many days of fighting for food and safety. Her slight stature belies the muscle she's developed and the deadly skill with which she utilizes them.
    ⤷ genetic / technical description link.

    Crescent is the living embodiment of fire and ice. Throughout her time as a loner she's developed quite a thick skin, and many emotional defenses that had kept her safe during her long life spent fending for herself. She never trusts anyone or anything at face value, and believes that both trust and respect need to be earned, not freely given. Upon first impression she displays a cold exterior, devoid of expression or any insight into what she's thinking or feeling. She keeps others at a distance until she's been able to work them out and assess their intentions, and she rarely gives without expecting something in return. Favors are saved strictly for those she genuinely cares about, of which there are few. She's highly intelligent and calculating, and her patience for incompetence is practically nonexistent.

    Underneath the icy wall she puts up for strangers, however, Crescent is quite the spitfire. Sarcastic and flirtatious, she greatly enjoys teasing everyone and anyone she can. She can be quite charming when she wants to be, and is good at manipulating her personality to fit whatever situation she's in. She's brutally honest but also loves a good white lie when she thinks it'll pay off in an entertaining way. Her reactions to any given situation can vary greatly, and she can be quite volatile at times. Most days, her reactions are quite fiery, and her temper can run short in the blink of an eye. She's at her most dangerous, however, when she goes quiet; when she appears calm and cold, that's when you know that the gates of hell itself could not stop her from whatever she's about to do.

    Most surprisingly of all, Crescent deeply values the strength of blood and family bonds. She would never outwardly say so, and would deny it if anyone asked, but she cares about her brothers. And she cared about their mother, too. Eventually, once they've proven their intentions to be true and honest, Skyclan will also earn her loyalty. And once its earned, her devotion is undying. She would kill for the things she loves, and would gladly die for them too. She just isn't always very good at showing that she cares, but when it matters most, she always comes through for her family.

    GEN 1. NPC xx NPC. SISTER TO Dogbite and Bear

    MENTORING no one
    MENTORED BY no one
    ADMIRES no one
    FRIENDS none
    ENEMIES none


    Crescent is very flirtatious but she does not form deep connections often, and does not fall in love easily. She does not trust easily either, and will expect others to earn it from her.
    SMELLS OF cinnamon and honey
    SOUNDS LIKE voice description
    speech is #f9f5bb

    Blah blah blah blah.
  • dogs2.png

    [box=60%; text-align: justify;][color=#f9f5bb][b]speech[/b][/color] Text[/box]
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Original Application





In sharp contrast to both of her siblings, Cresent's sleek fur is cloaked in an abyss of ebony. Her belly and rear paw are splashed with white, stopping just short of her chest. Her pelt is littered with deep scars, some old and some freshly earned, reflecting a past that was cruel and unforgiving. Her striking heterochromatic eyes gleam with intelligence and intensity, the right a pale daisy yellow and the left a cool stormy blue. Her right ear has been torn off in some past scuffle, along with her tail, which is now a short fluffy bob. Her figure is elegant but strong, cut lean from the many days of fighting for food and safety. Her slight stature belies the muscle she's developed and the deadly skill with which she utilizes them.

Crescent is the living embodiment of fire and ice. Throughout her time as a loner she's developed quite a thick skin, and many emotional defenses that had kept her safe during her long life spent fending for herself. She never trusts anyone or anything at face value, and believes that both trust and respect need to be earned, not freely given. Upon first impression she displays a cold exterior, devoid of expression or any insight into what she's thinking or feeling. She keeps others at a distance until she's been able to work them out and assess their intentions, and she rarely gives without expecting something in return. Favors are saved strictly for those she genuinely cares about, of which there are few. She's highly intelligent and calculating, and her patience for incompetence is practically nonexistent.

Underneath the icy wall she puts up for strangers, however, Crescent is quite the spitfire. Sarcastic and flirtatious, she greatly enjoys teasing everyone and anyone she can. She can be quite charming when she wants to be, and is good at manipulating her personality to fit whatever situation she's in. She's brutally honest but also loves a good white lie when she thinks it'll pay off in an entertaining way. Her reactions to any given situation can vary greatly, and she can be quite volatile at times. Most days, her reactions are quite fiery, and her temper can run short in the blink of an eye. She's at her most dangerous, however, when she goes quiet; when she appears calm and cold, that's when you know that the gates of hell itself could not stop her from whatever she's about to do.

Most surprisingly of all, Crescent deeply values the strength of blood and family bonds. She would never outwardly say so, and would deny it if anyone asked, but she cares about her brothers. And she cared about their mother, too. Eventually, once they've proven their intentions to be true and honest, Skyclan will also earn her loyalty. And once its earned, her devotion is undying. She would kill for the things she loves, and would gladly die for them too. She just isn't always very good at showing that she cares, but when it matters most, she always comes through for her family.

  • She's unlikely to take a traditional warrior name after joining, as she feels a deep connection to her birth name and doesn't want to give up such a large piece of her personal history. She believes it's part of what defines who she is.
  • When she initially joins Skyclan looking for Dog and Bear, she'll use the excuse that she was just bored of her loner life and looking for something new; in reality, she's grown to miss them in the moons that they've been apart. However, that bit of nostalgic emotion contradicts the cold facade she'd built throughout her life, and admitting the truth to herself would force her to dig deep into emotions that she'd rather leave buried. She doesn't know much about either of them and doesn't claim any closeness to them, but is willing to try and change that moving forward.
  • Crescent will initially have an aversion to kittens, and will actively try to avoid them whenever possible. She thinks they're silly and messy and aren't worth much more than a bunch of crying mouths to feed. However, as she settles in to the clan and is forced to spend more time with the kits there, I'd like them to slowly grow on her without her realizing. One day, without much thought, she'll end up defending or saving a kitten from some dangerous situation and will suddenly realize that she actually does care, however unconventional that might look coming from her. Perhaps she'll even be a (initially) reluctant mother, if things go well for her.
  • Crescent has only had a few short interactions with two-legs, but they have all been negative. She's had a few run-ins with animal control and petty teenagers who tried to do her harm purely for their own entertainment, and it has left a bad taste in her mouth. She will in turn also dislike most kittypets and daylight warriors, thinking they're nothing more than soft mousebrains for willingly spending their nights in the company of two-legs. Its not a distaste that she will likely grow out of.
  • Her memories of their father are vague, but she has fond feelings towards their mother and the short childhood she spent with her. It is perhaps the only reason Crescent still has any empathy or kindness left after the difficult life she led once she was on her own.
  • She'll have a hard time letting go of her loner lifestyle, and will struggle with not being territorial or possessive over things like food and bedding for a good while. Even after she'd mostly adjusted to clan life and is getting along with her clanmates, those instincts will surface in most interactions with anyone outside of Skyclan. She will eventually just learn how to utilize those skills in defense of the clan, rather than against them.