pafp they're too far under 𖥸 scuffle


oh could i be the sky
Mar 15, 2024
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If doubt finds itself a home in her head, the speckled apprentice doesn't show it upon her face. Her paws carry her through camp with a practiced confidence, one fostered from her youngest days and persist in the face of adversity. She was a part of history in the making and though she knows Skyclaw can't have been happy to force his teeth into his kin's throat, she also knows it a necessary evil. It had to be... or this was all needless suffering, a needless divide. Still... not everyone is smart enough to see this for what it is...

Eyes still glower though tongues are smart enough not to wag... at least, most tongues. The sharp hiss of dissent slithers into her ear in her self-prescribed patrolling of the camp, ears angling towards the culprit with an intolerant snap. Her nose wrinkles, revealing her teeth where her lips pull back and with a stomping, furious gait she approaches with a hiss, "What'd you just say?"

She doesn't have the patience to wait to hear it and draws closer still, noses practically touching as her gaze hardens into the mask of pride and certainty that felt most comfortable. "Say it again, kittypet lover," she demands, "I heard you so don't try to play dumb." Her claws dig into the earth, tail lashing with a growing sense of righteousness. She'd fought Beetlepaw, she could fight again... and this time she'd win. There would be no soft-hearted adult to save them from ripping at each other's fur. No nosy half-bloods to snitch.

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Dwindlingpaw sat in a corner of camp, seething; her stormy expression was the only warning that she's one annoyance away from exploding. Anger had replaced every emotion. She ate mad, slept mad, and even breathed mad. It was her heartbreak for her beloved clan that constantly fueled the fire. Nothing was right; camp was missing too many cats, and too many monsters lurked when they should've been exiled.

Then there was dumb mottledpaw. Her burning gaze followed the spotted brown apprentice as she prancing around camp with her head held high, like she's doing something other than tattletaling to that leader wannabe. She laughed bitterly and loudly, as though it were the funniest thing she'd seen all day. "Look at her! Just because she is a fan of that ratface, she suddenly thinks she's important or something."

Dwindlingpaw smirked when mottledpaw got all up in her face and bounced up onto her paws. "Oh, I didn't know you were deaf," was her coy response, thick with fake sympathy and sarcasm. She lifted her right paw up and aimed to smack mottledpaw's face away from her own. "You're pathetic all happy because some loser killed his grandmother for fun. He's just using you mouse brains."

  • ooc:
  • 84389885_V6q52PfdEXDypST.png
    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point cat with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
with thunderclan becoming shrouded in a blanket of suffocating tension, anything as simple as a misstep or unintentional look could be enough to trigger a whole series of spats.

spiderkit, who had been drifting along the edges of camp searching for something to occupy their anxious mind from all that's happened, is startled by the sound of arguing causing them to freeze and tense up immediately as golden hues grow wide and somewhat alarmed as they sweep across camp only to land on mottledpaw and dwindlingpaw with the former stepping up to the flame point in indignation.

now if he even had an ounce of courage in this lanky body of his one could imagine they'd march over and give that snarky tortie a piece of his mind alongside dwindlingpaw but that's just fantasy, in reality spiderkit was nothing more than a meek child who instead found a hiding place behind a nearby warrior while occasionally peeking out with slightly planed ears. as satisfying as it is to see dwindlingpaw stand her ground and even swipe at the other apprentice, he grows worried about this evolving into something bigger but would anyone even stop them or would they let it play out to see who has the better prowress?

go dwindlingpaw. . . a very silent cheer from a voice in his head as he watches everything unfold.


  • ooc. anyone is free to be the warrior he's hiding behind
  • Untitled240_20240814011439.png
    a sh, gangly solid black kitten with large ears and wide, golden eyes.
    at first glance, spiderkit is nothing remarkable compared to other children in the clan but a double take will point out something glaringly obvious about them that being the fact they are unusually tall for a thunderclanner and one could almost question whether or not they were born in the right clan. other than sporting a coat weaved from the shadows of night itself and baring wide, unnerving golden eyes he also seems to have quite the set of ears upon their head and a snaggletooth that peeks just from beneath his lip.
  • SPIDERKIT —— "love. brain. heart. control. caffeinate. melatonin."
    thunderclan kit, npc x npc . littermate to myrtlekit
    amab, nb masculine / he they pronouns / 5 moons and ages the 9th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking

    —— spiderkit is a very strange child and incredibly introverted, a complete opposite to his fluffier sibling myrtlekit. they aren't the best at socializing and *tries* to befriend others but because of his way to make things awkward and the eerie aura that clings to his tiny frame, he's usually seen by himself in the shadows watching everyone else. this does not help the weird kid allegations.

    penned by cobatic
    "speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
*+:。.。 Howlingstar, Mousenose, Pebblestep and all the others before and after have since left Wrathpaw a little raw when it comes to in-clan fighting. He isn't stupid. He knows the conflict isn't about to de-escalate anytime soon. He knows he's the last person who can fix things. But in the very least he can...he can make sure Gentlestorm's herbs aren't...wasted...yeah, that's a good one.
"Enough, both of you" his voice is a bit too squeaky to be particularly authoritative, but he doesn't need to have a voice as commanding as Skyclaw's to be able to grab @mottledpaw by the scruff and yank her back. He would've preferred to pull Dwindlingpaw away, but he and the flame point had never gotten along before, he doubts things will improve now if he lays his paws on her.
Still, she never ceases to piss Wrathpaw off.
"Do you want to get yourself killed?" he hisses, thoughts snapping to the many victims whose blood has yet to fully dry still. He shivers. Turning his attention to Mottlepaw, he snaps at her, next, "And you, we can't go around picking fights..." and why not? With cats killing each other left and right over birthplace ideals, what leg did Wrathpaw have to stand on in convincing the girls to ceasefire? Aside from, oh I dunno, them dying? He swallows thickly, imagining Skyclaw ordering him to -
Now he especially can't look at Dwindlingpaw.

Attempting to stand firmly between them, Wrathpaw would hiss, voice shaky, "Skyclaw - erm - Skyclaw said he wanted a new era. We - uh - as the younger generation - yeah it's our job to help ease cats into his reign, alright? We're not getting anywhere if we keep snapping at each other" he looks towards Dwindlingpaw, thought notably not at her, "Gentlestorm already has his paws full with Palefire, don't add each other to his burden"

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] She had told them to keep their heads down to follow along, yet Dwindlingpaw was never one afraid to snap back, too stubborn to realize the situation that their in. She felt everything prickle across her fur, watchinf Wrathpaw step between them and speak to both of the mollies but Fadingpaw was quick aiming to push Dwindlingpaw behind her blue eyes met Wrathpaw's with anger and a slight snarl on her lips.

"Don't you dare talk to my sister, traitor" she stated coldy towards Wrathpaw before her gaze flicked towards her sister, still frustrated at the situation, scared for the safety of her sister she took a deep breath to try and keep herself calm; claws digging into the ground before her as her tail twitched a bit. "Dwindling, I told you to not to cause trouble, if they hurt you... and I can't do anything to prevent it..." she trailed off the last bit of the words falling in the back of her throat. She'd never forgive herself if any of her siblings were in harms way.

Blue eyes then flashed back towards Wrathpaw and Mottledpaw before lifting her chin slightly "a kit knows better, yet one of you is older than me and the other one is just a kit who became apprentice" her words were calm when she spoke while attempting to meet Wrathpaw's gaze before she could say her next words, "you both are pathetic and an embarrassment to Thunderclan." she placed simply in a harsh tone. She did not care if they striked her down, as long as Dwindlingpaw wasn't hurt, then thats all that mattered to her.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingpaw She/Her, Apprentice of Thunderclan, 7 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-cat with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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She might have been merciful if Dwindlingpaw had just repeated her foul mouthed statement and left it at that but the thin-blood sympathizer has the audacity to touch her with her disgusting paws. Her ears fold back, lips pulled up into a furious snarl the moment the other apprentice's touch has departed, "Keep your disgusting paws off of me," she spits, pupils narrowed to pin-point anger. "That loser is my kin and your new leader. That dead grandma you all care so much about is my grandma, you half-wit mouse-dung eater!" Her claws tear into the dirt, vision narrowing in like Dwindlingpaw is prey to be hunted. If anyone gets to feel sorry about her dying, it's me! Not you!

She lifts a clawed paw to swipe back, to do harm to the body where she'd done harm to Mottledpaw's ego-

Wrathpaw appears out of nowhere as a hero for her assailant, yanking her back by the fluff of her scuff as if she's still a kitten rolling in the dirt with Beetlepaw. "I said don't touch me!" She pulls away, stumbling a few steps to be free of the range of apprentices that think just because they're bigger than her they can throw her around. She'd show them! She was not some low-born fox-mange kit to be mishandled!

She'd make them pay for such insolence, for such slander against her and her uncle. In fact, she could call him right now and end this whole farce. He'd decide really quickly that he wasn't much a fan of their... misguided opinions. Who was that pretty molly that had stood with him? Redflower? There were plenty of others that had announced their fealty too, any one of them could enact his will at anytime. They could operate as the vengeful sword she wasn't skilled enough to be for herself. Not yet at least.

"Go talk to your own reflection Fadingpaw, the only disappointing traitors here are you and yours."
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Wrathpaw had some brain left not touch her, instead pulling away that screeching flea brain. Fadingpaw pushed her away, and it seemed as though she could tell that she was about to cuff his ears too. Her temper bubbled down once more under her sisters worried eyes and she willing stepped behind her to the side.

"He's not our leader no cat in starclan would ever give him 9 lives." She hissed lowly. It was strange how they spoke of killing as if they were all prey rather than the Thunderclan cats.

Dwindlingpaw's sly grin persisted as she spoke confidently as usual. Too upset to feel fear or worry about repercussions. "You fox-hearts are all still alive because of sweet Mottledpaw‘s grandmother would never have slaughtered clanmates." Puffing out her chest and holding her head high Dwindlingpaw looked down at the two naive apprentices as if they were insects beneath her.

"I bet you'd kill us if he asked you to. How far are you prepared to go for SkyClaw? What if he telling you to murder your siblings? What about your parents? Friends?" She couldn't imagine being so willing to kill, it made her skin crawl. What about loyalty? Honor?The Kittypet Sanctuary was looking like the safest place to be nowadays.

  • ooc:
  • 84389885_V6q52PfdEXDypST.png
    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point cat with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon

Softpaw wasn't sure she'd ever witnessed a time so tense as was the present, with Clanmates and kin at each other's throats over the smallest acts - it seemed to her as though conflicts were being made that were far removed from the original issue that Skyclaw had apparently needed to kill Howlingstar over; some were just fighting to be fighting, and her younger peers appeared to not be exempt from the bug that was catching across ThunderClan.

Perhaps if she'd been braver, she might have stepped in with an authority beyond her moons to try and end the little spat that had broken out between Mottledpaw and Dwindlingpaw - a moon ago, she might have had the nerve - though it isn't that she doesn't have that in her, it's that she knows there's no way she'd have the words to put an end to anything. Words, which were so important, had been stripped from her the moment Howlingstar's final life had been stripped from the ThunderClan matriarch.

Instead, Softpaw stood idly by, watching with wide, pink eyes. She made a conscious effort to lower her gaze, but only succeeded in turning it on Spiderkit, who was hidden behind a nearby warrior. How hard it must be to grow up in an environment like this, Softpaw thought - her own hadn't been a great one, but to be confused in your own home, that was what bothered Softpaw for the kits.