private thick as scripture - sunstride

It had been no secret to Mouseflight growing up that Sunstride had hailed from mountains, traveling down them only to eventually end up within WindClan. Mouse knew not which mountains it had been, hadn't paid attention to much of the stories he'd head in the past and had never thought to ask the other to elaborate, though he was sure that whatever mountains they were he did not come from the ones that the tunneler had been to recently. The longer he stayed within the territory the more the want to talk to someone about everything that had happened grew, but Mouseflight had never been a social cat and he wasn't going to start now by searching out random WindClanners to listen to his tale, didn't want a large gathering of others to speak in front of if he could help it, and he wanted someone who could have experienced similar things, someone who could listen and not jump to conclusions or judge but who had also not been there. They didn't need to go through everything all over again - they had all lived through it - and so he sought out the deputy.

"Sunstride?" The young warrior found himself saying as he pad near the other, quickly making sure he couldn't change his mind and simply keep things to himself. "Are you busy at the moment? I wanted to talk with you about something... about the mountains." Paws awkwardly shuffled beneath him as he spoke, not wanting to take the other away from important duties if he was busy, but also unsure on how the other would feel about actually talking about it in general. He had known Sunstride his whole life as a kinder cat, one who would converse with others if asked but not a softer soul that wanted to hug everyone and bring them flowers, but how much had changed since they'd be gone, with the rogues taking over and so many dead?
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki