wc rebels THINGS SEEM SO UNSTABLE [escape planning]

༄༄ Tension fills the air in the barn. Cottonfang—Cottonpaw—had said that Sootstar would send cats after her, and everyone seems to move with a renewed sense of anxiety with the knowledge of an attack on the horizon. Scorchstreak herself is concerned, though not overly so; Sootstar and her warriors will have to trek all the way through ice and snow to the horseplace. The rebels will have the advantage if they are attacked. But still, there is much to be done in little time. And her apprentice is the easiest cat to aid her with some of the tasks that Scorchstreak needs to complete. "We know that our enemies will be attacking soon. Kits, elders, and others who can’t fight will hide in here when that happens. You will be fighting with me, so if you get through this without complaining, we will practice more battle maneuvers later." She promises her apprentice a more fun assignment, if Pinkpaw helps without complaint.

The warrior trots to one of the barn’s walls, expecting the younger feline to follow behind her. "Our job today is to find escape routes, places they could squeeze out of in case enemy warriors manage to get past us." In case we die, she does not say, because discussing the possibility of a gruesome fate will do nothing for the rebels’ morale. If they do fail to hold back Sootstar’s forces, then there needs to be a backup plan to save those who cannot defend themselves. "If anyone with paws free would like to help, feel free." She casts a sharp gaze across anyone else nearby who happens to be paying attention. The more paws that help, the greater chance of success. The barn certainly has a number of weak spots, holes in the walls, well-disguised hiding spots…

// apprentice tag @PINKPAW
" We do? " Pinkpaw gapes in surprise. Maybe... maybe now that she thinks baout it, she remembers Downypaw or someone telling her... but she'd been so happy about Downypaw being back that she completely forgot! Immediately, Pinkpaw pulls her ears back to make the fiercest expression she can muster, to prove to Scorchstrreak that she's super brave and will beat up all the bad guys easily when they get here! ...It's a little bit scary, saying when they'll get here instead of if, but... um, she doesn't have time to be scared! She'll let out a mighty battle cry instead!

The promise of more battle training is um... good! Probably! Yeah! Pinkpaw puffs out her chest determinedly. " O - kay! " Escape routes, huh... Unluckily for Sootstar, Pinkpaw would never have any use for it. Ha - HA! she'd fight till... till... Whatever happens when fights are over! Pinkpaw scampers on the heels of her mentor, trying super hard to listen and stuff and not get distracted. " I tried to catch a mouse once, and it ran away through a hole! Who put that hole there? " She fumes, so overtaken by her rage that she forgets for a second why she even brought that up. " So um... Do we need one of those holes for us? "

Pinkpaw would lower her nose to the ground and sniff around, seeing if she could find one of those mouse - holes again. Maybe they could escape through that? She hadn't actually tried to follow the mousey, but maybe she could've... Or would Sootstar smell them right away if they did that, since they'd smell so delicious? Would Sootstar eat them? Who knows what Sootstar could do anymore... " Hmmm, " she mews, very focused - like. She bats her paws against some of the weird tree - walls as if they'd reveal some secret passage... And maybe they would!

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

The air was absolutely buzzing with frantic energy, a state that only succeeded in cranking Rattleheart into an even higher state of anxiety than usual. He knew as well as anyone that the coming battle was unavoidable, but a small part of him still clung to the idea that it wouldn't happen by some miracle. Like if Starclan themselves decided to step in and strike Sootstar down on the way, before she could possibly do any more damage. The absurdity of the thought was enough to make him actually chuckle, pausing in his temporary tearing apart of the nest of hay beneath him. He grimaced briefly down at it, claws slipping in when he realized he was destroying it more than he was actually repairing it - his original plan for it, before his worries had pushed him into an almost frenetic autopilot. He clearly needed some other kind of distraction, his savior coming in the form of his sister's voice requesting more help with searching for emergency exits.

Backup plans. Never glamorous, but important things that he adored having if he could help it.

Slightly hay-dirtied white paws carried him quickly over to where Scorchstreak and Pinkpaw both stood, his side nudging lightly against his sister's in both a greeting and a silent request for attention. "Some of the hay piles around here are massive. If we could find a hole or opening or two behind one of them, it would be perfectly covered for a quick escape without Sootstar's gang seeing where they went." He wasn't happy about the thought. After all, those hiding would only have to flee in the worst case scenario, which would mean that he and the others were... gone, regardless of how that had happened. Still, preparing was better than just plugging their ears and shouting over the possibility. So, he turned and headed towards one of the nearby hay piles, nosing around near where it met the wall behind it. He couldn't help the way his nose wrinkled in response, irritated by the dust that greeted him swiftly. Not yet enough to make him sneeze, but certainly edging closer by the moment.
༄༄ The calico is glad that Rattleheart joins them; the other tunneler has always been a reliable warrior, and besides that, good at coming up with solutions to problems. "That’s a good idea," she comments in response to her brother’s idea—a number of disguised escape routes would give the more defenseless cats a higher chance of survival. It’s strange, she thinks for a moment, how focused she’s become on the survival of those weaker than herself. Before all this—or perhaps the change had begun in the mountains, or even before—she had seen weakness as a deserved death sentence. Now, she understands that even the less battle-practiced have purpose within the clan.

She attempts to brush off the thoughts, and decides to reply to Pinkpaw’s question instead. Of course, the apprentice has seen a mouse flee through a hole somewhere; surely all of them have experienced the pain of hunting inside the barn, frustrating as it is. "Yes, we need one of those holes, but cat-sized. Like… this one," she sweeps a paw across the floor, gesturing toward a gap where a piece of the structure’s wall looks like it’s been broken at the bottom. It’s not a large hole, but most of WindClan’s young are not large. Warriors like Wolfsong and Cygnetstare surely couldn’t fit through it—but perhaps the smaller kits could. Her eyes shift to the red-patched apprentice, and a small smile flickers across her muzzle. She’s grown so much already since becoming an apprentice, it’s hard to believe that Pinkpaw was ever as small as she’d been when Scorchstreak was handed the responsibility for her training. Still, she is a tunneler apprentice, and her size reflects that. "I’m sure you could fit through there, Pinkpaw," Scorchstreak says with an encouraging flick of an ear. If they know where this hole leads to on the outside, perhaps that can further help those left in the barn to escape if needed.
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
“My. My. Perhaps a paw or two might be in order?” He spoke, emerging from wherever he’d been before, arguably, Fogbound hadn’t been doing anything then feeling the buzz of frantic energy high in the air, smelling nothing but the barn and the foul stench of anticipation hanging above them.

His helm tilted, still hindered by his injury, but growing more confident in his movements within the barn, no longer bumping into things like before, still rumpled and swimming in well-masked misery did he have it within himself to joke about his situation ( often, he found himself cackling like the devil ). The smokey moor runner had little to do, but he wasn’t a tunneler. Regardless of his well-aimed remarks toward Rabbitclaw about being a tunneler, Fogbound wasn’t a fool to not see their usefulness, even if his skin prickled with unease at the dirt and suffocating space. He wouldn’t ever fit in something so small, bulky build and prominent muscle ripping beneath mismatched fur riddled with skin graphs and puckered skin.

“I may not be a tunneler, but perhaps I can lend you my assistance, if you so require someone on the bulkier side, my dears.”
thought speech
Rattleheart says some stuff, and apparently its a good idea. Her idea is better, but it's okay. Scorchstreak manages to find a cat - sized hole before she does which is so not fair She swings her head to glance over, an oh! peeping out of her mouth. And Scorchstreak said that she could fit in the hole. What's that supposed to mean, huh? The girl huffs and shuffles her paws. " Ummm, I'm wayy too big... " she says, scuffing her paws in the not- dirt.

And then Fogbound comes over and Fogbound is weird, she'd think he was a tunneler if he wasn't all taller than Scorchstreak and stuff... She has no idea what the heck he's saying, but then she puffs her coat out defensively when he talks like Pinkpaw is a kit that can't even do things by herself! " I don't need any help! " she declares, lifting her chin very regally - like. All reservations are gone with that and Pinkpaw would go to squeeze past the opening in the weird fake wall. WindClan was real good at building stuff. they could dig and make snow dens and they'd never have any holes in them.

On the other side is sunlight, which she misses, like, sooo much! " There's outside here! " she announces to the cats, not super sure if they could here her, so she yells super duper loud to be sure! " There's, um, bushes, and trees, and, um, a bigger sun - warmed pool!"

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​