no angst things she said -- fawn


[ stealing glances ]
Jul 8, 2023
Quailsong, despite the way her pelt grows in all the colour of greenleaf shadow among the forest, has had little luck so far in her hunting today. It's nothing against her skill, no slight against something that she's so proud of, but the wind changes in every which way towards her prey when she's snuck close. Close, but no squirrel, every. Single. Time! It would be embarrassing to return to camp empty-pawed even in a time of plenty such as this, so she's stayed out well past the time she normally would have; sunhigh has come and gone, but it's not quite nearing the horizon just yet.

Movement catches her eye and Quailsong drops into a crouch instinctively, hoping for the scent of prey to wash over her, but then the form moves and that's too big to be any squirrel she's ever seen. The toertoiseshell freezes at first, thinking she's stumbled upon a boar. With a sharp inhale, an escape route forms quickly in her mind: largely being away from camp, but her speed is all she'd have as a weapon. She's no SkyClanner, no tree-cat like their neighbours, and the trees of ThunderClan are rickety and inconsistent. There's none of the swamps of her youth to lose them in. But, as the creature moves and Quailsong registers spots along its back, the fur on her neck begins to lay flat again. A fawn.

She frowns, feline brow furrowing. That's weird. Fawns don't tend to stray far from their mothers. Maybe this one is lost? It doesn't seem distressed, so maybe it's just wandered a little way away. Quailsong had done that as an apprentice before, for sure; reaching back in her mind, she's greeted by a strong memory of Swan, exasperated and relieved to see her daughter back in one piece when little Quail had gone to inspect an insect. She's also greeted by a wave of longing, a wash of loneliness that is prone to cropping up whenever Quailsong thinks of her kin; while she loves ThunderClan and doesn't regret coming to live here when the Clans had formed, she wishes sometimes that Swan and Roosterstrut had come to stay.

The doe shoulders her way into the clearing, either entirely oblivious to or ignoring the small feline, and, awed, Quailsong's breath catches. It's not the first time she's seen a deer, but they're rare, and the sheer height on this benevolent visitor this close nearly makes her legs give out. Sunlight stretching languidly across the tawny fur of a too-thick body for such spindly legs, hooves picking through the undergrowth as quietly as Quailsong hunts. There the ThunderClanner remains, ear twitching towards the sound of a Clanmate joining her, but she says nothing as she takes in this moment.

  • quailsong, tags.
    — she/her.
    — thunderclan warrior ; no apprentice.
    — attack in #C4B25E. low strength, high dexterity fighter.
    — penned by mercibun.

The cinnamon tortiseshell gazed upon a blur of color from afar, quietly strolling up beside quailsong to investigate what this animal was. The scent didn't smell like dog or any threat that posed to her clan. The woman was still cautious, hoping it wasn't anything like the boars. They were gone now, but she still was as alert as ever.

Instead, it was a deer, a fawn at that. She remembered seeing them when she was just a newly made apprentice. A rare sight, they were most seen dawn or dusk she noted. The creatures were gentle beings, not of any threat to any being except for the vegetation around them. She remembered her mother telling her they resembled peace, good things coming your way. Redwind smiled softly at the memory, turning her gaze upon the Molly infront of her. "I heard they mean peace or healthy youth are coming. I don't know if it's true but I would love to believe it." She spoke lowly so she wouldn't spook the young lanky being and her clanmate. Despite her not being sure of the fortune, she hoped this would bring hope for her clan. She tried to have faith in it. Maybe starclan would bless them and give them a break. ​

a fawn, gentle and doe-eyed as it clamored through the undergrowth. it's long fragile legs were surely no help in navigating it as adequately as any thunderclanner. soon, it was joined by it's mother. much taller, with more grace than her daughter's awkward shuffle. they were a rare occurrence, turning up more on the side of the thunderpath than wandering amongst the trees. monsters seemed to enjoy exterminating them for one reason or another.

quailsong sat crouched in awe as she gazed upon the duo while redwind whispered gilded omens in the silence. peace and healthy youth, nightbird wasn't so hopeful. the boars had gone, but there was never a moment that a threat failed to loom on the horizon. the lead warrior snorted her amusement quietly. "the deer tell ya that?" she teased the tortie lightheartedly with a wry grin. they were nothing more than deer. they would come through, graze, and move on. them finding a fresh spot for dinner wasn't anything to get all optimistic about.

Berryheart strayed not far, eyes set in steely focus. Since the boars had trampled his only source of marigold, Berryheart had been attempting to seek another patch- his supply was dwindling, and though he had alternatives it was disconcerting to suspect that there was still no way to replenish his supply. He would not let his clanmates know, however... it was none of their concern. Last time it had been noted, there had been a racket- a flood of tears, and- untalented in the art of soothing emotions- Berryheart did not particularly desire to repeat that incident.

It was good for the small gathering that the medicine cat's footsteps were light- he did not make enough noise to disturb the deer, even when ignorant of its presence. He surmised there was something off upon seeing crouched figured, overhearing the soft whispers of a good omen- through the undergrowth did olive-green eyes peer, is ember-flecked pelt taking rank alongside Inky.

They were curious creatures, deer... and Berryheart did not believe he had ever been so close. Askew eyes seemed to glaze over at the sight, his form stilling. It was a privilege to be so near such powerful creatures... and the lull that had fallen over this trio of warriors betrayed, perhaps, a mutual feeling. Intense was his star, objective immovable... this was a sight worth studying.
The fawn’s delicate steps are a welcome reprieve from the trampling hooves that had disturbed their forest for so long. The tabby slinks alongside Quailsong and Nightbird, his eyes narrowed with thought. The creature is far from whatever doe had mothered it, and it appears wary rather than curious. He watches semi-passively, knowing it will wander away on its own, and their patrol can get back to being productive. He’s almost as captivated by its stumbling grace and docility as the other ThunderClan warriors; his brother lurks nearby as well, paws scraped with dirt from digging at roots.

Redwind’s comment about peace and fertility brings a healthy snort from the tabby. He looks at Nightbird with a conspiratorial expression. “So which of you ladies is expecting kits, then? Maybe it’s Quailsong, since she found the thing first… or is it one of you other sweet, nurturing she-cats?” His ears flick with mild amusement.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
( ) A fawn and its mother.

Hailstorm's eyes widened from the sight alone as he kept his body lower before slipping next to his clanmates with both ears rotating forward to observe quietly. His gaze turning over to Redwind listening to what she said and unable to help but snort in amusement when Raccoonstripe spoke up about who was expecting kits. "Peace or healthy youth are coming." He thought quietly to himself knowing that it has been a little less stressful since they haven't seen any boars for a while now yet he knew there was still lingering tensions, in case, those massive creatures reappeared once more. He hoped not, for the sake of his clan, they had already lost plenty.

His dark orange eyes focused on the deer before turning to glance at the other warriors with a small smile present on his maw, Hailstorm rolling his shoulders briefly not really wanting to speak and potentially scare off the mother and its fawn. Something about it made his heart flutter. He was hopeful.