THINK OF ME WHEN YOU SHUT IT DOWN - thunder clan patrol

Little Wolf is more of a night owl than a morning bird, always has been. Night time will forever be ingrained in her mind as a favorite, its when all the good things have happened, anyways. Morning always meant going back to reality, back to her clan and away from the cat she truly yearned to be with, the cat she could never be with again. She had begun to notice a trend lately, whenever patrols were brought about she was dutifully assigned to anywhere but SkyClan, not if Flycatcher could help it and she is beginning to wonder if that is intentional. Did the gray-furred tom not trust her to be loyal? It stings a tiny bit, considering what she has given up in an effort to prove that ThuderClan is where her heart lays, but for now she would keep that worry to herself. She has an apprentice to focus on, after all.

She turns her head to look at Ragwortpaw now and smiles slightly. "What would you prefer to do later today Ragwortpaw?" she asks casually "Hunting practice or battle training?" she wasn't the best fighter in the clan, admittedly, but she was more than capable of putting up a good fight if need be. Perhaps she could talk her son into joining them. Burnpaw had learned a good deal from Emberstar, afterall. She would have to see.

They near the border with WindClan and the dark furred warrior turns to the other members of her patrol. "Make sure to mark over there a little extra today, the scent is a bit faint there" with all the recent rain it is to be expected. Little Wolf marks the part of the border she is at, rubbing her cheek against a tall piece of heather, though her eyes do not leave the moor lands as she searches for any familiar faces to appear out of the tall grass.






WindClan's air was tense. It's members were as sharp as a bladed edge. Everyone seemed to be preparing for another fight, one that would be done within their own home. The recent events have chilled the Lead Warrior's heart, and his demeanor has since become icy. Nonetheless, as he leads his patrol along the ThunderClan border, remarking the scent lines, he shows no sign of hostility. Not even when the neighboring clan's own patrol came into view. It seemed that both groups were refreshing the scent lines after the recent newleaf rains. At the very least, ThunderClan were more tolerable than the rest of the clans in the forest. They had never sought conflict with WindClan, choosing to remain tactfully neutral. The Lead Warrior can't really blame them for it.

"Greetings, ThunderClan." He speaks thunderously, spreading his scent along his side of the border.
Freshly emerged from cleaning a few of the messier tunnels, a muddled, still-damp coat of dirt flakes off of Scorchstreak’s pelt. Her paws ache from staying on them all day, but they carry her to where she hears the voice of a friend rumbling from the direction of their border with ThunderClan. The tunneler sighs, pressing her way through grasses taller than her own body to join her clanmate.

She moves to stand beside Tigerfrost, knows she cuts a far less intimidating figure than the dark tom. Blazing eyes peer across the border at the ThunderClan cats, and she relaxes her posture, attempting not to come off as hostile. "ThunderClan. How has the patrolling been?" She has half a mind to continue questioning the other patrol, but truth be told, she doesn’t care that much. And lying for the sake of conversation, for pleasantries, feels wrong.


A dark, silent figure among the patrol, Ghost offered little more than a brief nod of acknowledgement to the Thunderclanners before breaking away from his patrol to go about working on his own side. He had no bad blood with the forest cats, but he'd never been big on chit-chat with strangers and that wasn't going to start now.

Despite his seeming disinterest in talking, he was listening as he went about marking his clans side of the border. The white-faced brute was keen on observing his surroundings, especially when he knew there were others nearby, and while he had little desire to evesdrop on pointless chatter, he listened anyways, knowing that even the most casual infomation could still be useful in the right situation.

rogue - male - 29 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes​


Stars, of all the places Kindleheart could be patrolling, WindClan had to be one of the most anxiety-inducing.

The air along the border only seems more tense than usual, these days - as if one wrong move could cause a fight to break out. One wrong move and Kindleheart could be stuck in the middle of it, frozen and unable to run from the bloodshed around him.

He's tense, and he's well aware of it. His fur is bristling as they near the border, and he tries to keep focus on listening to Little Wolf speak with Ragwortpaw about their itinerary for the day instead of dwelling on what may come.

Kindleheart nods at the dark-furred warrior's orders and gets to work. But, of course, WindClan arrives to interrupt them. The brown and white tabby bows his head to them, tail flicking behind him.

"Greetings," he says back, but says nothing more to the moor-dwellers. He does not want to risk saying something wrong to the looming patrol. ​