private Think that I'm silent (Doverunner)

Perhaps it was for the best that Doverunner had been found chasing off prey by Badgermoon, and not any of the other WindClan warriors. Surely he had a reputation for being a little more upbeat than certain other members of the Clan, any number of which might've scolded the she-cat's ears clean off. As it was, the black-and-white tom simply let out a great sigh of mingled exasperation and amusement, swishing his dark tail. "What are we going to do with you, miss Doverunner?" he asked, only partially rhetorically, dropping into a sitting position and studying the tunneler. Prey was abundant enough at the moment that he didn't truly care - no one's belly would be empty because of her antics - but it wasn't a type of behavior he wanted to encourage. He let a small smile come onto his grief-wearied face and tilted his head to one side. "Did you have fun, anyway?"


Today's after-patrol game was racing a few rabbits through the moor. A favorite pasttime, perhaps, of the tunneler who was mostly bound within the confines of Windclan's webbing tunnels, only merely listening as her clanmate's paws thundered above her, free to race along the moor, unbound by the stipulation of their size and able to race below the birds as they flew ahead on that warm, comforting breeze. This, this was the closest she could get to that. When Badgermoon found her, she'd just "beat" a hare in a full-blown race, panting as her sides heaved but the biggest grin on her lilac face, triumph in her golden gaze as she stared at the burrow the small leporid had disappeared into. Her pelt was hot, warm from the unforgiving sun's rays and from the adrenaline making her blood roar and boil under the surface, and she glanced up above where a small crow was wheeling and flying on drafts, seeming to play with the wind, wondering idly if it was cooler up above or warmer as it got closer to the sun's rays.

A voice brought her out of her wondering and she ducked her head sheepishly, knowing she'd been caught. A shameful yet still playful glance over her shoulder told her that the cat who caught her was Badgermoon-not the best cat to be caught being foolish by thanks to his rank, but not the absolute worst either. Doverunner gave a flick of her tail, giggling nervously to herself as she swallowed another breath and straightened herself up. "I never get to run like this... plus I already patrolled and hunted, so you can't say I put off my duties!" She quickly defended, her tone joking but her eyes reading just how sorry she felt as she approached the other, dragging her paws regretfully through the sand.

Upon being asked if she had fun, she perked up a little, her grin more bright and her eyes twinkling with creativity. "Oh yeah! I've been trying to convince someone to let me make a course for apprentices to race under and above the training ground-there's already an old burrow there that the hares abandoned thanks to our scent being so strong, it just needs to be worked on and made secure! It'll encourage good practice for swiftness for both tunnelers and moor-runners, plus! For hunting purposes, we can capture young hares and have apprentices chase and race them through the course, which encourages hunting!" She broke into her ramble quickly, motioning to her previous antics with excitement as her ideas just bubbled out of her, "Training to fight is important, but with everything, I think the apprentices would appreciate some good, old fashioned fun that also helps them! What do you think?"
Badgermoon held up one mottled paw, as if to fend off Doverunner's torrent of explanation. "I would never suggest you were shirking your duties." he mrowed in amusement. "After all, we make sure to curb that sort of behavior in apprenticeship." she seemed genuinely sorry, which was good enough for him - there were no real consequences to her playfulness today, anyway. He wasn't so heartless as to admonish her harshly for having a bit of fun, not if no one got hurt or went hungry. He was surprised by the young she-cat's sudden explosion of words, but he didn't object, simply tilted his head and listened with interest. Tunneling was not his specialty by any means, nor was it even something he entirely understood - didn't digging in the dirt, in the dark, in the tight clutches of the ground sound like the very worst way to spend time? - but that didn't mean he didn't find it intriguing. And he knew it was very important to the Clan - not least because their leader was, herself, a tunneler.

"I think that's a very interesting prospect, Doverunner." he said after a pause for contemplation. "You should bring it up to Scorchstreak - she's our lead tunneler, and if she likes it, perhaps Sootstar will consider it, too." the bicolor tom gave a small grin and glanced down at himself, his large size painfully obviously not suited for tunneling. "I, not an expert on the tunnels. But I think you're on to something."