The sun gleams through the willow leaves that ring RiverClan's wetlands, warming the ebony patches on Iciclefang's pelt. The reeds bend around her strident steps; she pauses to inflict her scent on every bit of foliage she passes, her sharp cheekbones caressing the bends in the greenery. It's as if she's announcing to the world that she's returned — that she's back where she belongs, that she's stronger than ever. "Make sure you practice leaving your scent," she instructs the doppelganger at her flank, blue eyes snapping toward her apprentice. "We're approaching ThunderClan's border. We want to make sure RiverClan's scent is especially strong here."

In tow, she has Pinepaw, but also Ferngill, Cicadaflight, and her sons, newly apprenticed and stepping spryly through the riverlands. She is anxious to get this border out of the way — surely there will not be any incidents on her kits' first outing, she tells herself.

If there is, it will be dealt with swiftly. She tightens her mouth into a line.

"See the shore there? Those are Sunningrocks." Across the expanse of glistening river water, the stones rise up like claws from the earth. "That scent you're smelling now is ThunderClan. I think a patrol is on its way." Her tone is cool, unbothered, but her paw pads begin to prickle.

    additional tag: @STORMYWING :)
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

〕It was no secret that the Riverclan border was her least favorite. As she lead her patrol to the Sunningrocks, disappointment began to grow in her belly as she caught wind of a fresh patrol coming from the other side of the river. "Fresh Riverclan on alert." she informed the others, though they would probably be scenting the same shortly after her. When they emerged from the undergrowth, her gaze immediately fell upon Iciclefang and the three younger looking cats behind her. She recognized Ferngill, but she couldn't recall the other tom that ogcompained them. "Good afternoon." The deputy called out, her tone friendly enough. Ferngill and Iciclefang had been on the journey, and they were two of the many few Riverclanners she didn't outright despise. It had been quite some time since she had seen Iciclefang, but she could recall the lead warrior having a litter around the same time that she had. "Are those your kits?" a question she hoped the other mother wouldn't mind. The first patrol with ones kits was always a special one, regardless of which clan they came from.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.

Dutifully following Flamewhisker, a friend not long behind her and with eyes gleaming, Thundergleam cast her gaze to a RiverClan patrol. Three warriors, and three apprentices- and they looked like quite young ones, too. Perhaps this was their first outing- and was that not wonderful? Yes, RiverClan and ThunderClan had their differences- Sunningrocks was stony, steadfast proof of it- but the five Clans existed for a reason, did they not? When they were not competing for prey, to smile and give niceties... it was the wisest thing to avoid unnecessary harm, unneccesary pain.

She had never had conversation with a RiverClan partole- or even a RiverClan cat, for that matter. From the way this patrol held themselves, sleek-furred with turned-up chins, their reputation for pride was one that Thundergleam could not find fault within. Rosy eyes flicked between their faces. "Ah, have you all met before?" She looked between Flamewhisker and the RiverClan warriors- she supposed, if they had all walked this forest for seasons longer than Thundergleam herself had, it would make sense that they knew each other.
penned by pin ☾

"Don't wander too far ahead, Cragpaw!" Ferngill called- though his tone wasn't as biting as many other cats, there was a sternness in his voice that hadn't been there before. Cragpaw wasn't just his nephew now, after all- he loved him just the same, but he was also his apprentice. His first ever! And he wouldn't let Cragpaw, Iciclefang or RiverClan down by letting the softness in his heart toward his kin prevent his apprentice from becoming an incredible Riverclanner. Doubtless, he had the potential for it! That kid had a real warrior's spirit.

A silken tail guided him forward- a single eye of green flitted down to Cragpaw's face, and he gave his nephew a grin. "Like Iciclefang said- this is a border we want to keep very secure. So go nuts along the scent-line," Ferngill engouraged, teeth gleaming in the daylight.

Flamewhisker and an unfamiliar Thunderclanner made their ways out of the undergrowth- an emerald eye lingered upon the two of them, though he gave the deputy a genuine smile. The moons of the Journey were not forgotten... though they were in different Clans now, a part of Ferngill would always feel a fondness for those whom he had forged that path alongside. "Hi there," he called, dipping his head. At her question, he looked toward Iciclefang- nodded. "It's their very first outing, isn't it?"

The worry of what- who- might also lie across the border, went over his head in a gleam of cheerfulness.
penned by pin

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Pinepaw’s attention was everywhere and nowhere all at once, since she had taken her first step away from the island camp the newly-crowned apprentice had been struck with an unquenchable thirst, she had to drink in everything the small patrol passed, note every bit of knowledge her mother and the other warriors spared. By the time they reach their first border on this tour, Pinepaw’s feet are buzzing with anticipation. Make sure you practice leaving your scent. Iciclefang tells her, and without missing a heartbeat the younger version of the lead warrior would oblige, dappled cheek brushing against anything that would fall over, her tail swaying the reeds that have been enclosing them. ThunderClan, the name makes the girls nose scrunch with light disdain, though it is as fleeting as her tail brushing against the stalks. When the infamous pile of rocks comes into view, Pinepaw nearly feels a little disappointed- they didn’t seem as legendary as she imagined when she was a kit. What would she have been expecting instead, though? Ferngill’s excitement is near infectious, and the let down does not last for very long.
A thick, musky scent tickles at the apprentices nostrils with a pushing breeze, “smells like dirt.” Pinepaw bluntly comments towards her mother, making a small mental note to stash away for later. Two ThunderClanners emerge from the thick undergrowth that plagued nearly the entirety of their neighborhoods side. Real ThunderClanners.
One that shares the same ginger fur as her uncle and brother speaks first, the politeness earning a surprised glance from daughter to mother. “Do you know each other?” Pinepaw hums, nearly in sync with the ThunderClanners dreamy-eyed companion. The girls interest is quickly waning, and she does as her mother instructed before, and practices leaving her scent, like a real apprentice would. To her brothers, Pinepaw cannot keep her thoughts to herself, “they’re kinda weird lookin’, huh?”

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 5 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The journey to the border is lighthearted, even fun! As Flamewhisker leads the way, Stormywing scampers alongside her ivory-furred friend and cracks jokes the whole way. A toothy laugh is escaping her now as she breaks the undergrowth's barrier, following the two she-cats out into the sunlight and to the shoreline. She comes to a skipping stop at Thundergleam's side, falling into her almost as a humored trill continues to flutter past her teeth when she sees the other patrol.

Her paws turn to stone. She's know that tortoiseshell pelt anywhere, night and flame dancing as one, shimmering and sleek in the greenleaf sun. Against her will, her breath catches in her throat and her heart begins to pound. It's many moons since she's seen her? It had been newleaf then. They'd been on the bridge. Stormywing was crying, begging her to stay but she was already walking away. She'd been pregnant, then. And now...

Her eyes trail slowly over the three young apprentices that walk at Iciclefang, Ferngill, and Cicadaflight's sides. One bears a pelt of fire, reminiscent of Ferngill's. He walks at the younger warrior's side - or, more like bounces in a playful way, very much a RiverClanner in the way his sleek pelt shines across a lean body. In front of him is a tom whose fur is a blend of slate-gray, black and white, and eye of ice and an eye of sunlight. He almost looks like...and then her eyes fall onto the she-cat who stands at Iciclefang's shoulder, an exact copy. Save for two round golden eyes.

Those are her kits.

She wonders which one is which. Is Pinekit the one with a pelt of mountain-stone, a memory for which the kit was named? Which one is Cragkit? Crabkit seems obvious, and she stares at him a little longer because of that. Crabkit.

No. They're Crabpaw, Pinepaw, and Cragpaw now.
She never got to meet them when they'd had their first names. Never got to know them when they lived in the nursery. Her mind reels, and she suddenly feel very faint as the reality of what is happening crashes down upon her. She looks to Iciclefang again, silent yet her expression speaks of something tormented, yearning. She consciously steps away from Thundergleam then, suddenly feeling ashamed and embarrassed she'd ever craved her closeness. And she knows she mustn't, that it's wrong, but in the back of her mind she can't help but wonder, Does seeing me make her miss me, too?
The newly named Cragpaw can hardly contain his excitement. His first time out in the territory! He's been waiting his entire life for this moment! He canters ahead of the patrol, mismatched eyes round and taking in everything that he possibly can. "I won't!" He calls back to his uncle, half-listening. Tail up high, he leaps onto a low rock along the shore and stares out across the river, at the ThunderClan border. There are cats coming, his mother is right. His black ears press forward as he's making sure he pays attention. This is his border to defend, after all.

Ferngill's instructions, however, pull him away a bit. He casts a glance back towards the red tabby with whiskers twitching before giving a nod, grin spreading across his face. "Okay, uncle!" He hops down and begins to rub against rocks, logs, and reeds alike, perhaps getting a little bit too into it as she crashes through a clump of stems to ensure they're fully scented. The tom comes out on the other side shaking his pelt, and as he nears his sister he casts a look back over the river. One of the cats has a pelt of fire, like Ferngill. One is white like Moonbeam. The last is a tabby, gray in color, sort of like, well, him. He blinks and shrugs. They just look like cats to him, but the last one seems a "Weird acting, too," He adds to his sister, his head cocking to the side.
. ° ✦ Outside of the usual deputy-assigned task, RiverClan's border had become a semi-frequent trip for Bravepaw. Turtlepaw was good company to keep, a kind friend that had taught him to swim so he wouldn't get hurt if he fell into the river again- and overall he liked how easy a conversation with her could be. He didn't feel like the only one speaking as he often did with his brothers, or Fallowpaw.

His gray-furred friend isn't on this side of the border today, however. Instead he sees some new faces about, young and obviously their first time out here.

"HI RIVERCLAN!" Bravepaw shouted over the river warmly, glancing to Flamewhisker at her inquiry. "That's RiverClans lead warrior, isn't it?" He wouldn't know of Ferngill's face or recall his promotion unfortunately, a lack of presence at recent Gatherings being the main cause.

Bravepaw's gaze turned to rest on Thundergleam and Stormywing, the former appearing far cheerier than the latter. "Uh, bad mouse, Stormywing? Would some water help?" They were at the river, after all!
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
  • Nervous
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 Becoming an apprentice has opened the fiery tom’s eyes to so much out in RiverClan’s territory. He gets to leave the clan’s camp for the very first time, and he finds out that… he’s been right all along. He was always correct to assume that the rest of RiverClan’s territory is just as wondrous as its island camp. He trots along after his mother—oh, and Ferngill, of course! And Cicadaflight, who isn’t family but might as well be his big brother, kind of. A big, bright grin shines on his ivory-splashed muzzle as the patrol approaches the river that surrounds the very edge of their territory. He’s never seen it before, the border, and looking across it now, he just wants to jump right into the water and swim. But he can’t, because his mother would probably claw his ear right off if he did something so stupid…

Speaking of his mother, Iciclefang directs the boy’s attention to ThunderClan’s territory. Sunningrocks is just across the river now, and Crabkit—Crabpaw—squints at the jutting stones. His mother had fought there when she was only an apprentice, and someday he’ll fight there, too. Not today, of course… Lichenstar just made the announcement a few days ago that ThunderClan could keep Sunningrocks as long as their medicine cat trains Moonbeam. But before he can think about it too long, his mother calls attention to the ThunderClan patrol that’s moving closer to the river. A few cats stand there now, one with fur of flaming ginger kind of like his own, one with a snow-shimmer pelt, and one with dark rosetted fur and bright eyes. Another ThunderClanner, one with striped fur in the same shade of gray as Cragpaw, seems to stare at him for a minute, and Crabpaw cocks his head quizzically at her.

Ferngill raises his voice to greet the other patrol, which strikes Crabpaw as weird, because ThunderClan is supposed to be an enemy clan, right? He doesn’t quite understand what’s going on—why would they fake being nice to each other? The ThunderClan cats don’t even seem angry, and he’s kind of confused about what they’re doing. Suddenly at his side now, Pinepaw murmurs her thoughts quietly. "Yeah, they do look funny. That one looks like Moonbeam," he says aloud, not bothering to keep his voice down as Pinepaw does.

  • ooc:
  • 80686756_Bos6IC9xCplEpAA.png
  • CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
The flame-pelted she-cat at the forefront of ThunderClan's patrol is one she is familiar with. She calls a friendly-enough greeting, and Iciclefang dips her head respectfully. "That's Flamewhisker, the ThunderClan deputy," she explains, primarily to Pinepaw, but to her sons, too. She nods, a small smile searing its way into her muzzle. Flamewhisker asks if the apprentices are her kits, and Ferngill confirms it, stating it's their first time out of camp. "Yes. This is Pinepaw, my apprentice, and my sons, Cragpaw," she brushes her forepaw against her son's gray flank, "and Crabpaw," she twitches her ears toward her ginger-colored child.

She prepares to ask Flamewhisker about her own kits when the grass rustles again. Iciclefang blinks as a slender white she-cat appears, her fur pristine as the snow capping the mountains. She has strange eyes, rose-colored and lush — she fixes them onto Iciclefang and the rest of their patrol, asking, "Ah, have you all met before?" The tortoiseshell's ear flicks. "We went on the journey together," she mews, tone dismissive. An apprentice appears, too, dark-pelted and exuberant, but she only spares him a nod.

She is preparing to move on when a she-cat bumps into the white warrior, all teeth and smiles...


Iciclefang stiffens. The ThunderClan warrior's golden eyes are wide, searching desperately along the shore. She knows, then, that these are her kits. The tortoiseshell wants to wrap her tail protectively around all three of them, but she does not move from where she stands. Quiet, Stormywing. Quiet. She forces herself to direct a smile to her former mate.

"Stormywing! It's nice to see you again. I hope you've been well." She licks her lips. Her own heart pounds — not with love, forgotten or otherwise, but with fear. "Stormywing went on the journey, too," she explains to Pinepaw, Cragpaw, and Crabpaw. "She... she saved my life." Subconsciously, she touches the scar that runs along her shoulder with a snowy forepaw.

She twined her tail with mine, and we nestled together in the pine tree, and when I told her goodbye it tore my heart out of my chest.

"Stormywing, these are my kits." Her smile is tight and threatens to snap. "Pinepaw, Cragpaw, and Crabpaw." She touches each of them as she names them, ignoring their bewildered whispers as they find themselves under the ThunderClan cat's scrutiny. "It's their first time out of camp." Ferngill had already said that, hadn't he? She's beginning to lose track of what has been said and what hasn't — she can't help it.

Stormywing's golden eyes are just like Pinepaw's. The shades of gray between her tabby stripes are just like Cragpaw's pelt. Her frame, her paws, she sees Crabpaw, too, ThunderClan...

She twists her head away from Stormywing and the other ThunderClan cats.

"We'd better be moving on," she mews. Her voice is brittle, as though something might crack. "We have a lot of territory to cover."

Iciclefang turns to the kits and says, "Say goodbye, now. Perhaps you'll meet again at a Gathering."

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

Shroudedpaw's first meeting with the other Clan cats went well enough; he was too curious then to worry about the rivalries and trials between them. Today marks a different story, though; the boy is reserved and skeptical as they near the RiverClan border, regarding them with a distrusting gaze, even as his superiors make small talk.

As the newest apprentices of RiverClan are introduced, grey eyes scan each one of them one by one. A strange array of names - Pine, Crab, and Crag. He can't help the narrow of his eyes and a sliver of tooth peeking through his lips - it takes much not to snarl. Shroudedpaw's mother never introduced him in such a way, not to cats within their camp and certainly not to a rival Clan. Stars above, coddled kittens make him angry.

The apprentice's frustration is redirected with an unturned nose as he steps a little closer to Mousenose, not for protection, but as a signifier that he wants to go. He can't bare these pleasantries any longer.

SHROUDEDPAW ( he/him )​

( ooc ) mentor tag @MOUSENOSE ! ic opinions he's a little weird sorry <3

Stormywing takes a steadying breath as she takes in the sight of Iciclefang and her kits, confirmed by the RiverClanner’s own words. Each step toward the RiverClan patrol feels heavier as she moves forward, her heart thundering in her chest. The once-familiar face of her former love now holds a different kind of warmth in her eyes, a warmth no longer for her but for their kits. And oh, her kits - her own flesh and blood - are right there, their lives unfolding without her.

As Bravepaw addresses her, Stormywing's gaze lingers on the apprentices with a mixture of longing and restraint. She watches Pinepaw, Cragpaw, and Crabpaw interact with the ThunderClan patrol, committing everything about them to memory. Their curious expressions, their playful antics. They are her kits, but they are also strangers. Her heart aches with the knowledge of all she has missed out on. What is their favorite game? Their favorite prey? “Yeah, must be,” She mutters to the young tom. When Iciclefang says her name it is like a claw to the heart and she must brace her paws against the ground just to keep from stumbling. The RiverClan warrior's voice seems steady, but her eyes betray a hint of unease. She’s trying to remain composed. I have to do the same. Hiding the tumultuous storm of emotions brewing within her, she draws in a breath.

"Hello, Iciclefang," The gray tabby manages, her voice steady despite the ache in her heart. She forces a smile and a nod of acknowledgment. "It's been a while." She meets the tortoiseshell’s icy eyes briefly, trying to convey a thousand unspoken words in that fleeting moment. "I've been well, thank you." And then her own kits are introduced to her and her gaze can’t help but soften. She wants to reach out, to connect, but the barrier of duty and loyalty is uncrossable. Their resemblance to her is unmistakable to one who is looking for it, though, and seeing them makes her pain more palpable. But she can’t let her emotions show. Not here, not now. She saved my life, Her old flame tells them, and she clenches her teeth until her gums bleed. Afterwards you leaned on me until your shoulder was better and I never forgot your scent. We held each other to keep warm and they will never know it.

As Iciclefang signals that it’s time to move on, the ThunderClan warrior feels a pang of regret. She watches as the RiverClan patrol prepares to leave, her eyes lingering on her kits one last time. "Goodbye, Pinepaw, Cragpaw, Crabpaw," She says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Perhaps we'll meet again." She turns away, shoulders sagging with the weight of the encounter. Once again, she leaves behind the family she could have known in perhaps another lifetime, and it’s not any easier than the first time.
  • Crying
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