pafp THIS AIR THAT’S FREE [twoleg bridge pt 2]

Springtime has given RiverClan no reprieve from the troubles of winter, and Clay finds himself questioning himself more and more often these days. He’d once been so optimistic, confident that things would eventually turn out well no matter the tragedy. But it feels like RiverClan has fallen down a deep, dark hole, and can’t get the traction to drag themselves out. They’ve lost another part of their territory after already losing a good chunk of their territory for the entirety of winter; Clay doesn’t doubt that ThunderVlan would take everything, though, if they could conveniently stage such an attack after another WindClan raid.

Standing atop the bridge, at least, is a comfort. This bridge is still theirs, and there’s no contest about it. There’s nothing for ThunderClan to take from them here, no way for WindClan to sneak up on them. The bridge is safe, despite its placement right at the border.

He steps forward, rests his paws against the edge of the stone. The last time Clay had jumped from the bridge, things had been much different. His mate was still alive, his own life still had meaning. His clan had been faring well, in spite of the wintertime forces that attempted to drown them all or freeze them out. Now, the breeze ruffles a pelt that bears several more scars, marks of tragedy worn like feathers in ragged fur. Now, he doesn’t fear the fall from the bridge—he welcomes it, the feeling of momentary weightlessness that he’d experienced before.

Snapping out of his reverie, the warrior turns to face Cinder, pale paws flexing impatiently against stone. He’s going to jump, whether his clanmates do or not. It’s only a question of whether any of them will follow him into the water below. "Bet I can make a bigger splash than you," he challenges the dark-furred warrior, a grin already beginning to stretch across his face. He doesn’t doubt that she’ll leap in after him—Cindershade is as bold as she is fierce, and surely she won’t back down from such an challenge.

// pls wait for @Cindershade
Lately she'd been a bit more keen on the grief of her clan mates, but most certainly Clayfur. Ever since the death—no, murder, of Clearsight—he'd been in a dizzy of mixed emotions. She had noticed the subtle changes in his demeanor aside from just plain grief, a darkness that had brewed within him. While she certainly didn't mind it, others may not feel the same. She knows this isn't who Clayfur really was, but grief changed an individual. To her, a more assertive and serious Clayfur was welcome. She had certainly been surprised to hear his claws had been the ones to tear at Howlingstar's throat, and a small part of her was pleased to see it given the circumstances. They took something from him, a favored memory and he fought with all of StarClan at his back for it. RiverClan had felt enough loss already and it was time for then to finally fucking win, even if that meant stepping upon a few skulls in order to do so. Her clan could only give and give until it was finally time to take what was rightful to them. A time for them to finally thrive was coming. She could feel it.
Cindershade follows the earthen tom in silence, a thrill itching at her paws as her pads brushed against the stones of Two-Leg Bridge. She couldn't help but to cast a glance over to the stone, still stained in crimson ichor of the WindClanner that had crossed over to the border and Hyacinthbreath took his life. The whole start of this mess that had taken Clearsight in the first place. The lead warrior passes by it with a flick of her tail, shaking her head to rid herself of that volatile image.
Her thoughts are pulled away from her as her counterpart speaks, a playful challenge in his tone as he declares he would make a bigger splash than her. Clayfur was beginning to know her too well and her unwillingness to back away from a challenge. She meets his eye with a mischievous grin and a certain glitter in her eye. "Oh yeah?" She glides over to his flank, flexing her toes against the smooth surface of stone. "Let's see if your game is as good as your talk." She gently chides to the warrior, blackened lips pulling back into a smile as she jumps upon the railing. The wind billows through ivory whiskers and her sleek patterned pelt, sun beaming down on her. Enough of those morbid memories of the past. Today was a new day, and a good day at that. Once she kicked Clayfur's tail in this splashing contest, it'll become an even better one.
He never doubted that Cinder would agree to his silly competition, but it’s still something of a relief when she readily agrees to jump off the bridge with him. The dark tabby seems doubtful of his ability to beat her, asks whether his bite is as big as his bark. Shaking his head, he insists, "My game’s better!"

And with that exclamation hanging in the air, the brown and white tom turns to face the water, legs bunching up beneath his body. He shifts once, twice, tail flicking—and then he springs off the edge of the bridge. The feeling of weightlessness, the feeling of hanging in the air even for just a moment, feels more real than any other thrill that he’s experienced in the past few months.

And then he’s falling. Down, down, down, Clay twists onto his back as he falls, tucking long limbs into his body in an attempt to make his impact that much greater. The splash he makes as his form connects with the water isn’t massive, but it’s respectable, Clay thinks. Droplets of water rain down on him, landing solidly upon his ears and nose—his muzzle splits into a grin, pleased with his work.

From the water, he looks up at the other warrior, awaiting her leap. There’s no way she can make a bigger splash than him!

// dude rolled a 13 for splash

// CW of panic and fear of drowning

A brow is raised at his exclamation, her stoicism faltering as a smile breaches upon dark features. Clayfur. A clan mate and friend to her, they've become more close on these past moons; although what really started it was grief—but it began to bloom into something more. Would she actually admit such a thing? No, of course not. Though she feels that certain giddiness within her chest, and perhaps it's more of the thrill when facing off the ledge of her hovering bridge below churning water, no one would know.
The dark warrior watches with a mischievous glint in her eyes, observes his form before he launches into the air before spiraling down, faster and faster he went. She peers over the ledge just in time to see him collide into the water like a dense stone. A splash is heard to her ears over the roar of the falls, foam swirling where his body had met the water. A decent splash it was, no doubt because of his tightly woven form. "Not bad!" She calls down below, rasped voice booming and still that competitive spirit lingered in her tone. But I can do better, she adds silently before readying her own self.

Cindershade takes a similar form of the earthen tom, bunching powerful legs beneath her sturdy frame and eyeing the flowing water below. She takes a breath, her tail poised and fires herself forward with all her might. In that moment she, suspended within the air and feeling the wind in her ears, felt like absolute bliss—almost ethereal and she's at peace. Her heart drops into her abdomen, that exhilaration of adrenaline bursting through her body and pumping madly had her almost giggling as gravity takes a hold of her. She falls fast, her hulking frame bringing her crashing down and she also tucks in her own extremities. Before she knows it, the molly crashes into the surface in a large splash, surely flinging a wave of droplets towards her counterpart.
The water caresses her softly, it's cooling touch instantly soaking into her sleek pelt and kissing her skin. The invigorating feeling she had in that moment, the dulling silence of nothing but the sound of her own thoughts and lull of the river, she couldn't imagine not living in any other clan besides RiverClan. Once she's sank close to the bottom, the rosetted warrior moves her body and attempts to kick off, but she's reeled back in. What—? Her eyes open, unable to clearly see her surroundings except for the blur of shapes and the light of the surface. Why wasn't she moving?

Something has a hold of her.

She feels the tug against her hind leg, feels something constricting around her foot that keeps her, literally, rooted to the bottom. Paws half-blindly mosey around and she feels something, something tight but nearly invisible. Panic threatens to take over, it's steely embrace clutching around her thrumming heart and she, for once, can't stop it. No one could hear her voice, no one could see her besides, and hopefully, Clayfur. She thrashes about and tugs harshly, but whatever keeps her there does not budge. It's grasp tightens more and more as pain sears through her leg. She swipes, but can't twist enough in order to get an accurate hit to at least loosen it up some. Her body is slowly suffocating, her timer running out and lungs clenching from the strain. She's suspended and the possibile chance of her dying is starting to become real.

Stars, was she going to die?

//rolled a 16 for splash

// She's trapped in some fishing line! The hook is wedged between the nook of some rocks. Dumb trash!

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  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

Jumping from the bridge has become somewhat of a regular pastime for thrill-seekers, but Snakeblink cannot say he shares their taste for it. He’s had enough of it the one time Cindershade pushed him off, and as… invigorating as the experience was he vastly prefers watching from the shore.

It’s a fun spectacle even from below. He sat to watch as soon as he noticed Clayfur and Cindershade up on the ledge, and the tom’s distant taunt followed by a loud splash had his whiskers quirking up in amusement. It’s nice to see the brown tabby finding his way back to his former light-hearted personality; nice to see him heal from the loss of Clearsight. His strength of mind is nothing short of admirable.

Snakeblink tilts his head back to wait for Cindershade’s jump. She dives, a shadow falling from on high and crashing into the river with a large splash, showering Snakeblink with water. Wiping droplets off his face, he goes to congratulate Cindershade on her… victory? Was that the goal of their little contest? But his mouth snaps shut once more when he doesn’t see her emerging from the depths. Silvery bubbles rise up to the surface, then disappear.

Concern brings a frown to his face and, unfolding from his resting position, he dives into the water, kicking towards the two warriors with his eyes open.

Cindershade cuts a shadowed silhouette in the sunlit depths. She isn’t swimming, nor does she seem to be diving for the pleasure of it: she’s curled on herself, swiping ineffectively at her own leg. Something alien, web-like, extends from her leg to the bottom of the river. Worry strikes like lightning through Snakeblink’s veins. He doesn’t take the time to think, to assess the threat: he weaves through the current to his clanmate, grasping the strange, slick material between his paws as he grabs it between his teeth, attempting to pull it off her the way he would an enemy grappling her. His own breath escapes in bursts of bubbles, his chest tightening; if he’s already lacking air, he cannot imagine the state of her.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

All of the celebration that Clayfur is having for himself and his giant splash is cut off when the other warrior hits the water—he’s still soaking wet from his own leap, but it somehow feels as though he’s been soaked, like, even more from the splash that Cindershade makes. An even bigger grin splits his face, happy even though he’s clearly lost the competition for the largest splash. "Whoa, Cinder, how did you-"

The rest of his words are cut off as he comes to the realization that he can’t see the other warrior anymore. Cindershade hasn’t reappeared above the water yet. Is she… is she okay? Is she playing a prank, staying underwater just long enough to get him to worry before she pops her head back above the surface? But no. She doesn’t reappear, and from the place where she’d hit the water—bubbles.

Oh no.

He looks around for a moment, hazel gaze landing on Snakeblink, hoping the other warrior can help in some way. But before he can act, the other brown and white tabby is already diving into the water as well. "Shit," he hisses through his teeth, following after Snakeblink beneath the surface.

Under the water, it’s crystal clear what’s gone wrong—Clay has to blink away the stinging at his eyes as he spots the problem. A string connects Cinder to something farther underwater, and Snakeblink is already attempting to shred the string. In his panic, there’s no thinking clearly, and the bicolored tom kicks his way deeper below the water. The string disappears beneath a rock—there’s no way to dislodge it, is there? But to bite at the string like Snakeblink is wouldn’t allow for holding his breath, and all of them drowning would be, like, horrible.

With one final push, Clay begins to scramble at the rock that the string seems to be caught on, desperation coloring his actions. Cinder has been down here much longer than either him or Snakeblink—she can’t have much time left! Stupid, stupid twoleg objects!
  • Love
Reactions: Snakeblink
// cw for mild thoughts of death and feeling of suffocation

The under water that once had been a beacon of peace for her had now been snuffed out. She thrashes about wildly, panic settling like a stone amongst the rushing river. Her lungs burn from the lack of oxygen, air leaving her more snd more as she moves. She has to get out. She has to. She will not die here, she refused. The string catches hold of her in a vice grip, it's constriction growing even tighter till it cuts into her skin. Blood spirals from her now open wound, dancing in the water as it moves along with the current. She prays that they know, they know she's there. She cannot call, nor can she make much noise but relieve more air from her lungs. A pressure squeezes her chest, her heart hammering against it's ivory cage but she still does not yield to it.
Out of the corner of her now blurring vision, she makes out a silhouette from the surface. Not one, but two. Help had come. She knows one was Clayfur, but who was the other? It's then that a tabby pelt reaches her vision along with deep green eyes. Snakeblink. He was aiding Clayfur in saving her. For once, in the midst of her mild hysteria, she's glad he was here. That both of them were or else she'd be lost to the tumbling river. They bite at the string that roots her, pulling and tugging and in her last bit of strength, she helps by thrashing and pulling, ignoring the waves of pain that jolts up her limb loke cracked lightning.
Somewhere, she's not sure how or who, but the line looses from her. Exhaustion plagues her now, muscles and lungs burning as fire blazed through her but she is finally free. With one last kick, she ascends to the surface. She breaks through the water, gasping hungrily as air finally filters into her body. Her head is dizzy from the lack of oxygen but she does not care. She's alive. She's alive because of Clayfur and Snakeblink. They saved her. Water expels from her lips as she coughs, her body revitalizing and somehow she slowly propels her way to shore. With one last effort she hauls out of the water and collapses onto the pebble-laiden shore, tail end still hanging in the shallows but she doesn't care. Cindershade turns towards the two, a darkened fear shading her eyes and twisted on her face. She speaks, tongue lolling as she pants. "You—you saved me." She murmurs, voice soft and hoarse. "Th-thank you." Despite her normal ire-like behavior, now she is nothing but grateful to the both of them. Turning her head to the earthen tom, she attempts a smile to ensure she was okay. "B-beat that." A soft huff of laughter she makes in futile effort to be funny, though the last thing on her mind was a measly competition. I owe you both my life.

  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink
Through some grace of the world, of the river, of perhaps the stars themselves, the string comes loose from where it traps Cinder beneath the surface. The she-cat’s thrashing may have set it loose, or maybe Snakeblink and Clay’s efforts are what pulled it free. Either way, how it happened doesn’t matter. All that matters is this: Cindershade, lead warrior of RiverClan, lives to see another day. Through the ripples of water, he sees her shadowy form break the surface, and at last Clay lets out the breath he’s been holding. The bubbles trickle up through the river, trailing behind her as she moves to safety, and the brown and white warrior follows.

Kicking his way to shore, Clayfur slumps onto the ground beside where Cinder has collapsed, tail curling carefully toward her flank. "Oh, thank the stars…" he murmurs, reminded for a moment of Clearsight as he speaks. Worry paints his entire figure, from the tension in his shoulders to the arch of his back. The other warrior pants her thanks, and it’s easy to brush off—she owes him nothing. He’d save her even if she weren’t a friend. Even if she weren’t a lead warrior. She’s a clanmate. He cares deeply for her, and for every other member of RiverClan. He could never let her die.

She tells him to beat that, and Clayfur scoffs. "I’m not sure I wanna try," he says with a shrug. Is it too soon to make a lighthearted joke about his friend nearly drowning? Because no splash he could create would be able to top the adrenaline of having to help rescue the inky-furred lead warrior from her near-fate beneath the waves. "I’m not even that mad about admitting I lost. I’m just glad you’re, like, alive. What was that thing?"