twolegplace this cool night air is curious // rougeblings


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
A street light flickers periodically, making the dimly lit alleyway that its mounted in front of appear even more eerie. For several moments the street light casts a yellow ambience, revealing two small, dark shapes in the center of the alleyway entrance. It flickers off, casting all that surrounds the light post in complete darkness before shining once more, revealing that the figures no longer remained.

At the furthest part of the dead-end alley, a compact feline appears on a dumpster, hunkered down to gaze downwards at the filthiness below. Kite crouches with their neck strained forward to glare at the ground beneath the dumpster, their cheeks twitching in anticipation. They hear the squeals of the soon to be victims beneath the dumpster, foraging for the filth which is their next meal. All they must do is wait, be patient. It pays off in seconds when an ashen furred creature skitters out from beneath, perhaps wanting relief from the stench which radiates from the dumpster which Kite is perched upon. Kite launches themself from the lid and lands squarely on the mouse. The impact of their paws cracks the creature’s spine, causing the corner of Kite’s lips to jerk upwards in satisfaction. “Get yourself one too. I won’t be sharing.” Kite murmurs quietly with a twinge of humor.

Kite lifts a forepaw upwards and jerks her muzzle downwards to grasp the small creature by its throat, giving it the killing blow. They relish the acidic taste that floods into her mouth from the puncture wounds, but they resist the urge to devour this meal now. Still leaning downwards she flicks their gaze to beneath the dumpster where mice now cower in fear from their hunter or scatter, diving into the darkness of the alley for cover. Kite rolls her eyes and growls around the fur in her mouth, “Idiots.”

Kite’s eyes sparkle as they turn about and trot towards a fence in which she easily scales, securing their claws into the rotting wood and propelling themselves up with their strong hindquarters. They balance atop the fenceline and glance about. ”Time for home,” they announce around their kill, glancing over their shoulder at the cat who accompanied them on this excursion away from their home.


———————---***KEEP IT ALL INSIDE***———————---

  • black tabby with a slim physique with compact muscles
    37, ages every 21st
    child of
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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( 𓆙 ) quiet, she is, quiet like the mice that huddle beneath the dumpster. quieter still when their sibling strikes down upon the creatures, sending them squealing and shrieking for aid. gleaming blue eyes watch with odd interest as the neck snaps, the chest stops heaving. inside, she knows, the heart has stopped pumping blood through twig-thin veins. her sibling smirks around her kill, victorious and vicious, relishing the mouse's demise. shrike creeps closer, brushing up against their kin's dark fur. "very well," they murmur, voice high and cold. dark blue ears angle forward, seeking the scuttling of some other creature. "as long as you give me the bones after," beseeching eyes find kite again - the dark tabby is well aware of shrike's fondness for such objects.

movement shuffles at the dark end of the alley, and the blue tabby drops into a crouch. languid, their body flows across the ground, expertly stalking. they are snakelike in their movements, their body a thing of beauty as she halts, half a length from the prey. a lone mouse, abandoned by its brethren, sits dumbly in the darkness. shrike grins a toothy smile, one paw reaching out to pull the animal towards her. thorn-like claws pierce it, sliding across its throat to incapacitate it. it wriggles for a moment longer, as its body fights death, and the young cat leans in to observe the beads of crimson now decorating their claws. from behind, her sibling speaks, and she heeds the request, snatching up the mouse in their jaws and re-joining kite atop the rickety fence. "it's quiet out tonight," they murmur vaguely.

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    a blue tabby with a white mask, wing-shaped patches on her back, and blue eyes. blue, with a darker blue stripe running down their back, tail and ears. their chest and paws are white, and they have a white mask around her eyes, and white wing-like patches along their back and sides. piercing dark blue eyes often give a far-away look, slightly vacant but always glimmering with thought. she has two small scars, curling pink along her neck, gifts from an enemy rogue in her youth.
"Tooooo quiet," Vixen trills in agreement, appearing atop a nearby rooftop. Her tail sweeps the compact stones beneath weathered paws, though chartreuse eyes flicker over the two cats and their kills. Having eaten earlier and comfortable with mooching food off the two-legged inhabitants of the town, she has no interest in their prey, but it's nice to see her kin succeeding in feeding themselves. She pauses briefly to sit and groom a paw, tongue darting between her claws, before she skitters down the roof to perch upon its gutter.

Vixen looks around, taking in the little scene before her. Entirely quiet save for evening noises, the small suns contained within sturdy dens one of the only sources of light for them now. Her ears twitch and she hums, "Looks like the upwalker cats went to sleep early. It's barely dark out!"

  • VIXEN ✧ she/they, rogue

    — "a lean tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes."
    — single ; no allegiance
    — speech is in #AC315A
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Kite was pleased to give Shrike the bones of her most recent kill. Oftentimes they would return from their lonesome escapades with the remains of roadkill or whatever they had got lucky enough to catch. The dark cat nods and watches Shrike's successful, albeit short hunt. When Shrike joins them upon the fence they rest their mouse down on the narrow plank beneath her forepaws. Kite is about to murmur in agreement about Shrike's vague observation when a familiar voice hails from the darkness. They turn their head to gaze upon the figure perched on an adjacent rooftop. "Vixen. Come to join us?"

Kite picks up the mouse and balances along the fence until they're in reach of the gutter her littermate rests upon. They expertly launch across the meager chasm and lands lightly, pausing for a moment to careen their ears about before sauntering upwards, further up the roof. From this vantage point, the large pine trees which skirt along the edges of the twolegplace do not look as behemoth. Kite opens her maw and deposits the mouse and with a thump, the body of the mouse lands and rolls down the slope of the roof, pausing on the ledge of the gutter precariously before tumbling down. Kite bounds eagerly down the roofside to follow the body, peering over the edge eagerly to watch it final descent. "Wasn't that hungry, anyways." They give a sidelong glance to Vixen and Shrike, cocking her head. "I wonder what the others could be up to?"
( 𓆙 ) wide, twilight blue eyes find the elegant shape of their elder sister atop a nearby roof, and their dark tail lifts in greeting. kite calls out a more verbal hello, scooping up their meal and expertly maneuvering up towards vixen's perch. shrike stays on the fence for a moment, watching the two older cats interact, before sweeping her gaze out across the rest of the dingy alley and surrounding houses. quiet, dark, too still for comfort. she shivers despite herself at the emptiness, the flickering streetlamp spotlighting an empty patch of ground. white toed paws tap quickly across the fence, muscles quivering beneath shiny blue fur as the younger joins her kin. she is not so careless as to drop her own mouse, keeping it clutched between her claws as she seats herself on her dappled sister's right. "so much for the bones," they murmur, too low for anycat to make out more than one or two words. "bodies gone to waste. joins its others in rot."

her gaze finds the greens of her sister, angular head tipping to press her nose to the tortoiseshell woman's shoulder. "sister," she will greet finally. "you smell of the forests." it's an observation, not a question. shrike pays no mind to where their kin go when they're not around. they themself have a habit of slipping off towards horseplace or beyond twolegplace to the wilderness claimed by the clans. it's simply more interesting there. "perhaps they know something we don't." it's a response to vixen's statement and kite's question. the pearly blue gaze rests upon their tabby sibling. "do you smell a storm coming?"

  • // "#586f6b"
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    a blue tabby with a white mask, wing-shaped patches on her back, and blue eyes. blue, with a darker blue stripe running down their back, tail and ears. their chest and paws are white, and they have a white mask around her eyes, and white wing-like patches along their back and sides. piercing dark blue eyes often give a far-away look, slightly vacant but always glimmering with thought. she has two small scars, curling pink along her neck, gifts from an enemy rogue in her youth.

Not far behind Vixen, Viper comes from a different direction, his own hunting through the mass of homes that the kittypets reside within ending with success when he'd found food left out for someone to eat - whether it was a missing cat, owners trying to find them or simply an outdoor cat that was being fed such as some of his family and a few other rogues around he didn't know nor care, it was his food now. Now sat upon wooden planks that made up one of the few fences down the alleyway the sibling peered down towards his siblings, tail waving absentmindedly behind him for just a moment before maw opened and words began to spill, quiet and slow, not too dissimilar to molasses in the speed in which it's spoken. "I've been seeing more and more of 'em heading off towards the forest... maybe they're all dead."

Oh he could hope, dead cats meant more food that was to be thrown away or left out in the hopes they would somehow return home, which in turn meant more food for him and his siblings, more mice and rats to skitter around whatever kibble was left alone by the cats who were either full or turned their noses up at such things. The back of his paw reached up to rub at his eye for a moment before jumping down into the alleyway to be beside the others. He was done speaking for now, the only thing on his mind being his eye and the way it itched, and paw began to reach up once more to rub it.

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  • : ̗̀➛ sh blue/blue tabby w/low white
    : ̗̀➛ 38 moons old, ages realistically every 21th
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to family
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
Streetlights cast a hazy yellow hue, lighting the grimy streets for as far as the dim bulbs reach down the dreary dead end street. One may not have noticed the feline shaped creature, carefully sitting out of reach of the rays - submerging himself in darkness with ease. He's only half-listening to his siblings, taking his time to wander into darkness, inhale the vaguely rotten smelling air. A restlessness inhibits his paws, has him exploring. A mouse drops from the sky, has green eyes peering up incredulously.

Words emerge from behind him, prompt him to slink into view. Firey colored fur is easily distinguishable as Hawk emerges. He's quick to join nearby the roof, his long fur rippling when he makes his way up. Rooting himself close to group, he lazily draws a tongue over his pink nose. The whiff of blood assures him that the source is either Shrike or Kite, he concludes. Definitely Kite. The familiarity of his family affords him a loose tongue, behaviors that would be thinly hidden with behind a frosty veil.

"They'll be crawling around here again come daylight." His fluffy tail bears the marks of the hostility he inspires, a long scar wrapping around and over his tail. His nastiness extends to the local feline population, doing himself no favors. Viper's inquiring words inspire a humored huff. "We can only hope." He speaks dryly. Hawk holds himself like he's bigger than he is, chest puffed, creating an air of arrogance. Shrike's ominous question to Vixen has him tonguing his teeth. "Best to be prepared then, strength in numbers and all that."

  • ooc.
  • HAWK —— rogue , not mentoring/mentored . parent x parent . littermate to vixen , viper , kite . sibling to wolf , spider , shrike , coyote . ✦ penned by snail
    male / he/him / 38 moons & ages every 21th
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— experienced fighter

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots

  • a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. a scar wraps around his tail.