camp this could really be a good life - death


I used to rule the world / 8-20-23
Feb 25, 2023

There wasn't a part of him that regretted joining Thunderclan. This wasn't how he thought he would go, but he was at peace with it. He had always imagined being struck down in battle, fighting to protect his clanmates. The most honorable death. It was his age that had let him down...the sickness had struck quick and fiercely. It seemed like only a couple of days ago that he had started to feel off. Berryheart and Lichenpaw had tried to help him, but in the end nothing had helped. His side was barely rising and falling now, his breaths shallow. He wanted to say goodbye to his brother, but no words could leave his throat. His throat was too raw from coughing, and his body was too weak from his lack of appetite. He knew there was cats around him, but he couldn't tell who they were.

The tom closed his eyes, thinking about all the memories he had made with Dewfang. Back to when they were kittypets. Their owners had moved frequently, so they had seen many things in their life. He had been to many different countries, and even picked up bits and pieces of different languages. Those words were of course lost to him over time, but thinking about the past brought him comfort. He wondered if Starclan was truly real, if he would be with his deceased clanmates once more...only time would tell.

One final time, his side would rise and fall, until it was forever still.


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The world spins when hazy green eyes finally open, dimmed by the sickness that seemed to drain any ounce of energy she once had.
Roeflame doesn’t asked how long she had been out anymore, the last time she had, she was greeted with an achingly familiar ashen face, stern eyes burning into her. She had screamed until her voice splintered, until she had been shaken back to reality that her adoptive mother was not staring at her but Berryheart.
She was going mad, and did not want to be bothered.
Yet, there is something different this time- it was eerily silent, Frostglare’s wheezing could not be heard.
Glazed eyes slide to the warrior resting nearby, and she grumbles something, her own voice ragged from a combination of coughing and her panicked wailing from earlier.
Finally, she manages to rasp something.
Hardly above a whisper, but the fear laced into her voice is overwhelming.
His flank shakily falls once more, and does not rise again.
Roeflame lifts her head, half-lidded eyes now wide with concern.
"Help… mmwe…need help!" She attempts to cry out, but her voice falters on the last word, her head collapsing back into her burning nest.
Her own body is too weak to get up, and she is left to stare at her clanmates body, ice cold terror gripping at her like claws.
Deep down, she pleads that this is another trick, another delusion. Her breath hitches, another cough about to burst from her throat.
For the first time in a long time, Roeflame is truly terrified.
Roeflame’s shriek is thick with terror. Raccoonstripe jerks to his paws, terror lancing through him like a boar’s tusk. Someone is badly off—he remembers days ago, the first time the tawny warrior had screamed herself awake, incomprehensible but trembling with her fear. He prays this is just another bout of sickness-induced insanity, but when he nears the den, the scent of illness and something heavier blasts him in the nose. “Frostglare?” He is afraid to peer too far into Berryheart’s den, but he can see the vacant, glazed blue eyes of the departed warrior in his nest.

He’s dead,” he says, incredulous. Just as the SkyClan leader had said, the sickness takes and takes until it has taken all… and only a cat’s cold, unmoving body remains. “StarClan help us all,” he murmurs, sinking his claws into the turf.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

Berryheart had been feeling worse and worse, but this... this was a fate he had not been prepared to face so soon. This darkness was a den of delirium; Fawny woke in a panic, but the other inpatient was not jostled the same way. In fact, he did not move at all when Berryheart's watchful gaze slipped toward him. He would not be foolish and attempt to treat a corpse. He had seen enough death by now to know when a cat was beyond saving.

The familiar masked face of his brother, backlit by the tauntingly harsh sunlight, stared into the den and spoke the prayer that Berryheart was thinking. Dull greens lifted to meet brown- his jaw tightened, and his gaze was weary. Could StarClan help them, though? He knew their powers well... the only tangible effect they'd ever had on him was pulling him into sleep, and even that was at a sacred place. He could only stare, struck by a rare feeling of floundering hopelessness.