THIS DARK DAY && meeting 12.21.22

( * ˚ ✦ ) Blazestar waits until the sun is high the morning after the Gathering. He doesn't sleep a bit, knowing he has to ascend to the Highbranch and tell those who were not there what transpired. A new law, a law they'd all be bound to forevermore all because of Blazestar's own misfortunes.

He can't see how anyone in SkyClan would disagree, though. They can see what his love has cost him -- have been looking at it through the gloomy lens of their camp all week.

The flame point ascends Highbranch like he had the Great Rock at Fourtrees -- clumsily, precariously. His perch shakes beneath him, his claws barely puncturing the bark. As he gazes down at his Clanmates with filmy eyes, he begins to intone, "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting."

He'll wait for several cats to approach before he speaks again. "We have some warriors who have requested name changes to suit them more. Whether that is because they are choosing to join SkyClan as a full warrior or not, we welcome them." His tone is dull, but he dutifully chants, "I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, say these words before StarClan so they may hear and approve my choice."

He looks down at the cats gathered, some his friends, some loyal and beloved warriors, some new joiners still waiting to earn their place. He looks at them all as though they are the same strange, faceless effigy of a cat, but he speaks the words they want to hear regardless:

"Piñata, from this day forward, you will be known as Piñataflurry. SkyClan welcomes you as a daylight warrior." She is the only one joining their ranks as a part-time warrior, so he moves on to the others awaiting their full warrior names.

"Dusk, you will be known as Duskmane from this day forward. Pumpkin, you will be known as Pumpkinpatch." Two former outsiders, but cats who will prove where their loyalties lie, with any luck.

He casts a somewhat softer, more interested look on the two cats he's naming next. Friends. Cats who have chosen to leave their housefolk behind -- or, in Totoro's case, who have been cast aside by Twolegs crueler than any fox. He says, "Churrodream, Totoro, you have chosen to become SkyClan warriors who do not return to the Twolegplace. We welcome you as we do any warrior. Churrodream, from this day forward, you will be known as Sheepcurl." For the soft, curling pelt, the whimsy that still flashes in her yellow eyes. "Totoro, you shall be known as Bearheart." For his immense strength, his size, even as leafbare weakens him.

Finally, the cat who requested the name change, who'd come to him in tears, confessing his war crimes -- flat-faced Crimsonbite, he who resented Blazestar for moons for a name he had not given to punish. The flame point turns wary eyes on him and says, "Crimsonbite, you've asked me to choose a name that better reflects the cat you are. I've chosen Lionsnarl. I hope this is more to your liking and that it reflects the cat you want to be as well as the cat you are." His tail flicking, he waits for his Clanmates to congratulate those newly named. He still has more to say, much more...


@~Deersong~, @DAWNGLARE, @ThistleBack, @Mountainheart, @Snowpaw, @FIGPAW, @Fireflypaw

y'all rock! thank you for helping skyclan stay active! <3
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Figpaw is mournful over the fact she cannot attend the meeting when she hears Blazestar's call. She knows it probably wouldn't be the most joyful meeting to be apart of, but the terrible feeling of missing out builds in her stomach. The girl wants nothing more than to be an active member of clan life once more, yet her injury keeps her prisoner in this burrow stinking of bitter medicine.

The girl can't even watch the meeting from here either! It was absolutely dreadful and Dawnglare had warned her against moving yet. Rest rest rest so that she can one day hopefully move move move. A heavy sigh of in contempt leaves her, but as a clan-mate passes her by she forces a smile, "Tell everyone to shout for me so I can hear! Okay?" She plays it off like a joke, but in reality even if unrealistic that is what she hopes for.

With ears perked she does her best to at least pick up whatever she could... though it was likely little to nothing.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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Dusk makes it to the meeting just in time after seeing the others begin to gather. The ebony hued feline padded slowly forward, feeling better than he had previously. His peridot eyes landed on Blazestar as he began the meeting. Shifting in his spot, he was nervous. Why was he nervous? The tom’s fur bristled and he jumped as he heard his name. Duskmane? Hmm.. He liked it. It still felt like him. “Duskmane.” He whispered to himself. “Feels…nice.” No cat would have convinced him that he would adapt to the clan life so quickly. He smiled softly, quiet for the rest of the meeting. His head held high and a soft purr rumbling in his chest. Maybe he did belong somewhere.
✦ ★ ✦
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The wool of winter coats the land, knuckles drag across the ground to cool heated claws having been scaling the canopies. Thistleback barely had time to dust himself off and greet his family when he sees the ghostly father clamber up the tree.

The blue eyes of the leader almost look sightless they’re so cloudy. shit, Thistleback watches with an idle shake of his skull before stalking like a coyote toward the gathered. Settling with his side toward the most shadowy mouth of the forest, grey eyes shifting toward it as though a winged monster would pour upon them. Their valiant leader wears a veil of grief, it would drop him to the ground like a slingshot bird.

Crimsonbite’s new name draws an appreciative upward head tilt. He’s distracted by movement at the nursery, he hisses lowly to not disturb the ceremonies " get your ass back in the nursery. " to one of his kits.

Readjusting himself, he settles next to Quillpaw with a huff. It looked like there was much more to hear from this ghostly man.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) Deersong would take her seat beneath the High Branch as Blazestar called the clan meetings. Her half-tail was placed delicately behind her as her aqua gaze settled onto those gathered to hear the news and ceremonies of the day. While she wasn't as grief-stricken as Blazestar was, there was still a look of exhaustion on the deputy's form that those closest to her would see quite easily.

Her ears would flick as new names were given, and after the first round was done she would raise her voice with all the others to cheer those new names in celebration. Her gaze would flicker towards movement at the nursery, and Deersong would finally crack a tiny smile as her mate softly scolded whoever was trying to sneak out to go back to the warmth of the nursery.

Her wounds were slowly healing but Churro did not know how to feel about it. Perhaps shes still bitter over the fact that she had practically disappeared from the plane of living (though she had still moved around, just did not feel alive) and when she came back Deer had told her what had happened. Morningpaw had died. I knew it was a bad idea. The thought had been swimming around for days upon end, guilt in her stomach that nearly choked her each waking moment. She felt disgusting, hopes that where Morning had settled in to the stars was a safe place for her.

She limps towards the meeting as its called, sitting down quite roughly with a sharp hiss of pain as her bowtie tugs at her neck wound. She refused to take it off but it was... Good. Her last bit of twoleg love she had kept, she would not get rid of it for the life of her. She barely hears the words the phantom speaks above until her name is called. Right... She had chosen this path.

Sheepcurl. Her world stops for just a moment.

Sheep blinks up at him with wide eyes. When she had first joined Skyclan she had been constantly sleepy and had just showed up one day, back when her name was just Churro. Her eyes soften as she blinks back down to her paws. She had befriended Red, and oh, the jealousy, don't forget the jealousy! Sheep slightly chuckles. Where did the time go? She still remembers Valentine following her back to camp, still remembers the fact that the first whispers of her becoming a full warrior was born from her last attack.

I wish Flan and Sopapilla were here.

"Thank you." a croak as she cracks a crooked smile. She had shed her final skin, evolved in to something that these cats could be proud of. She had proved her loyalty through the skirmish, gaining new scars that will match those closest to her. She slowly looks around for Redstorm, hoping to meet his gaze. Is he proud? She hopes so. Her heart couldn't feel more full.​
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Fireflypaw watches from the base of the Highbranch as his father delivers announcements of name changes; one stands out amongst the rest, Crimsonbite renamed to Lionsnarl. He's conflicted, the child. On one hand, he thought the old name was nice- but on the other, it reminded Lionsnarl of a cruel past he wanted to move on and heal from. His eyes blink slowly in understanding, though he's quick to withdrawal back into himself as Blazestar drones on.

Routine. He's come to hate it more than anything. The fact that he can't control his own body when it came to routine now was nerve-grating.

His eyes search for someone of comfort- though he finds nobody as of right now. Maybe more cats would arrive.
( ) like all his peers, huckleberry is manuevering himself amongst the crowd as they all trickle in around the base of the high-branch where their leader stands looking down upon them with overcast eyes. it's heartbreaking to see blazestar in such a state but there isn't much anyone can do but let the man grieve for what he has lost and given up.

for now, the smoke changes his focus onto the flame-point's words as he begins the meeting with bestowing quite a few cats with their new warrior names. huckleberry smiled and gave out small chants of congratulations to each, all of them are fitting and very much well-deserved.
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
) The meeting was likely to hold much on this occasion. Totoro made his way over to listen to Blazestar as the announcements began. Something light to begin with, something that also involved a great change to his life. Bearheart. It solidified the fact that he would never become a kittypet again. His owner was gone, murdered, there was no reason for him to return to his old life. No more of the lush life.

"Thank you." He could only hope that he would live up to the name that promised strength and a kindness.
A meeting, Pinatas first in Skyclan. It had been easy to settle down in to the clan with faces so friendly but tragedy had struck too soon, causing a cloud of grief to weigh over the clan like fog. And oh, she knew how it felt to lose a child, though she knows their situations are so vastly different. Her own had only been around nine months, more than half the age of Morning however, when she had been taken away. Shes just glad she found Hailstone, her baby boy. She sympathizes with the family, wishes there was something more she could do but a sigh just falls from her mouth. Mentally she makes a note to keep an eye out on the family of Morningpaw, make sure they don't drown in the grief that had been bestowed.

Her head jerks up and her thoughts are broken as her name is called. Blazestar gives her a name to match the other warriors and she nods, mentally vowing her loyalty with a spark of pride. How exciting! Pinataflurry, what a cute name as well! Its a badge she'll wear with immense pride but her thoughts go straight back to the thing she was thinking of before and immediately, despite her excitement, a frown crosses her face. She'll wait to listen to the rest of the meeting before leaving but she just wants to curl around Hailstone and murmur her love over and over. She would make sure he knew it, knowing that Morningpaw's fate had happened so fast, so quick with nothing that could have been done differently.
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( * ˚ ✦ ) The murmurs and chants of congratulations -- what little there are -- die off, and Blazestar moves on without any excitement in his voice. Despite it all, he's felt the gap in his council, knows Deersong and Daisyflight will need the help in the coming freezing moons, in the face of animosity from ThunderClan and WindClan.

His eyes flick over each cat in the crowd before settling on the lean, jagged shape standing sentry in front of the nursery. Black and white, muscled and sharp, loyal and present despite everything that has happened. Thistleback followed Blazestar fearlessly into the sewers, had stood by his leader with ferocity.

Blazestar's voice is dull, but it carries, conviction hidden somewhere at its center. "There are a few apprentices to name," he says, gaze settling on Thistleback, "but before we continue, there is a warrior I'd like to commend. SkyClan is facing a hard, hungry leafbare, and more than ever, I need our strongest warriors in my council." He pauses and exhales, ragged, before saying, "Thistleback, will you accept a lead warrior position?"

@ThistleBack EEEE EVERYONE GIVE STINER A CONGRATS! they've been great oocly and icly with thistle and we'd be thrilled to have him on the team!!!

note that lead warriors don't cap out at two and i'm always looking for appropriate promotions!!!


The call for a meeting brought Quill to his paws even though he doubted there'd be much of interest to hear- at least for him, personally. The other Skyclanners usually loved these things though, so he wasn't surprised that Blazestar kept doing them.

He took his seat in the growing crowd wordlessly, mismatched eyes turning upward to settle on the leader and Deputy as the meeting began, Thistleback settling beside him to listen in as well. He wondered, momentarily, if the piebald tomcat and Deersong had managed to sort their issues out or not, but quickly pushed the thought aside with claims that it was none of his business.

As the meeting began, to his credit, Quill did try to listen to what was being said even if he didn't think it was particularly interesting to hear. After all, most of what was being said was in regard to name changes, which meant that the chimera would likely be calling some of them by the wrong name for the next little while.

The only thing that really stuck out and caught his attention was hwen his mentors name was called. Thistleback was up for a promotion? The boy would turn to look at the older cat beside him with vague curiosity, wondering if he was going to accept the position. He couldn't see why they wouldn't. While Quill himself had no interest in seeking things like reputation or power, he could see why a cat like Thistle might want it. Power was a dangerous game though, and Quillpaw wasn't sure how he'd feel about having the 'pretige' of being trained by a Lead Warrior.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
His eyes are drawn up when his name is spoken, brows pinched with focus and attention on the faint red and cream ragdoll. An extended paw branches toward him, with it- a welcome and offer for a spot in the council. Thistleback’s chin lifts and his eyes shoot around briefly as eyes land on him.

Will you accept?

" Of course. Anything, to serve Skyclan " he dips his crown now, never having saw this moment for himself. Once, Tommie the stray now Thistleback the lead warrior of Skyclan. Perhaps Starclan did cast stars in the darkest places. Though he still wore a frown, his soul was smiling for once.

He meets Quillpaw’s mismatched stare, a smirk grazing his maw.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

Finchfang hated to miss a meeting just a tiny bit more than he hated meetings in general, so he was in attendance, his dark tail curled around his lean body. It wasn't that he didn't like his Clanmates, nor that he disliked keeping up with the Clan's affairs; he knew in his heart he would die for them if such a thing was ever necessary, as it often was in a warrior's life. Moreover, he liked watching the progression of newcomers to well-known and well-loved faces, liked seeing kits become apprentices and apprentices become warriors and all of the rest. It was just the...crowdedness of it all, the coalition of cats with all their eyes upon one single point, the waiting with bated breath and the intermittent bursts of congratulatory noise. It was too much for him, including today, but he chastised himself - There are worse things, far worse things. many things, some of which his Clanmates were suffering through at this very moment, their leader included. That dreadful affair with the apprentice. and it was dreadful, of course - but it felt inappropriate for him to dwell on it. He had not been involved; it was not his place, he felt, to have feelings and opinions about a matter so distant from him beyond general concern and sorrow.

There was some happier news today, anyway, and Finchfang pushed thoughts of recent events out of his mind. Trying to commit the new names of his Clanmates to memory, he raised a soft yowl in congratulatory acknowledgement.
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( * ˚ ✦ ) Blazestar nods, strangely comforted by Thistleback's acceptance of the position. The black and white warrior's ferocity and experience in battle will balance the council he has now, he truly believes it. He blinks gratefully at the jagged-edged lead warrior and moves his gaze to the cluster of young cats needing names.

His own two kits among them... the kits who'd decided to leave their mother's Clan to reside with him. Tears mist Blazestar's eyes as he begins the ceremonies.

"We have several apprentices needing mentors today." He dips his head, indicating the cats should come forward. He's chosen a litany of mentors, some questionable in his eyes, but SkyClan needs tough warriors to ensure they are not weakened. He wants no more young cats in his Clan to die... whether it's by accident or slaughter.

He cats a resentful look at Vermilionsun's prison before he begins:

"Vulturekit, from this day forward, you will be known as Vulturepaw. Orangeblossom, you will be his mentor." He nods to the ginger and white she-cat, motioning for them to touch noses. Going through the rote memorization, the old ceremonies, almost brings him out of his grief -- for a moment, anyway. The Ragdoll stands notably taller, a shade of his self returned to him. "I trust you will teach him all you know."

He moves on: "Fiery, you will be known as Fierypaw. Your mentor will be Foxgekker." He nods to the red-pelted tom, trusting that the former kittypet would bein good paws. "I trust you will pass all you've learned onto him."

He flicks his gaze to the next cat. Violetpaw, in need of another mentor. He stares at Daisyflight's daughter, his nerves creeping over him -- but she hadn't been responsible for Morningpaw's death, no. He can't even hold Snowpaw accountable for that -- not when the blame lies entirely on broad cream-colored shoulders...

"Violetpaw," he says, his voice becoming strained, "You will be mentored by Pumpkinpatch." A newly-named warrior, but a gentle-hearted one to tame the ire that might lurk behind sightless eyes.

He's lost some of his momentum now, but he must finish, he must continue before he can go lay in his nest and shut the world out: "Bearpaw, you will be mentored by Duskmane." Another newcomer, but he's been here almost a moon, and Blazestar gives the tom a brief glance before he moves on. "Subarupaw, you will be mentored by Mountainheart." He finds Parsnippaw in the crowd and says, "Parsnippaw, you will be mentored by Hailstone."

It's at long last -- Fireflypaw and Howlpaw, without their ThunderClan mentors -- and he looks at them with blue eyes swimming in tears. His oldest and his youngest, his son and his daughter. We are all that are left of our family. He says, "Fireflypaw, you will be mentored by Huckleberry." He hopes the warrior's warmth can bring the light back to his son's heart. "Howlpaw, you will be mentored by Redstorm." His former lead warrior, Rain's youngest, a fierce cat. He hopes he can inspire Howlpaw to be all he knows she is capable of.

And then, he is done, spent.

Or, he would be. But they've all come from that dreadful Gathering, and those that weren't there...

"SkyClan, heed my words." Dampness splashes onto his cheeks, but his voice is oddly flat. "A code was established by all five leaders at this Gathering. The warrior code. It's a code every cat in this Clan will be expected to live by and uphold. Myself included."

He pauses, jaw beginning to tremble. "A cat's loyalties must remain to their own Clan. We may have friends in other Clans, but we must always be prepared to face them in battle to defend what is ours. There will be no romances with cats in other Clans. There will be no more kits born in foreign territories, forced to choose where their loyalties lie, and dying for it." He shakes his head. "You will all vow to uphold this law, and I... before you, I vow."

He has done it. He has said his final goodbye to Little Wolf, to Crescentpaw and Burnpaw, and now he has severed his relationship to her before all of SkyClan.

He looks to Fireflypaw and Howlpaw, and he murmurs, "As you may have guessed, two of my kits have chosen to join their father's Clan. There will be no more division in their hearts. They have SkyClan mentors and I trust they will give their hearts to this Clan."

After all of this, Blazestar looks wrung out, like the rag in his breed's name; he looks at his Clanmates with despair-clouded eyes. He will wait to answer questions, if there are any; and if there aren't, he will trudge back into his den and collapse into dreams.
There is no mercy for the condemned.

Fireflypaw listens idly to the chatter amongst him, his father's voice droning on through the seconds. More apprentices, more mentors- it was a cycle, this life. He half expects to be left behind, his father's protectiveness obvious. Though, his name is soon called and Fireflypaw lifts his head to meet his father's eyes.

Fireflypaw, you will be mentored by Huckleberry. Who was that? His eyes search the crowd, landing on the large black tom that his father made eye contact with. He was moreso a shadow in Firefly's vision, and he squints to try and look harder. Rising to his paws, he's numbly reminded that Lionsnarl wouldn't be his mentor. Perhaps that was for the best, his father seemed wary of him. "I'll do my best," He whispers to his new mentor, eyes dull and tired. His nose presses to his mentors, and he sits down soon after. His baby sister is next, recieving her mentor through Redstorm, an ex-lead warrior. Perfect for her spunky personality.

"Congrats, baby sister." Fireflypaw whispers to Howlpaw as she passes him to touch noses with her new mentor, a spark of a smile on his lips despite its shakiness. "You'll do great. Mom would be proud of you." His tail twitches in mourning at the very mention of his beloved mother. Little Wolf, was she alright?

A cat's loyalties must remain to their own Clan. We may have friends in other Clans, but we must always be prepared to face them in battle to defend what is ours. There will be no romances with cats in other Clans. There will be no more kits born in foreign territories, forced to choose where their loyalties lie, and dying for it.

So relationships, platonic or romantic or familial, were forbidden now- at least, between other Clans. His ears droop then, reminded of Minnowpaw of RiverClan. He shakes his head. They probably wouldn't be good friends anyways. His eyes shift around, spotting Butterflypaw in the distance; Mushroomkit seated at the mouth of the elder's den. When would she join them? "I vow to follow the new Warrior Code, dad." He finalizes, coming to his decision. This was what was right. They could prevent another death like Morningpaw's from happening with a law like this. "SkyClan is my home, and I'll serve it until the day I take my last breath." He vows.
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Her first SkyClan meeting as an official SkyClan cat and Howlpaw's thoughts are on anywhere but here. The torbie sits close to her brother, a tail curled around her legs, as her father goes through the motions. She's dimly aware of what's being said as she occasionally lifts her head to listen, but most of her time is spent looking at her paws.

The mention of her brother's name catches her attention, and she listens as he is appointed a new mentor. Huckleberry. She does not know the tom well but he looks like a nice enough cat in her eyes. So long as he treated Fireflypaw right then there would be no harm. She watches proudly as he steps forth to greet his new mentor before stepping back. And then it is her turn - and it is Redstorm who is named as her new mentor. This cat she knows a little better, if only because he was formally a lead warrior. She rises to greet her new mentor, slowing ever so slightly as she passes her brother, who congratulates her and tells her their mother would be proud. The mention of Little Wolf makes her eyes feel watery again and she greets her mentor with a firm nod, eyes shimmering with tears, and a promise to do well by him.

After greeting Redstorm as a mentor, she steps back, once again sitting close to her brother.

A cat's loyalties must remain to their own Clan. We may have friends in other Clans, but we must always be prepared to face them in battle to defend what is ours. There will be no romances with cats in other Clans. There will be no more kits born in foreign territories, forced to choose where their loyalties lie, and dying for it.

The mention of the code makes her heart ache, the pain that had befallen their family being the instigator of this new law. Next to her, Fireflypaw vows before their father, before all of SkyClan, that he will uphold the code and be loyal to SkyClan. Although she does not want to speak up at that moment - a rarity for Howlpaw, in truth - she feels she ought to say something too. "I also vow to uphold this new Warrior Code! And hope that with this new law, no one else will know the pain our family has felt," Howlpaw mews, trying to find the strength to raise her voice enough so that all will hear her. "And I vow to be loyal to SkyClan, and only SkyClan from here on out. SkyClan has always been like a second family to me and now it must be my home too. I promise to live and serve SkyClan until I draw my final breath and walk among the stars with my ancestors."
The warrior code agreed between the clans under the stars of fourtrees is spoken again. The warrior agrees silently, nodding along and eyeing Howlpaw and Fireflypaw with a respectful glint in his steel greys.

Thistleback’s eyes flick to Deersong then. As Blazestar shatters his heart before their very eyes. Rips his family apart for the sake of them all, a wound torn into a man who deserved his family. Deserved his daughter back, had only ever given and loved his clan unconditionally. Served them despite doubts, and now- he walks a nettle path, stripped of the skin of his pads. Bleeding from the chest, and forced to smile.

The newly made lead warrior’s jaw clenches as he wonders if he’d had done the same. If their roles were reversed, no. War would ripple between Thunderclan and Skyclan blindly, the blood of a daughter would be paid senselessly. Perhaps that’s not good testament to his new duty in Skyclan. Thistleback tastes his thoughts as though they were on his tongue, he grimaces.

If anyone ever spit foul words of Blazestar, Thistleback would break their fucking jaw. A deep breath pushes from his nostrils, the piebald would do what he could for this clan. Raise his children to be tough and cold, to be loyal warriors. To be more than the redemption seeking criminal stray their father once was. To be cats like, gentle giant Huckleberry, fiercely stoic Redstorm, or the braver than most Sheepcurl. The list could go on, Skyclan was filled with souls worth fighting for.

Even though he felt different than them, they had all given him purpose. Especially Deersong, he’d pay the debt to them one day with his life- and anyone who harms these cats, would pay with theirs.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
  • bVBPWus.png

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One, two, three; oh, more. So, so many little things. Blaise's maw flaps open and closed. Comings and goings, the subjects of which, he does not care for. Blaise barely seems to himself. His eyes are dead; nearly looks ready to topple into an already-dug grave. His own nerves never quite subside, but he's... rejuvinated. Eyes slightly brightened by a grinning face and eyes that sting silver. He'd hope it would be the same. Time to twine tails with midnight fur and a forest-cursed gaze, but still so somber. Not that he could place any blame.

He does not know the names he chants, but vaguely recognizes stepping forward, that one... new and strange. She had spoken to him about how lovely kits were or something else ridiculous. Already a questionable statement to make, but in reguard to that one in particular, it's eyes bulging and it's brain only the opposite? Nonesense.

The spotted doe has been renamed. Isn't that something? Like him, a new, lesser calling. Though at the same time, blasphemy to think. What is a god-given name to a title bestowed by the walking dead? Friend or not, he was no god.

But, a ruler he was, wasn't he? And rulers were to be obeyed. Below the high and beneath the holy, but still, still obeyed. So why, oh why, why did the frog-faced, flaming terror not accept the title given? He needed only ask, what does that say, truly? Dawnglare raises a brow, taps his paw against the ground. Not important, he supposes. Another stone to step on…

"Really?" he couldn't help but murmur though, the next time Blaise spoke. Such a big something, for such a little worm. Not terrible... not horrible, no; but brainwashed, nonetheless. Slave to the puppeteer known as... Deersomething-or-other. The tapping grows quicker, and his eyes flicker to Blaise. He isn't sure how he continues on, surrounding himself with witches. He'd thought Daisyflight banished; or at least, her pillar slightly toppled, but she only left room for her peon to rise to her position. And her peon brings forth a peon of her own. Is that not something? Daisy's power flows the furthest, heart beats the strongest, he knew. (She killed her, hadn't she? She killed her.) But...

Well, now his mood was soured, and he couldn't really care. Were it not for him, Blaise's innards would be up for display on this podium. His body but a carcass, his belly just a canvas, but that's fine. He'd be here, always.

Oh, Blaise is alive. Crying, and alive.

Well, certainly. Where would he go besides where she told him to? His duties were always here, even if it was not quite home. And how sad was that? Was this. Such a rule, because of him. Was that quite fair? He didn't think it so.

He would never have kits. He was no mere warrior, either. And so, his eyes flutter shut.

Though, Dawnglare did not relize the last time he saw the other two kits would be his last. It doesn't settle over him quite right. Isn't that... something. Brave little children.

Their vows are unnecessary.
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