this heart is afraid to beat slowly | family goodbye


AUG 2022 ➳ OCT 2023
Aug 10, 2022
Steepsnout’s frustration at staying so still seemed to run even hotter than the fever that wet her nose. Her sister’s strict direction to the medicine den might had landed the warrior in there permanently for the foreseeable future after her poor show at the river. That was hard enough, but Mudpelt’s presence in the den made the molly’s personal gripes as small as sand in the riverbed. Her dad, reliable, stalwart dad- sick. All complaints of being bored and lonely dried in breathless lungs when his oak pelt entered the sedge hollow.

But now there was the journey. The raised voices, volunteering to go to the mountains, had just been audible from the sour swill of the medicine den. Fernpaw and Iciclefang’s had been among those who called out. It cracked a sharp panic into the warrior's chest. And panic was, it was overwhelming- she hated it. Her brother was not even warrior yet, and though she trusted Iciclefang to keep an eye on him it didn't feel enough. They'd have to look out for each other, around all of those other clans, in new terrain and-

A cough blunted her thoughts, knocking the life from Steepsnout's lungs. Huddled beside the entrance, away from the hacking coughs and mewled worries of their other sick clanmates, she and Mudpelt could exchange words with their family at a safe distance. Ravensong had been clear that they could not leave, for fear of contamination, but with her siblings leaving- for who knows how long!- this distanced goodbye had been allowed.

"You better have stories to tell when you come back, don’t go forgetting details on me. Do something I’d do." A savage battle with a predator, a feat of strength- she’dve protected her siblings every step of the way. The sapling-spark of encouragement wilted a little as she made eye contact with the pair. A wave of lethargy rolled from her brow to her tail. "Ach- can’t believe it…"

She should be going with them. Her limbs ached, joints and muscles used to great effect in the warrior’s active days left to wither. Large paws once sturdy foundations were a leaden weight. However, Steepsnout was fiercely ignoring the way she swayed from the nest, focussing instead on feel good thought of a fish between her teeth, caught the instant she recovered. It was what she was best at, providing. Sampling bitter herbs and sleeping the sun away was driving her mad. A rattling breath clanged from the molly’s chest.


He couldn't fathom how difficult this was for Steepsnout and Mudpelt. Not only were they ill, but this terrible barrier was one that was blocking them from doing something Fernpaw knew that both of them would have volunteered for given the chance. It wasn't pity he looked upon them both with, though- it was resolve. He would be part of what would save them- he needed to be. What brother, what son, would he be to sit by and watch them decline, knowing he could have done something?

And firmly, Fernpaw believed he could. Not in the same way that, when he had faced the fox, he had believed that good would just come to him- he had been training to near-exhaustion, embracing little successes every day, inching toward the warrior name he had tried to seize when he was twelve moons old. Truly, he was ready. He was sure Mudpelt would have interjected, if he wasn't.

"We'll tell you everything, Steepsnout," Fernpaw croaked, unable to hide the wobble of tears in his voice. His emotions shone from him like clear-sky sunshine, scorching now on his pelt. His emotions flared to the surface, verdant eye glazed with yet-unspent tears. Hearing the rattle in his strong sister's throat, a sister named for her strength- it stirred his gut to nausea. "I'll remember everything." A lofty feat, but Fernpaw wasn't one to lie.
penned by pin
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It’s terrible to see Mudpelt and Steepsnout huddled in their sickbeds, eyes rheumy and noses crusted with filth. Their father is one of the strongest cats she knows, and still young besides, but the illness seems to have aged him in ways she can’t explain. Her littermate, too, is a thick-built, hearty she-cat, one who has never backed down from a challenge. The tortoiseshell can see how much this has pained her, and remarkably, her pale blue eyes have softened just a modicum when they shift toward her black and white pelt.

Fernpaw promises her they’ll tell her everything. “I won’t even let him ramble,” she promises, a sly smile thrown her brother’s direction. Fernpaw is good at few things; she isn’t sure if storytelling is one of them, but it’s safer to bet no. After a heartbeat, her glacial features soften, melt, and she gazes into her sister’s fiery eyes, ignoring their fevery fervor. “Just focus on getting better. Do what Ravensong tells you, and take anything he puts in front of you… even if it’s nasty.

She longs to touch her muzzle to her father’s ear, to brush her flank against her littermate’s, but she dare not. She and Fernpaw have a mission to do that few from RiverClan will be able to do. Getting sick now would mean their earnest little brother heads off to the mountains alone, and she knows she can’t allow that.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Having to watch two of her siblings go marching off on this journey is hard for Lilybloom. It's hard knowing her mate is going too. That her father and Steepsnout lie sick in the medicine den.

Lilybloom wished she could go with them, protect them as an older sister should, but her place is to stay here. "Hmm, I'm sure you'd appreciate Ferny's stories over the rambling of those other clan cats," Lilybloom said, giving Iciclefang a light-hearted bump with her shoulder. "I know I'll miss them." Her green eye sparkles with warmth as she looks upon Fernpaw, her little brother who was no longer so little.

"Take care of each other, alright?" Lilybloom prompted, looking between the two of them. "Keep each other safe and and come back to us."
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He should be going. He knows it in his bones, a journey like this had been meant for him. To work together with the other clans, and look after his brood, and save his clan from the very disease he lies ill with. He is hunkered down next to Steepsnout, their pelts brushing the only comfort he is able to receive. He gazes at his kits outside the den with rheumy eyes, but there is still that everlasting light within them, the cheer that can never quite leave the lighthearted tom. He knows he should be going. But simultaneously, he knows his son and daughter were meant for this, too. Even his own apprentice, who has yet to pass a real assessment, can do this. He knows he can.

"I know you will find the cure," He mews, voice gravelly and weak with illness. He smiles a great big smile, nothing but pride and warmth on his face. "You will save the clans. And you'll do it together! I can't wait to hear all about it." He purrs lowly, tucking his paws beneath his chest as he shifts. "Just look out for each other...okay?" His head tilts to the side slightly, eyes shining with the beginnings of tears. Stars, he'll miss them so much.
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