& THIS IS JACKASS — mud cannonball


Jun 7, 2022

𓆈 ⠀ ── ⠀ it took forever. forever. but after failed attempt after failed attempt ( with sore haunches to prove it ), he’d finally done it.

okay. ooookay okay okay okay — ARE YOU WATCHING? “ the tom calls, perhaps a little louder than absolutely necessary. the branch that he had managed to hook his claws into, for all his efforts, was not that high. the scrabbled claw marks now marring the pale pine bark was a testament to the repeated efforts it had taken to get just this high, and he’d be damned if he risks a broken tail by claiming up any higher. skyclan was insane, what was the point of this if not to.. well, in marrow’s case, jump down? why..? because there was a mud puddle just in front of it, thick and deep and cool. a recent rain has dampened the ground, softened the earth. a nice, cushioned hole for him to leap right into from right above. what had given him this idea? well.. he could only hope no one thought to ask him that.

marrowpaw leans heavy over the edge, claws sunk deep into the slim wood underfoot, long tail curling loose around its jutting edges to peer towards the apprentices down below, “ this is going to be so sick! “ he was nearly a warrior now — growing tall and strong in stature but responsibility - wise.. well, he had better things to do. shadetooth was an old fart, half blind and over - half dumb ( in marrow’s humble opinion ), but the one thing he did do was send him and his peers off to collect moss without being watched too closely. laziness, old age, the usual shadowclan moodiness kept his dumb mentor busy, or at least distracted.. and so here he was, and here they were.

his butt wiggles, paws adjusting carefully as best they could, as if it would help, before shoving off, catapulting down with paws splayed. he is only a few tail lengths up, but the momentum is more than enough. he slams into the mud pit below, wet, sopping dirt flying to either side of his form. paws sink in up to the elbow almost immediately, “ ACK. “ instinctive, he spats his tongue out, rakes his teeth over the rough edges. it’s everywhere — on the tree, on him, on the apprentices, he’s pretty sure some of it got in his mouth — “ im — uh — “ he tugs on his limbs hard, only succeeding in creating a wet schlorp. schlorp. of suction in the mud pit, “ dammit uhh — “ was he stuck? naw. he blinks wide, burning orange eyes. huh!

  • MARROWPAW —————— marshland menace.
    m. he / him. apprentice of shadowclan, son of briarstar and amber. lanky black bicolor with ghost rosettes and sunburst orange eyes. inheriting his mothers sharp features, his fathers frame and his family’s trademark spiky fur, marrowpaw can be mistaken for nothing but true shadowclan. sly and brimming with false confidence, an objectively good - looking feline ; he stands a hair taller than most, and bearing a remarkable resemblance to both his aunt bone and late brother pitchstar in structure and coat. whip - like, long and coltish with legs lined with hard, wiry muscle beneath an ever - ruffled pelt, marrowpaw is wild, untamed in both looks and attitude, and ever self - assured.

    — bisexual, single. smells like rotting leaves and asphalt.
    — apprentice, voiced by skeet ulrich as billy loomis
    − eleven months old, mentored by shadetooth ;
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1355.png


With the dawn of warmer days, Smogmaw's periodic jaunts into the territory were given more meaning. No longer would he simply wallow through the wood, brooding over a demise that was almost certain to come—the tom now kept his eyes peeled for prey, and every so often, cobwebs for Starlingheart's stock.

Leaden-hued paws sink into the soppy earth's embrace with every footfall. He cannot determine whether he prefers Leaf-bare's snow or this season's muck, for both seaons made walking a hindrance. Nonetheless, he presses onward, undeterred by the muddy film building up on his fur.

Chatter among the treetops seizes the tabby from his self-absorption. He promptly halts in his tracks, before pointing his snout towards the sky, squinting, hopelessly searching for confirmation that he had in fact heard perceptible speech and not a manifestation of his internal dialogues; wouldn't be the first time, lamentably.

How fortunate he is then to spy strands of night and snow settled upon one of the branches. It's Marrowpaw. An apprentice far too old to be doing what he was doing. Hell, he's dangling from the tree limb like one of those ThunderClan mongrels who ambushed his patrol. A rotten wish worms its way into the recesses of his brain. It'd be quite funny to watch the kid fall.

When Marrowpaw descends from the branch without warning, a sharp exhale escapes him, a harsh mixture of a chuckle and a gasp. Did he have rocks in his head? The fuck was he getting up to? Falling victim to gravity's callousness, the apprentice comes crashing down smack-dab in the middle of a mud pit. The resultant tsunami of muck catches him in its patch, and within a manner of moments, the muddy film on his paws doesn't matter anymore.

Semisolid earth clings to his pelt and trickles down in pulpy streams. One might anticipate a flurry of irate words as Smogmaw's reaction, which was a justifiable presumption in every regard. But the dark-smirched, mud-painted tabby simply watches blankly. He'd gotten his wish, so it's not like he could really complain.

He meanders over to the mud pit, casting a pacified gaze unto the younger tom trapped in its grip. "Good show," he muses, though no smile accompanied his sportive words. "Hopefully, you've planned a way out." There's no point in getting any dirtier; Halfshade wouldn't be pleased with him if such was the case.

At her brother's call Ravenpaw's gaze drifted up and up to find him far above her. Balancing on a branch like some frogbrained Skyclan cat. She blinked as she stared up at him. Clearly, while she hadn't been watching him he had decided on some nonsense that she wasn't privy to. Questions sat on her tongue as he declared that "this was going to be so sick."

"Marrowpaw, wha-"

Then, with all the grace of a dead bird, he flung himself from the branch. For a heartstopping second she was certain she was about to lose another family member. She was spared that, but the next worst thing happened. Marrowpaw landed in the mud and splattered it all over her. Instinctively, she hissed, wiping as much of it from her pelt as she could. It was no use though, tonight she was going to have to spend forever getting it all out. She glared toward her brother.

When she did, she spotted Marrowpaw tugging desperately against the muck he had flung himself into with wide eyes.

With a sigh, she padded over to him.

Ravenpaw looked down at her brother with abject disappointment. From most of her denmates, this sort of foolishness would be almost expected. Idiotic, nonetheless, but not surprising enough to be of note. From her own kin however, she expected better.

She looked at the muck Marrowpaw was stuck in with contempt. Though she had already gotten some on her she was loath to get anymore. It was clear enough that he was pretty stuck, and without help she knew he would be for a long while. A glance at Smogmaw let her know that he had no intentions of helping. Still, for a moment she considered leaving Marrowpaw to lie in the nest he had made for himself. If he was anyone but her brother, she would have.

"You owe me." She told him dryly, giving him an unamused look. With that, she stepped forth, planting her front paws firmly in the mud with him. Then she attempted to grab him by the scruff of his neck with her jaws and pull, either to get him out of his predicament outright or get him free enough to escape himself. — ♕
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"That's not how you fly."
The older tom's daring leap was graceless, formless, he had no wings to spread with which to alter his descent down or slow it even a little; it was a wonder he didn't break anything really. Starlingheart would have been very cross if he had.
A similar pit of mud had nearly claimed him so many moons before, in what felt like another life. How strange it was to grow, to be renamed because of his ever advancing age; Magpiepaw wasn't sure he liked it much. The apprentice den was not as comfortable as the nursery, it didn't have a Bramblesong but at least it had a Wolfpaw and that was acceptable for now. Still, he longed to be left to his own devices once more, disliked being woken to go wander aimlessly on already trekked land and not seek new discoveries. If he was allowed to go on his own he would uncover many mysteries within the marsh, perhaps be able to learn things at his own pace. He felt terribly rushed these days, his awkward and wobbling gait had never hampered him as a kitten yet now he was expected to keep stride alongside cats whose limbs did not fight them so ruthlessly day to day. His conquest of his own paws had failed countless times, he was falling behind now and he didn't enjoy it. These older apprentices seemed to know the way of the world already, even if they chose to take this knowledge and flounder it in mud. The black and white tom wandered over, bumping into Smogmaw as he tried to stop his forward momentum without slamming his head into the ground and he turned to watch Ravenpaw struggle to free her brother. He does not offer any assistance, he knows he would just tumble in himself and cause more of an issue and if someone had to drown in a mud pit today he had decided it shouldn't be him. He had much to do still on this earth.
"If we have to leave him put mud on his face so the birds don't peck out his eyes."
A mercy.