
Time and time again, Twilightpaw finds himself drawn to this place, drawn not to the border between clans but the border between life and death for some, the hard, grey path stretched out before him. He hadn't seen it happen, hadn't borne witness to the terrible act that stripped his mother of all of her lives like some of his siblings had, but the moment still haunts him, no matter how hard he tries to pretend otherwise. Whenever he feels as though it's almost been enough time, that he should be back to normal, he always finds himself back at the same spot, quiet contemplation interrupted by the rumble of a racing monster, and he finds himself instinctively flinching back despite the distance he keeps from the wretched path. It's endlessly frustrating - you'd have to be stupid not to have at least a healthy fear of the Thunderpath, sure, but Twilightpaw can feel that this is something more, something different. None of his siblings are like this, he knows, not like this; they've changed in other ways, perhaps, but they're not left unable to take a step closer like he is. He can't even draw close enough to mark the border anymore, forced to watch his clanmates from afar whenever he's unlucky enough to be forced to go along on a border patrol. Not much bothers him, not his lackluster skills as an apprentice or even the growing distance between himself and the rest of his clans, but this? This bothers him, for reasons he can't explain.

It's been quiet today, no monsters barreling by to ruin his reverie, and Twilightpaw's found himself completely lost in thought for quite some time, wondering about the snow that's been plaguing them as of late. One day, it had just been cold, normal for the season, and the next the flakes were falling from the sky as if it were raining, though chillier than any rain he'd ever experienced. Really, he can't decide which he dislikes more - they both tended to stick to his pelt in one way or another, though at least with rain it wasn't always this cold. The way that the snow sticks to the ground is especially annoying, what with the amount of it he's had to shovel out of the way just to find a place to sit, though in all fairness when it rains it's practically impossible to find any scrap of dry ground, with both types of weather leaving his pelt varying degrees of soggy. Of course, at the end of the day his opinions on the weather don't really matter, considering he's got no control over it, and rain or snow Twilightpaw still finds himself seeking solace out alone, out near the Thunderpath. The soft crunch of approaching paws on snow is first tuned out, but once his brain catches up he's swiveling his head, searching for the source. "Lilac?" he questions, voice sounding far louder in the wake of the relative silence he's been keeping. "H-hey, careful - don't get too close." Even if she's hardly any closer to the Thunderpath than he is, his pelt still crawls at the thought of her straying just a bit too close, of her meeting the same fate as that of their mother.

// @Lilacpaw
She remembers that day, remembers the chaos, the screaming, the crying, the emptiness that had swallowed the camp like the shadows they were named for. It still eats away at her, shackling itself to her body the same way her stripes were anchored to her pelt. Yet in this moment, she isn't thinking about her mother's death, about the thunderpath, infact it seems as if the molly isn't thinking at all.

There is a heaviness to the way she walks, a sort of stiff listlessness that gives off the impression of being a stringed puppet. One foot after the other, over and over. No, Lilacpaw isn't thinking about where she's going, how the snow under her paws seems to cushion less and less the closer she brings herself to the Thunderpath.

"Wonderful Lilacpaw! Now if you just put a bit more force into that blow like this-" Nightwillow demonstrates the move again beside her, faster this time. She nods, mimicking their actions before a set of cheers errupts from beside the clearing. Her eyes snap over to Ravenpaw, Slitherpaw and Teaselpaw making a clamor in their encouragement for her, their mentors rolling their eyes and shaking their heads at eachother as her face pulls into a wide grin. 'Kids.' They think fondly in exasperation.

"Careful now, you'll scare all the prey in the marshes like that." Warmth fills her as she hears her mother's voice come up behind her. Turning she bounds over to Briarstar. "Mom! I actually got it right this time! Just watch, I'll have Pitchsun on his back in no time!" The apprentice bubbles.


Confused, she looks around. The owner of the voice shouldn't be here yet. He was supposed to-

"H-Hey careful- Don't get too close."

Her paws hit crumbled rock under the snow, and the dream around her collapses. She looks up at Twilightpaw, utterly lost and vulnerable in her awakened state. Of course, the scene had never happened, never had a chance to happen. Nightwillow had once again sent her back to camp after a rather unfruitful combat training session, but somehow, she had come here instead of home. "Oh! Hi Twi, just.. making sure the border's alright. I know Windclan and us are friends now but its our duty right?" A lie, one that leaks through the teeth of an eyeless smile.