this is the hunt — watching fireflies


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The moon guided his path, tree limbs stretched, clouding his view of the night sky that brimmed with the first reaches of dawn. A reminder that he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. He grumbled, peering at his surroundings with the last shrill hope of getting sleep before the dawn patrols arrived and he’d begin his day with heavy paws.

Duskpool winced, tattered ear swerving to catch the last sounds of the night, hoping to dampen the screams of past endeavors, too tired to dwell further about the nightmare that have kept him up. It was times like these that Duskpool wanted to go back to the comforts of a brittle nest tucked beneath the decaying trunk of a tree. Away from everything. Away from the shame that clung to his pelt like berry juice ( it had taken him days to get the last bit of mess from his fur, still finding oddities when he bothered to groom the next batch of tangled fur ).

Shaking his helm, the scarred warrior stared at the flowers that littered the small clearing, free of lumbering trees that stretched high over his helm. Duskpool shifted, wincing at the soreness his limb emitted. He’d forgotten about it until now. The crooked limb throbbing from overuse, pleading for a break Duskpool was damn near determined to deny.

He hadn’t noticed it then, watching with liquid copper as lights shined in the last shred of darkness like stars that shined overhead. He blinked, helm tilted, watching them with indifference, ignoring the swell of fondness he held for the small creatures.

Duskpool hadn’t been more than a small fry when his old man showed him. They were further away from the towering cages that kept them inside, flying without worry but to attract a mate with its fluttering glow. He snorted then as all kits did when they didn’t understand. It wasn’t until he was older, staring at the illuminating bugs with sorrow, claws digging into the wooden box that clung to the side that he realized. Ignoring the wild beasts that snarled, yanking at chains with loud clings to the hushed voices of cats that slept on their deathbeds.

“Quirky things aren’t ya?” He rumbled, tired, but whimsical, watching them in rapid attention. Back then, they were a silent reminder that even if he were to face death, as big as that is, they shouldn’t forget the simple things. Sharing tongues amongst its victims, lapping at fresh wounds, whispering in hushed voices while kits wiggled out from their hiding spots to grapple with the hay.

His thoughts were bittersweet, watching with furrowed brows, muscles rippling, coiling beneath marred flesh to sit, pressed up against the trunk. “One good thing in that hellhole.” He’d mumble, barely audible against the whispers of nature. His optics were illuminated by the flicker of light, ignoring the burn of his eyes that threatened to fall shut with the promise of sleep. He wasn’t ignorant enough to let his body rest, knowing he’d wake up in a cool sweat with a numb mind battling his sleep demons.

/ prompt thread
duskpool finds something (a flower? a trinket? maybe even a smell or sound?) that reminds him of his youth. how does he react to it?
thought speech

Though Mallowlark lived a life now blessed by the sun, when before much of his life was lit by a moon-touched visitor, he still had some fondness for the night. He owed a lot to it; owed first meetings and blood-soaked moments and confessions illuminated argent. And sometimes, sometimes... he simply had to wander. Feel that cold air, that kiss of nostalgia, before he retired to an ever-there warmth. The side he never had to leave again.

The stars had fallen, tonight. Inky paws found themselves almost-at-home in the treetops, now- practice was not-quite-perfect, but it was getting there. Stark against the darkness, his figure was rather noticeable... in contrast to the white-splashed shape that dwelled below, back against the trunk. He only noticed Duskpool after a few moments, a light flickering past and yellowing the other warrior's fur, for a moment. Silver eyes wide-set, he glanced unblinkingly down at the other tom as he settled to a stopping perch upon a tree branch. His movement disturbed the boughs, straying needles hailing down; but the bugs did not care, waltzing against the void, thinking of...

Well. Whatever they thought of. They were too delicate to understand... though Mallowlark did wonder ig burning that bright was painful.

⭒✧ Night in the Twolegplace was so different to that of the forest. Stone swaddled fire glow behind panes of glass, fabric eyelids draped shut in curious mimicry of the inhabitants. A sizable portion remained active though- whorled alarms skimming the thunderpaths, blurred twoleg rowdiness and restless ambience. The forest was more subtle in its activity, hushes of wind warning those between the pines that this was a time for quiet. Whether that meant rest, reflection or the clandestine prowl of predators was up to a cat's discretion.

He used to spend the darkest hours of the day perched atop the Learningplace, waiting for lessons to resume in the morning. Nowadays, it suited him better to visit Skyclan and assist in the later patrols. Sometimes, he stayed right up to sunrise- for reasons just like the sight before him. Amber embers swam through the air, coasting along invisible tides. Chalk crept into the heart of the hearth, head high in the air to get a good look at the visiting baubles. The tom strayed close to Duskpool, though the warrior fell into indistinction.

Wings rattled behind each light, valiantly keeping them afloat. Insects? The glow spilt from their undersides with aberrant flickers. He'd seen images of glowing waterscapes amongst the twolegs but had never been sure it was real or twoleg-made. Now he knew it was possible.

A shower of needs unfocused the daylight warrior's eyes. Up in the treetops, the ghostly bulk of Mallowlark loomed over them. Chalk blinked- in hello and discomfort. Then, to Duskpool, he murmured, "You've seen them before?" The older cat's rumblings hadn't gone unheard, only placed aside until his investigations were complete.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
His gaze briefly flickered to the rustle of needles, until molten copper landed on Chalk’s form, expression morphing into indifference. His lips curled, barely noticeable against the blush of dawn, back scraping against the rough bark with a tired sigh. “Seen a lot of things, kid.” He remarked, peeling his gaze away to stare at the quirky bugs illuminating the monochrome backdrop, molten copper flashing.

He’d grown fond of the small things, but now? He huffed, barely audible. Now they brought a sense of melancholy—bittersweet memories.

The tom curled a tail around his bulky frame, resting languidly against his paws, helm tipped back with a low-guttural sigh. “Saw ‘em when I was younger.” He finally added, turning to glance at the warrior, expression indifferent. He turned then, observing the quirky creatures with wishful hues. “My old man showed ‘em when I was a youngster, gave us cats some hope, fickle as it was.” He grunted, gaze narrowing. He didn’t bother elaborating, turning further away from the warrior.
thought speech
Angry at all the things I can't change
A single ear flicks as his listens in on their conversation idly. Hope, it was such a fragile thing. Easily crushed in the face of adversity and yet it could be strong enough to move mountains as well. Coyotecrest rolls his chin slightly upon his paws to get a better look at Duckpool before allowing his gaze to drift back to the fireflies themselves. "What else have you seen out there?" He inquires in a hushed tone. All he's ever known is the forest, the clans, and their laws. There were a few strange things he noticed along the lines of twoleg place, however the list was not extensive.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

Twin moons of sliver glanced down at the ensuing conversation, low-in-volume... though, fireflies seemed not to be spooked the same way prey was. Did they lack fear? He wondered what it would be like if cats were crafted that way, too... fearless, pretty little things. Would Twolegs gaze at them wistfully instead of trying to get their mitts on them?

One tiny star flitted close, then- like a tiny drop of sun-in-the-night, oxymoronic, perching on his nose. Those little legs, numerous- his snout wrinkled, peeling back his lips to reveal a wider grin. The thickling sensation seized him into a sneeze, sending another shower of pine-needles scattering to the ground. By some miracle of the grace he did not quite display in his expression, he managed to stay perched- but he could no longer suppress the writing curiosity in his flesh. "What do you reckon they're made of?" he purred, voice hushed despite the joy that glowed from him. Duskpool seemed familiar with them... Mallowlark could not say the same, and judging by Chalk's question, neither could he. Coyotecrest... well, he revealed nothing, and Mallowlark giggled behind his fangs, uncontrollable spillage.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool nearly laughed at the question, turning a molten hue at the warrior, lips drawn in a barely noticeable grimace. It wasn’t until he humored the other, peering at the illuminating bugs with a darkening expression, vanishing with an air of indifference. Might as well humor the kid.

He hadn’t been born in this forest, he doubted a lot of ‘em were born here, but the few that were, unaware of what was outside of the clans. It wasn’t a bad thing. No. He could argue that it was a hell of a lot better than being sitting ducks out in the city or wherever these idiots ended up in.

Blinking, Duskpool shifted, letting out a quiet grunt as his bones quivered, reminding him there wasn’t a damn bone in his body that hadn’t been broken; fixed by unwilling upwalkers. “Ever seen a twolegs nest bigger than the pines?” He commented, turning an optic to Coyotecrest. “Things are brighter than these bugs here.” Sure made him think he’d go blind from lookin’ at them, but he hadn’t been there for long. It was the nicer of things, but Duskpool wasn’t gonna ruin that small flicker of interest with somethin’ gruesome.

He turned an optic to Mallowlark, trying to, but he settled on watching the lightning bugs. “Sure as hell beats me.” He shrugged. “My old man mentioned they glowed like the damn sun lookin’ for a mate.” He wasn’t sure how true. Not that he cared. Duskpool hadn’t been privy to seeing them since he was a kid.
thought speech
Bittersweet memories linger in the back of her mind as she watches the fireflies flitter about, blinking and shining like little embers. Her kits loved to chase them, when they were here. She used to enjoy batting at them too, but gone are the days where she was carefree and happy. Now, she is just bitter and vengeful. But this doesn't stop the foxlike molly from holding a paw out to a nearby firefly for it to land on.

"I don't know what their secret is, but they are pretty, regardless." She says. "Maybe they trap sunlight in their bodies to use at night?"

She isn't sure how fireflies work, but a healthy imagination keeps her from becoming a party pooper. Sometimes a little magic is all you need to make living worth it. She watches the bug sit on her extended paw and glow. For a brief moment in time, her heart feels warm again.

She listens to Duskpool recount his sights. She's seen such things from afar, towering structures that look as if they touch the sky itself. Only once has she seen them, though. On a trip with her twoleg. She much prefers the smaller dens in the twolegplace.​