
average ohio resident
Nov 9, 2022
In the shade of the nursery, Charcoal lays in wait, stalks for her next victim through wide yellow eyes; theres a hustle and bustle in camp, but none of them were worthy to become her next piece of prey. She grows bored of it quite quickly, I mean, it'd be so much better if she could go retreat to her frog friends and take over the world. She'd kick out every single boring person ever, which were mostly old people (some of them were OKAY she guessed, but they were on thin ice), and some of the apprentices because some of them were sticks in the mud. And also, frogs were just cooler, considering she was friends with Frogkit 1 and Frogkit 2 and she deemed herself Frogstar the Great, and sometimes they whispered to her silly little things.

She slips out, prances towards the main space before she was practically bowled over by someone taller than her. "Hey! Watch where you're going! I'm gonna make a tree fall on you next time." she hissed a thinly veiled threat, though its obvious someone of her stature could never even come close to knocking over a tree. The push was nearly forgotten as she gasps, ears perking forwards. "Oh my Stars. Do you think, do you think, I know the answer of course, that trees make a sound when they fall and no ones around? Like, I mean, come on. Answer." theres a quizzical glare on her face, because how they would respond would effect their ENTIRE life, would effect HERS too. Answer wisely.

// feel free to be a bystander or the one that knocked her over LOL

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Padding back into camp, Bear holds her head high in victory, a mouse dangling from her jaws. Her first catch as a member of Skyclan! It's not much, and it wasn't her first attempt, but she still feels a little bubble of pride inside. As she's heading toward the fresh-kill pile, the molly neglects to look down, and suddenly she's stumbling into something, or perhaps more accurately someone. As Charcoalkit begins to berate her, Bear hops back, practically falling over herself in an attempt to apologize. "Oh - oh no, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-" though her apology is cut short by Charcoalkit herself. It seems she's already moved on to the next topic, leaving Bear staring down at the kit, dumbfounded. Do trees...make noise when they fall if nobody's around?

It seems like it should be an obvious answer - of course they do - but she pauses, thinking it over. I mean, it's not like anybody could really prove it if they weren't there to hear the tree fall, right? No, no, that's a silly thought - they definitely still make noise! "Uh, I'm pretty sure they do. Even if you don't see something happen, that doesn't mean it didn't happen, right? Like, cats in other clans are doing stuff right now even if we aren't there to see it," she answers with a tilt of her head. Though, now that she thinks more about it, the situations are a little different, aren't they? There's still someone present in other clans, but if there's nobody around the tree, does that make it a different answer? And, maybe sound is different than actually doing something, though she supposes this hypothetical cat could be talking to themselves. Except, why would they just be talking to themselves? Are they also trying to decide whether the tree will make a sound? Now Bear's confused herself.

✦ ★ ✦

As the newest member of Skyclan, Soil was still trying to get used to everything. It seemed every time he turned his head, the old-timer was seeing a new face. What fun this would be! For the time being, though, the sociable tomcat would work to restrain himself from talking anyone’s ear off until his injury was healed. A sprained paw was nothing serious, but the prideful man wanted his new clanmates’ first impression of him to be from something that proved his worth, and the elder couldn’t hunt enough for a feast in this condition.

Having said that, though, oak-colored ears nevertheless perked up at the sounds of conversation. Soil shuffled over, trying to make his limp as invisible as possible, before sitting and observing the situation. It seemed a collision had taken place seconds before, and anger at the incident was inversely proportional to size. At least, that was the case until the tiny kit seemed to move on in seconds.

Soil let out a warm smile as he listened to the back and forth. It was always nice to see inquisitive young folk, it gave the greying cat a good feeling about the future. “If one of us falls and there’s no one around, do we make a sound? I’ve heard my body thump enough times to know the answer, so I say the same must be true of trees.” The elder purred, seeming satisfied with his strange logic. “Of course, little one, that’s only a guess. I’d love to hear the answer!”

Howlkit had been resting nearby, tired from a day of exploring SkyClan on another family visit. She opens an eye when she hears Charcoalkit yelling at Bear for bumping into her, before implying she would drop a tree on the older cat next time. What an amusing idea that would be! Howlkit would have liked to see her try. Well, not crush Bear, but to see Charcoalkit push down a tree which would have been an impressive feat for one so small such as herself.

Awoken from her nap, she pads over as the conversation turns to whether trees made a sound if they fell when no one was around. The young torbie stares up with interest at Soil's odd answer but finds herself quietly agreeing with him. "Of course they do!" Howlkit chimes in with her own response once he has finished speaking. "Just cause we might not be there to hear it doesn't mean they wouldn't make a sound. Have you seen how big some of the trees are?"