this is where it starts | missing


May 3, 2023

His denmates would notice that his nest was empty. Disheveled and messy as always, but empty nonetheless. He had slipped out during the night and planned to return before anyone could wake. Like many nights before, no one would have even noticed he'd left. But fate would not deem it to be so. The grizzled chausie mix's scent could easily be trailed into the forest, along the border of twoleg place. There it weaves and bobs along the concrete jungle, through various gardens and other foot paths and if they dared to travel deeper, the lingering odor of blood, predator, and twoleg collide at a central point.

(Feel free to make an actual patrol thread looking for him! Or it can remain as flavor text for everyone to talk about. Either way if they do find the house no one will find him there because the twoleg would have whisked him off to the vet by then.)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / thirteen moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
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When Jaypaw had went to the nest for the night, Plaguepaw /had/ been there expect it seems that he left during the night for some odd reason. She had heard the stirring but didn't wake up to investigate as she was exhausted from her training with her mentor, and her sleepy green eyes blink at the nest for a moment. He still wasn't back yet? Her fictional eyebrows furrow in confusion as she removes herself from the nest she was comfortable in and searched around camp. His scent was weakening in the camp and lead outside, but it was only his. His mentor's scent didn't mingle with his and she wonders if he went outside of camp without anyone else.

He's been gone for a decent time and wondered that something could've probably got him especially with the recent deaths in Skyclan. "Has anyone seen Plaguepaw? He left sometime last night and never came back." Jaypaw would inquire to anyone outside the apprentice den and hopefully nothing major happened to tom-cat.


Twitchbolt knew his mate's apprentice rather well- had been one of the first to meet him in the dark of the Shelter, a shadowed time in his memory. The fork-tailed kit- though he was an apprentice now, grown and surely approaching his warriorhood- had ambled around and asked him in no uncertain terms if he was undead. It'd struck him as profoundly off, but... Twitchbolt had gotten used to him being around, after all this time. That shared experience would always live in the nooks of his memory, but Plaguepaw existed as one of the few good things they'd managed to get out of that whole ordeal.

Jaypaw's concerned voice wove its way into his ears- the tattered one flicked, and stunned eyes befell the apprentice, a flurry of blinks blurring his vision. "What?" Twitchbolt's back bristled into spined, a rattling shiver. "You- you heard him leave?" He regarded Jaypaw, blankly horrified, for a few long moments. Had he not thought to tell someone before now?

Twitchbolt did not believe he could take yet another apprentice turning up shredded- finding more spots of blood on the border, fresh, belonging to someone who should have seen more sunrises than him. "Right, we'll- we're going to find him. I need volunteers!" Wide eyes turned to regard the rest of the camp, skimming the faces for any knowledge... any volunteers.
penned by pin ✧

Yolk-stained ears flicked up just as all hell was breaking loose. Eggshellbloom normally wouldn’t arrive in camp until later in the day, but his brief (and still ongoing) stint in the medicine den meant that amber eyes were opening in time to help. The coward poked his head out of the den with a yawn, bleary gaze barely focusing on Twitchbolt before the boy was shocked awake by the quickly-thickening fear scent in the air.

“I - I didn’t hear anything” Eggshell offers quickly and dumbly, the statement being no assistance to anyone. The coward is quick to inwardly reprimand himself, though, limping outside as the panicking deputy calls for volunteers.

“It’s - y’know - it’s only sore pads, so - Fireflypaw said-“ He took a breath, trying to keep words short when time is of the essence. “I can - can come.” The spineless whelp finally spits out, anxious mind already coming up with outlandish and macabre fates for Plaugepaw. Still, he’s at least sensible enough not to share them aloud. “Where should we check for - first, t-though? The forest is p-pretty big…” Should they split up? Or would that just lead to more of them disappearing?​
𓆝 . ° ✦

Nightmares were becoming so frequent that the molly hardly slept now. Most nights were quite and peaceful, and with a little luck the bug song would lull her to sleep before the sky became to light for them to hush. Tonight, however, was one of the fustrating ones where something scared off the bugs.
Choclate ears lifted and flicked, finding the right location. The apprentice den?
Hefting herself to her paws, the molly shook off any moss that clung to her body and made her way over to the den, careful not to distrub the other warriors. Exhaustion knotted in her pelt, the molly nodded a greeting. "I'll help. If he left then he might be spending time with his two legs. Unless you think he'd be out hunting for some reason - maybe to inpress a crush or something?"

✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧
  • ooc: low muse
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

Ever since the apprentice had come to his den, Momowhisker knew the day would come when Plaguepaw would no longer spend his nights in the wild. He had helped manifest such an existence, teaching his young friend how to act to impress a Twoleg and helping him bathe himself to the point where he wouldn't get mistaken for a rat. One of Plague's peers picked up on his first, then to the Deputy, who was noticeably more alarmed than the former. The sapphire eyes of the Daylight Warrior grew wide, then, when Eggshell and Sorrelsong volunteered, the whites of them began to show. Guilt nagged at his pounding thoughts, his tail lashing uncontrollably behind him as the consequences of helping the other in secret came to light. No one knew where he was, no one except for Momowhisker. Their maw gaped open like fish as they considered sharing what had been said in confidence if only to prevent his own anxiety from engulfing him like a bear's claw. 'I don't want them to worry about him...' He considered as he moved closer. 'But he asked me to keep it secret... I can't hurt him like that.' Plaguepaw said it was just at night... right?

Doubt crept into his thoughts, wondering if his friend had said something different, wondering if he had meant something else. When nausea threatened to reach its crescendo, Momowhisker put on a brave face, expression deceptively calm in the face of his inner adversity. "I can volunteer," he beamed, swallowing the lump in his throat and smiling weakly passed it. "The Twolegplace might make more sense, that was where he ran to after the rogues took SkyClan over," he suggested - he couldn't tell whether his duplicity was aimed towards his clanmates or Plaguepaw. Either way, he didn't think he would be breaking any rules by giving them a nudge in the right direction.