border THIS ISNT WHAT I KNOW - returning


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023
The days bled together. Groggy, disoriented. The pain she felt rip through her body that day was none like she had ever felt. But slowly- she healed. Not normally, for there was no Berry heart beside her this time. Even though, the crooked jaw of the familiar friend she once had was long gone.

There was no mews of familiar cats, and no scents of berries flooding her nose when she woke up. Batwing was gone, but his scent was ever familiar- she would never let it be forgotten, holding the memories against her chest as she cradled herself in a cold cage with the smell of metal.

She was only trying to feed her clan, when her paws barely tried to stop over the dreaded road. The last thing she remembered was bright lights, then she woke here. At first, she thought it was Starclan with how bright it was. But alas, her heart thrummed a gentle tune of life.


She had made it out, step by step that she healed, was a step closer she could manage to escape. She realized quickly there was a pattern to the twolegs coming in to check and feed them dry tasteless pebbles of food. There was a few attempts- caught, but each time a bit further in the maze of walls.

Every touch they brushed against her fur made her uncomfortable, her fur twitched and her spine stiffened, but she did not react otherwise. There was never a purr to escape her scarred figure. There was no light in her once bright eyes. For the time she was here, she was a cusp of her former glory. She felt weaker. And besides the massive loss of weight and loss of muscle, her bones protruding through skin was nothing but a sign of the depression she was succumbing to.

Something the former Tigerpaw would have never thought to fall to- she had found herself to be. Worry clawed through her heart as she walked. And paced. And ran.

But she could only run so far in this state, this unfamiliar terrain was so far from -


She could smell it now, and her steps quickened, the painful memories as she realized- this was where she last saw her mother. Let's play a game... a game she would learn to be scared of- a game of abandonment.

"Hey, woah, it's okay. Where's your mom, kiddo?" batwing, his voice shed tears on the edge of orange and brown fur.

And then came Flamewhsiker, her fur amazed her, so bright, so elegant.

They took her home.

And her life really began. What she was meant to be.

"im... Home.. I'm finally- I'm finally home , " she whispered, a voice so unused and different sounding then it once was. Her teeth gritted as she settled on the edge of the grass, letting her tired form rest as she had finally made it.

Who would still be here? Would nightbird be here? Would howlingstar greet her with warm welcoming eyes?

And after a moment of recollection, she finally called.

"Howlingstar! Flamewhisker! Flycatcher! " there was the first signs of excitement in her tone, breaking the silence as she flicked her multicoloured large ears trying to keen in on her senses. But she dared not cross the border- for if an unfamiliar face were to see her, she did not intend to startle them. She bore enough wounds scattered even more across her grown form. She didn't want more.

But the excitement flooded her more and more. She was home.
  • Sad
  • Wow
Reactions: Flamestar and ixora
Tigerpaw - a name she had not thought of in many moons. They had grown up together; she’d been apprenticed alongside the bicolored tabby. They’d trained together, and they were set to receive their warrior names around the same time. But then the other molly had vanished, and life in Thunderclan had become tumultuous. Too many earth-shattering events had occurred since she last saw her former peer; she would be ashamed to admit that she had long ago stopped wondering where she’d gone.

But a voice that now rang unfamiliar echoed through the forest, and her skin tingled with alarm. Palefire had been sent out on a hunting patrol alongside her clanmates, many of which were Skyclaw’s loyalists, sent to keep an eye on the rest of them. It was irritating, being watched every second of the day. The lynx-point had finally managed to slip her guard for a few precious moments of peace, even though she hadn’t intended to try anything. She wasn’t going anywhere; not now that she had Meadowpaw to look out for.

"Howlingstar! Flamewhisker! Flycatcher!" Ears swiveling, the young warrior frantically tried to figure out where the voice was coming from. She tracked it as far as she could in the direction of the Thunderpath, praying that her captures hadn’t seen her take off. But just as she’d thought she might’ve lost it, the overpowering scent of Twolegs drifted towards her on the breeze. A smell that she had always associated with kittypets, Palefire felt an equal measure of hope and fear surge in her heart at the thought that maybe one of their exiled clanmates had returned.

But when she rounded a close grouping of trees, she stopped dead at the sight of a two-toned tabby pelt she never thought she’d see again. A ghost now stood before her, staring back at her with the eyes of her old denmate. “Tigerpaw..?” she breathed incredulously. What was she doing here? How was she alive? Why did she smell like twolegs? The last thought sent a chill of fear down her spine, and any thoughts of a fond reunion disappeared.

Nervously glancing over her shoulder to make sure they hadn’t caught up to her yet, the lilac-furred molly quickly stepped forward, lowering her voice to a frantic whisper as she leveled the missing apprentice with a panicked look. “Listen to me closely. This is not the Thunderclan you left, not anymore. It belongs to… to Skyclaw now.” He would turn her away at best, smelling the way she did; at worst, he would kill her. She looked over her shoulder again, her words tumbling out in an urgent plea. “You need to leave. Run fast, as far away as you can get, before they know you’re here-“ The sudden snap of a twig behind her made her muscles tense, and she whipped around to face whoever had found them.

  • LrCLeua.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
A pelt of colours akin to flame and char slunk forth from the undergrowth, freezing only once he stood under Palefire's gaze. He could practically smell the panic and urgency in the air at that moment, though he understood as to why. However, he was no ally of Skyclaw. Wildheart gave a gentle blink as a way of conveying that he had come in peace, though he remained on high alert given that the next arrival could easily be an enemy seeking blood.

Still, he granted himself some relief to see Tigerpaw, as rough as she looked. She was alive somehow and had made the journey home. It was just a pity that her home had seen evil take root. "Time is short, we're always being watched. Tigerpaw, search for ThunderClan scents that lead away from the territory and follow them. Find the others who were cast out. You'll be safer with them, and they can explain the situation in greater detail." Surely it would be the better option than wandering alone.

A prickle ran up the length of Wildheart's spine and he found himself looking back over his shoulder at the territory behind them. Time was running short, they needed Tigerpaw to hurry away before less savoury company came. Already he found himself stepping into the space between the formerly lost apprentice and the shadows of ThunderClan's territory, as if expecting a fight.

〕What should have been an easy hunt was turned impossible by the shadow that hadn't left her since they departed the camp. Each time she found a scent trail, or went to pounce, Darkthistle would purposely make a loud noise to scare her catch away. The first few times she had managed to hide just how much it agitated her, but after the third time she was prickling irritatedly. "I thought the purpose of your new leader was to make sure the camp was fed? How are we supposed to feed the camp when you scare everything off?" She hissed as she swung around to face him. Her tail lashed as she waited for a response, but something else caught her attention instead.

Howlingstar! Flamewhisker! Flycatcher!

The fiery tabby turned her head to the source of the sound, then back at Darkthistle. Flycatcher. Hearing her mate's name called still pained her just as much as hearing their fallen leader's name. "Better keep up." Without warning, the fiery tabby turned to run, hoping she could make it to the sound at least a few moments before her guard. The run wasn't too far from the border, but seasons of experience of maneuvering the forest gained her a few moment advantage.

As she skidded to a halt beside Palefire and Wildheart, her eyes widened as she was met with the former apprentice she had found all those moons ago. "Tigerpaw.." Her voice was strained as she kept herself from pushing forward, wanting to embrace her friend and welcome her back. "!" she hissed as Darkthistle's scent started to grow stronger...if he or any of the others found her, it would be bad.

  • ooc. @darkthistle
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
Less mouths to feed - but just enough, if not more, work to do. For it is nearly impossible to get anything meaningful done around here with these mouse-hearts interrupting their hunts as she's seen done to Flamewhisker multiple times just today.

Badgerstripe brings near the rear of the patrol, of course, not without the close guard of another cat. She feels like a prisoner in her own territory, where she was born and raised, no thanks to that sharp tongue of hers that she still has barely learned to keep to herself. A mouse is just within reach when a voice calls out from somewhere nearby, beyond the wood - it is familiar in a way she can just barely put her tongue on, a sweet sound of a memory long past.

She doesn't make it in time to get out the words she wants to. In front of her stands a beloved friend from moons ago, before Badgerstripe had earned her warrior name. " Tigerpaw..? " the molly breathes out, distant and confused, while Flamewhisker urgently hisses at her to run. You're alive? is what she would say, if she had the time before the rest of their patrol caught up.

The bi-color cat in front of her brings her to an age where there was no worry, no strife. She remembers running these woods at Tigerpaw's side, taking down prey together and enjoying the snowy scenery - for it had been leafbare since she last saw her. She remembers bringing her out to see a beautiful sunset, and taking in the serene moment with her with such joy.

Tigerpaw is just within reach - if Badgerstripe were to stretch out her arms, she could embrace her long lost friend in a hug and tell her about all she missed - about how Badgerstripe missed her. She could tell her to stay - naively, she thinks she could reason with Skyclaw. But with his followers hot on their heels like hungry hounds, it is all she can do in a moment of shock to gaze at her with a deep, grieving sorrow and let Flamewhisker usher her away. I will see you again, she vows silently as she takes a step back to allow the deputy to urgently send her away, with a solemn apology taking the form of tears in Badgerstripe's eyes.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text
  • Crying
Reactions: tigerwing

Palepaw! The familiar face caused her to grin for a mere second before the terror in his eyes made her grin falter and her opened maw of unspoken words catch. This is not the thunderclan you left, not anymore. It belongs to.. to skyclaw now. Skyclaw? Who was that? Green eyes flickered to follow the snap of the branch to see another face- Wildhearts.

But he bore just as bad news- telling her to run just as well, that she was safer with the exiles. But she didn't understand, and there seemed not to be time to understand. "But... I fought a two leg to be back here, I broke-[\b]" her heart was thudding in her ears, her words shaky with the fear that was heavy in the air.

This wasn't fair. She wanted to be home, where she would've been willing to die to just return here. she didn't like to hurt others, remembering the pained sound of even the two leg as claws snagged their skin and red spilled from their tender skin. But she had a purpose they would never understand.

The sight of flame catcher made her ears perk up, but as more familiar faces flooded in, and the screams of "run" echoed through the air with the thudding of her heart, she knew she had no choice. Without thought, she would lean forward, and press her nose to badgerpaws forehead, seeing the look in her eyes and hoping she knows that she still remembered her and cared for her. A lot. More than the apprentice understood.

She knew the other two were not paws- she knew they were blessed by howlingstar and starclan with their warrior names, but she would not know their names. She hoped they fit them, but she trusted that howlingstar would find one that did such a job and more.

They were not chasing her away from her home, she could tell by the sadness she caught in badgerpaws eyes, and all of their eyes, that she knew they wouldn't lead her astray without reason. She trusted them. Though her heart tore in half as she took the few steps away from the border. "I - I didn't leave. They mutilated me, and stole me- I miss you guys. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help." Before finally, the heavily scarred apprentice turned off and bolted as fast as she could through the bushes in looks for the scents that Wildheart told her about.

She would find answers.

She would get home. She would get all of the wrongfully outcasted clanmates home.
A cruel smirk crept across his lips each and every time he ruined Flamewhisker's hunt. It was highly amusing to see Howlingstar's chosen fall so far. Couldn't catch a thing for the clan she demanded to back down. He would show them just how much more valuable he was compared to her- so as his paw cracked another twig, and she whipped to face him, the smirk only grew into a crazed grin. "What, are you so bad at hunting that you can't catch a measly mouse? Aw. Poor-" Head snapped right just as Flamewhisker's did.

Better keep up. And she was off, orange fur disappearing into the undergrowth. A snarl pulled from his lips as he left after her, his paws drumming on the ground and slipping through tangles of branches and roots alike. Just what he was good at. Darkthistle couldn't see what she was urging to- Run... Run!, but as he broke through the branches, sharpened eyes turned to the lot of cats standing here.

Wildheart. Palefire. Badgerstripe, who had tears in her eyes, and Flamewhisker, who looked in a panic. But the scent in the air, that unfamiliar scent- his nose lifted in the air, mouth parting to catch it, before his claws unsheathed and sharp eyes turned towards the collection of cats now behind him. "Who was that, hm? I'm sure Skyclaw would be surely interested to hear your warning strangers to run instead of defending your home, mm?"

Tail lashed as his vision swept. He couldn't leave without taking Flamewhisker, so he was waiting for an explanation. Vision paused at Badgerstripe, and his chin lifted. "And what are you nearly in tears for?"​
Wildheart breathed a sigh of relief when Tigerpaw heeded their warnings and fled from the border. It was for the best, at least for the time being. Before the tom could offer any words of sympathy or comfort to his fellow clanmates, Darkthistle arrived. The calico narrowed his eyes with growing ire as Skyclaw's little spy began to speak, and of course began to demand answers. "And I'm sure Skyclaw will enjoy hearing that you couldn't even maintain a watch over a couple cats." Wildheart scoffed as he took a stride towards Darkthistle with his head held high.

"Considering how ugly your face is I'm surprised more cats aren't reduced to tears, I can already feel my own eyes getting wet from just looking at it." The tom stuck out his tongue in a childish gesture as he decided to mock Darkthistle. Wildheart might have mellowed a little with age, but he was still a defiant little sod at heart.

  • Haha
Reactions: tigerwing
Her childhood friend touches her nose to Badgerstripe's forhead - and with a hesitant farewell, she is gone. It all happens so quick, and the molly is left dumbfounded to wonder: what just happened?

But, Tigerpaw is gone just in time, it seems, for Darkthistle is quick to approach just as Flamewhisker predicted. Badgerstripe's distraught expression screws into a frustrated frown as the tom chastised them. Kittypet scent hangs heavy in the air, with only a touch of the warm scent she can barely remember. She wouldn't intervene in his comments towards Flamewhisker; the deputy is capable of standing up for herself, and she'd only make the situation worse. But when the tom calls her out, Badgerstripe's head snaps over to fix him with a cold stare.

" As if you give a rat's tail, " she replies tartly. Again, she finds herself wishing she was on Sleekserpent's patrol instead, for at least they were kind to her; but Skyclaw seemed hell bent on keeping them apart over their little squabbles. In response to Darkthistle's inquiry, Badgerstripe sniffles and brings a paw up to wipe her wet eyes. " Allergies. Can't you feel the season changing? "

And with that, before waiting for a response, she turns her back. " Time's wasting, isn't it? Skyclaw may want to increase patrols here. " And hopefully Tigerpaw is smart enough to not come back, she thinks sadly.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text