private THIS NEXT CHOICE — lake

Since Lilybloom had told Clay and Fern about her recent courtship with Lakemoon, Clay has been excited, deep down in his chest, for the both of them. It’s muted, dulled by his own still-fresh grief, but it is something to be ecstatic about. He’s already congratulated his niece, told her how happy he is for her, but she’s only one half of the new pair of mates.

His voice is soft as he approaches Lily’s silvery other half, an attempt to alert her to his presence so she isn’t startled. "Lakemoon?" He steps closer to the she-cat, offering her a weak smile. "Lily told me the other day that you two decided to become mates." He thinks of his own mate, the love that will forever lie in his chest. He hopes that his niece and her mate will get more time, will get to have everything that he and Clearsight didn’t have, and will never be able to have. He wants nothing but the best for the two she-cats.

"Congratulations. I’m glad that she’s found someone who’ll treat her right." Even though Lakemoon’s family is ThunderClan, even though her own grandmother has been shoving at Cicada, attempting to convince RiverClan that ThunderClan is somehow more deserving of owning sunningrocks than the river cats who have so many memories resting upon those rocks. But Lakemoon has been nothing but loyal to RiverClan, certainly devoted at least to Lily, and that’s more than good enough for him.

// @Lakemoon .
  • Love
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LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Steady paws threaded twine, a meager attempt to rebuild one of the dens that mangy Mintshade had broken.
Of course the blue tabby would rather be doing something else, patrolling, even. Yet, this was where her clan needed her.
She is lost in thought, but not so much so that she doesn’t notice the ivory paws that approach, doesn’t feel the slight vibration of someone arrival under her own.
Sapphire eyes flicker upwards under a brow furrowed in concentration, but are quick to relax into their natural position when she sees that it is Clayfur that approached her, she knows that he is Lilybloom’s uncle.
Did that make them family now? Was the warrior even aware of their relationship? She wonders… it’s not like the pair had made a particularly big announcement, although Lakemoons bouquet stunt the other day was telling enough to the warriors that had been present.
She straightens her posture, looking down on Clayfur with a slightly tilted head.
Lily told me the other day that you two have decided to become mates.
Her chest flutters for a moment, not with surprise, but with silent rejoice that her mottled love had told her family, deemed the ever brooding Lakemoon worthy enough to.
Outwards, she only nods softly as she listens, still all too aware of Clayfurs own mates recent passing.
He congratulates her, and gratitude is evident in her narrow shaped gaze. "Thank you, Clayfur" she replies with an appreciative nod of her head. "I’m truly a lucky one, she’s an amazing cat, I see a lot of the good in her that I see in your family" she replies, trying to soften the sharpness of her usual tone that came naturally to her. "The uhm, the first time we met, was back when the clans were the colonies. I had crossed over into Skyclans territory to catch a mouse" unusually talkative, truthfully, but the memory was a fond one. "We had been stalking the same one, and pounced at the same time. Instead of catching the mouse, we crashed into each other. Of course, we blamed one another for the loss of the mouse, but even so, when I joined Riverclan it was my first time all on my own without my family. She noticed, and she offered me friendship then- despite our differences" She doesn’t think she had told anyone of their first encounter before then, and a small but rare smile cracks along her features. "Like I said, I’m extremely lucky."
The muddy brown tom cracks a smile, a bright, real thing, when Lakemoon says that Lily reflects the goodness of her family. And now Lakemoon herself is a part of the family, and despite her stoicism he can tell that she cares for her tortoiseshell mate. She goes on to explain her own history with Lilybloom, and the chocolate tabby tom feels his smile stretch a bit wider. "I had no idea you two knew each other for that long," he says, a flick of his tail punctuating his words.

Where one love has been lost, another has been found, it seems. With the way Lake talks about her first meeting and subsequent friendship with his niece, and the way that Lilybloom told he and Fernpaw about Lake, he can tell that they both feel strongly about one another. He’s grateful that Lily has found someone who’s not only good for her, but also sees the good in her. She deserves happiness, the shining ray of sunshine that she’s been since she first came into the world.

Lakemoon claims that she’s lucky, and something in his chest ignites. It’s lightning striking a tree, the way the bittersweet feeling spreads in his chest. "You are lucky. Love like that… it’s a good thing to have." He pauses; he hates to drag his own cracked heart into his congratulations. He would do anything to make the both of them happy, and it feels as though he’s constantly saddling others with his pain these days. Change the subject, he tells himself—he feels a bit like Snakeblink, putting his paw in his mouth at all times, saying the wrong things. "So… who asked who to be their mate?" He’d asked Lilybloom a similar question, but he is also interested in Lake’s side of the tale.