camp this nine-to-five ain't workin' // rta


Do Me The Honour
Dec 20, 2023
Oh such a wealth of changes! One leader falls, and another swiftly takes up the space. Just what lay in ShadowClan's future now? Willowburn was deeply curious, and it was this curiosity that stopped him from wallowing in any form of true grief. His mind was forever set on the path going forward, so he had little time to think of what they had lost.

The tom hummed softly to himself as he reclined in the heart of the camp, idly watching his peers going about their business. Willowburn couldn't help but ponder over what exactly they were thinking and feeling, and how could he put it to use for his own gains. Blinking slowly, he then stretched his forepaws out lazily before resting his head upon them. "Oh what is this handsome tom to do with himself today?" Oh what indeed!

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[ ༻❄༺ ] "Perhaps go hunting, leaf-fall is closing in on us, might as well start getting as much as we can now" Snowpaw said calmly as he approached Willowburn with a calm look in his yellow eyes, it really wasn't his concern but, it was better than lazing about in camp and doing nothing that was for sure. After all they had to keep marching on.

The apprentice settled himself down near Willowburn, thinking about perhaps he should also join in on the hunting patrol, best keep himself busy instead of nervously thinking about the assessment that was upcoming from Mirepurr, yet he was sure the other would make sure to keep it in his skill levels and that he would pass without difficulties, but he did not want to jinx himself, he did not want to become a failure of this clan and having his warrior assessment failed, not after moons of training. "I'm sure the kits and queens would be happy about it too" he said gently.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 11 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


'Oh, what is this handsome tom to do with himself today?'

To his constant amazement, the same predicament greets Smogstar at each new dawn. Rising in the pre-dawn hush from his oak-roots shelter, he must carefully plot how his duties will best be allotted during the day. He cannot be seen skimping, cannot be too 'free-spirited' with his time... must give thought to a strong, even work-load for a new leader. Oh, and he must look every bit as handsome and stoic as a leader ought to. But that's a natural inclination.

A thin cover of cloud and mist does little to hide the sun's lustre. Camp's clearing is glazed bright silver in the half-light. Constricted pupils have adjusted to the wash and allow for a decent survey. But he does not linger too long—the sandy-hued tom with rich chestnut blemishes, who'd voiced the question in the first place, proved to be earnest in his apathetic lethargy. Snowpaw steps in and delivers a reasoned reply to someone who, in all likelihood, wasn't interested in one. At least, that's the read Smogstar got on Willowburn. Any warrior worth their salt needn't ponder on what the day should bring, chiefly because they're already well aware.

To a question which is all whimsy, only a whimsically absurd answer will do. Hence, the leader takes it upon himself to kill the distance between him and the pair, covering the breadth with grand, purpose-driven strides, and joins them. "I've been thinking," he begins, though the incoming words would prove fragmented, disjointed. "Like- if you don't wanna, that's okay, but- I was thinking, if you're both up for it..." For a passing moment, amber eyes scrutinise the two, sizing them up. "We could invade SkyClan."


Lazing about in camp had not been an option for the cinnamon tabby in some time and, just below the surface, she could safely say she missed the ability to do nothing. Though love triumphed all, Ferndance's introversion could often be challenged by the need to be everywhere at once, and even if her paws did not ache at the end of a busy day, she knew her mind, which did not rest from the needs of others, would. Willowburn, the self-proclaimed handsome tom (he was right, his fur was stunning), had more privilege to be idle, whereas Snowpaw, whose rank almost forbade such a thing, tried to get him moving instead. The cinnamon tabby moved closer to the pair, walking as if cloven-hoofed, wearing a gentle expression on her maw. "I could go hunting with you..." She offered with a few fluttering blinks, already commited to the idea of slaughtering the local frog population once more. That was, until, another arrived to break the agreement.

She turned her head towards Smogstar next, eyes growing curiously wide at his words. It took a moment for the gears to click into place, but when they did, she bowed her head. "Ok..." Ferndance mused, her high-pitched voice lowering to a near-whisper. Briefly, she was excited by the idea, getting the permission to do something a little silly all the cinnamon tabby ever really wanted from a leader. But, then, her smile betrayed her understanding, too amused to have been serious in her plans "We could go in the middle of the night while half their warriors are asleep and take as much prey as we can. Then... we can blame it on ThunderClan. Because ShadowClan... ShadowClan has been struggling with prey recently." Her brows flashed towards the grey tabby leader, wondering if that was what he wanted to hear. Because, had he not acted as if he were full of foxdung, it just might've been a sincere suggestion from the former Lead Warrior. "That is an excellent way to pass the time. Snowpaw, Willowburn, shall we go straight away?"

જ➶ Boredom does hit it's peak sometimes ans though they know they have been out hunting already their paws are still trying to find something to do. Easily and quietly they slip up towards the conversation, light gaze shifting between those that are present as he listens to what they are saying. "I'd love to join as well. Maybe we can find a rabbit...." Though their voice falls away as Smogstar speaks up and their ears pull forward with a measure of concern. Ferndance seems to think that he is serious and the warrior shuffles their paws casually before tilting their head, nose twitching ever so slightly in contemplation. "Skyclan?" They speak up after a moment, glancing towards Willowburn and Snowpaw.

"They are so far away. Wouldn't it be better to pick an easier and closer target? Besides Thunderclan is in the way and I doubt they would be easily tricked." They would rather bother Windclan and their overly proud cats. Especially after the last gathering when Chilledstar was alive. Fighting them would be much more enjoyable than fighting kittypets. "Wr can use their tall grass as cover." Muzzle scrunching they don't enjoy the idea of saying they are struggling with prey, lie or not a weakness is a weakness and they wish to hide such things.
"Hunting? Tsk! Surely we can find something else beyond that?" The thought of getting mud and grit caught up in his perfect pelt so soon after a groom was unappealing to say the least. Though he wouldn't deny that Snowpaw did have a point, leaf-fall was coming and soon they would be bidding the days of good hunting farewell. How many would they lose this cold season to starvation?

Smogstar's approach had the tom finally sitting up and he offered a curt nod of respectful greeting to the new leader. It was still odd knowing that Chilledstar was no longer walking among them, but ultimately life thundered on and there was no time for pause. Though Smogstar's words had Willowburn momentarily vexed. Was the guy joking or being serious? Willowburn's expression conveyed his surprise and confusion at first, before a twisted grin filled his features soon after. "That would be unwise, Smogstar. Firstly, the distance would put us at risk. Secondly, even a raid at night would not work. SkyClan has the advantage of a good rotation of warriors both day and night thanks to those kittypets who play wild during the daylight stretch, meaning that their actual wild counterparts can rest during the day before taking up work at night." There were advantages to talking to other cats at gatherings, it meant one could learn a lot about their habits and tactics. And Willowburn was a sponge for information.

"It is not yet the colder seasons yet, however, we could begin planning out ways to exploit our neighbours on all sides. We can be on the look out for routes in and out of their territories, and securing ways of getting our patrols out before a fight can break out. Far too often we were caught, losing the prey and earning only injuries. So we need to be smarter this time around." The tom blinked slowly as he swept his gaze across those who had gathered around before drawing his focus back to that of Smogstar. Willowburn gave a shrug of his shoulders at that point, a smile still sitting pretty on his maw. "But that's just my opinion."

- ⋆ -

Smogstar's muzzle takes on a subtle flush of amusement, coloured by the genuine reactions from Thrasherthroat and Willowburn both. Perhaps the leader has overlooked the star-studded heft his words now carry; frivolous musings, offered only to fill the void, are not without some vestige of gravity. The longer he contemplates it, the more his features twist into a fleeting, awkward scowl. Right. All he's missing now is an apprentice overhearing his ramblings and telling half the forest about an upcoming declaration of war, come next gathering. It's a humorous notion, though, he cannot deny.

Eyes hone in on the cinnamon-twisted tabby as he detailed his strategies and outlined what he perceives as the ideal management of ShadowClan's operations. Hubris, or possibly arrogance, flares Smogstar's chest and straightens his posture. Getting bombarded with concepts he's well-acquainted to, an itch nags him to rub Willowburn's face in the fact that, yes, he really does understand these things. He's no piddly-brained amateur. The self-assured air about the other tom should be diminished, shirked in light favour to a more humble disposition. Then, Smogstar's prideful thoughts falter a fair amount, though not fully.

"You are very smart,"─ a blasé compliment. Lukewarm, almost. "I'm sure if I, uh, stepped down 'n made you leader, then the clan'd be in very good paws. Very smart, very good paws." Dry, uninformative, and monotonous. The shadow-striped tom practically tossed the words away, peppering in an arbitrary quality. It lacks character, emphasis. Aimless compliments are worthless, but so is telling one's leader how to navigate their role. It's reciprocal, albeit passive-aggressive.

He looks to Ferndance at his side, seeking affirmation from the molly that he's not wrong in his presumptions. A scan of the facetious molly reveals to him his tongue is best kept in his cheek for the time being. "Well, we could invade your nest instead, Willowburn. Make a real mess of it. Not seeing no rotations of warriors - day or night - guarding that thing." A claw-sharp grin stretches across his maw, zeroing in on the mentioned spot. The warrior's den is just a short trot away.