This one’s for the baddies


New member
Apr 19, 2023
Hi everyone. I’m Owlie. You might have seen my “face” around in the past. I was on Feralfront way back in the day and I’ve given some thought to popping out of my proverbial grave.

I don’t know yet if I will start roleplaying again. I am reaching my mid-20s. I’ve been around this since I was 12 😅. My Bachelors came in the mail this week! I have a full time job now and I get to do something where I am helping people every day. It’s very mentally exhausting so I’ve found myself just playing Red Dead Redemption a lot.

If I do decide to pick up roleplay again I have some ideas but might end up reserving myself to the weekends. For the time being, I wanted to poke my head an around and get a feel. If you made it here, hank you so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a good day.
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Hiya Owlie! Welcome to Tabby Tales!
We welcome all kinds of RPers, from hardcore to casual so feel free to pop in a kitty whenever you feel the vibes even if its just once in a bluemoon lol

Our Getting Started guide is there whenever you're ready to dip your toes in! Our discord (including clan specific discords) is all linked there as well if you want to hang with us even before you start RPing or to ask questions more easily! :3 Looking forward to seeing you around!
Hi Rai! I tried joining the Discord, but I don't know if I have to manually be allowed access or something? I can't see anything in the welcome hub at all :(
Heya! Yeah we have to add the member roll for you manually, so you might need to logout and back onto Discord to get everything to show up! Sometimes its a little wonky!
Welcome, Owlie! Super excited to see you here! There are a ton of old FF rpers here so it’s nice to see another oldie made it here lol

Let us know if you have any questions - we can’t wait to rp with you if you choose to pop in a character!