pafp this one's for a girl / preparing to propose

Hailstorm had inspired her. Despite it all - Little Wolf's death, the harshness of the journey, Hailstorm's grief after his mate was no longer with them, all of the grueling tension and awful wounds they bore now - Needledrift had found something in their sincerity, their passion for one another, that made it.... worth it. Then, she had thought about her own life. She had thought about the chances she hadn't taken, the words she hadn't said. At first, she imagined she would say something to a pretty she-cat that under any other circumstances would be unreachable. At first... first, she needed to be honest with another she-cat back home. Here. Now.

She watched as Ferndance made her way out of their shared nest, summoned by the dawn patrol, her crooked face breaking into a sneaky, sneaky grin that the cinnamon tabby could not see. She waited...... one moment...... three moments....... six moments..... until the patrol was just a whisper on the breeze. Snow-tipped paws made their own way out of the nest, instead head towards an early-rising apprentice with a pristine affect and coat.

"I need you to make me presentable," Needledrift huffed at @Wheatpaw ! "It's very important that we do this before the dawn patrol gets back."

(all but @FERNDANCE are invited to help :) )
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Needledrift and Ferndance had been the first two to find her, alone on Shadowclan territory. A soft (if somewhat embarrassed) smile now formed at the memory, especially when looking back at her conduct. The thoughts that had been going through her mind at the time - intent on using these people and their home as a rest stop to meet her own ends - perhaps there was some shame sprinkled in with the embarrassment.

Wheatpaw was brought out of her introspection by the very devil she’d been thinking of, a small and undignified snort of surprise the only indication that Needledrift had just given the apprentice the shock of her life. “Uh-“ They’d hardly spoken since the journey ended. There were so many things the Somali lookalike wanted to say, born of a newfound appreciation for their friend.

“Well, you were right to come to me. Sit down, and I shall make it look like you have never heard the word ‘mud’.”

There was a lot she wanted to say, but Needledrift came first. Whatever this was for was clearly important, and it almost outweighed the comedy of a warrior asking an apprentice to groom her like a kit before their first ceremony. Almost. As Wheatpaw worked, untying knots and undoing clumps, a sly smile spread across autumn features as her curiosity grew.

“Shadowclanners have never given much thought to hygiene, despite my efforts to impose it,” Wheatpaw wondered aloud, briefly admitting to herself that mandatory cleaning sessions would be her first decree, were the universe mad enough to name her Wheatstar. “So, what might the occasion be? Looking your best for whatever meal the dawn patrol brings back?”

"been a while since I've seen you this anxious."

they're not sure if they can still call needledrift a friend. it's not like they left on the greatest of terms but chilledstar made one thing very clear when she did leave– she was not allowed to die. now that she's back, there's plenty left unsaid. they don't know where to start, or even if they want to. they don't regret their words, but they do feel slightly bad for how they handled her. tch. there would be time for that later. they swayed their tail, moving to grab a stray piece of pine needle within her fur.

"i quite always keep my fur nice and tidy but... what's your reason, hm? trying to impress someone?"

she seems pretty anxious about it all. it was interesting, to say the least.
*+:。.。 Singekit glared from the nursery at the small group forming in the clearing. It wasn't often he left the nursery, and even less so did he care to interact with his older clanmates. None of them were mom and so he didn't see the need to like any of them. At least, that's what he'd figured until he came to the maturing discovery that life is very boring when it's just you and your family. He remained stubborn to the idea of interacting with others being a necessary evil in the pursuit of stimulus, doing his best to just be content watching from a distance. But like any kitten still harboring fresh eyes for the world around them, watching just wouldn't be enough. So he perked his sharply pointed ears, straining to listen, especially when he noticed Chilledstar approaching...

"I need to be all clean to eat now?!" the squawk of incredulity escapes him before he can stop himself. At first, he debates dropping it - covering his mouth and scampering back to the nursery to whine at his mom about this awful new rule - but then decides against it. He..he's a big boy! He can talk to strangers! Gathering up his anger, the kitten puffs up his cheeks and stomps towards the group of conversing adults - and one Wheatpaw. He has to confirm this for himself! "That's not fair, that's too much grooming!" It's already a war zone every time Singekit ruffles his coat and has to be pinned down by his mom's gentle paws in order to smooth down his bristly coat - to do that before every patrol!? Impulsively stomping his paw in righteous indignation, he glares at Needledrift in particular. "Why do'yah need to impress for food?" he inquired, particularly miffed by how happy she seemed about this "new rule".

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently