This side of paradise / Mothpaw

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Where the leaf-bare chill ruffled at their fur in the breeze, Roeflame was grateful for the bright yellow sun that shone on them today, beating down on their backs and offering them cozy relief as she led her apprentice outside of camp, disguising her own nerves with an upbeat step and content grin.
Her own apprenticeship had been rocky and laced with tragedy, but Flycatcher and her other clanmates she now called friends had made many good memories come from it- she only hoped she could do the same now that it was her time to be a mentor.
Though, she’d be lying if she tried to convince herself Mothpaw was rather intimidating, not just in height difference. Brushing past crisp undergrowth with hardly a rustle, the warrior would eventually bring them to a shaded clearing, a place for Roeflame to bring their walking to a pause and turn to Mothpaw, tilting her head up to look him in the eye. "Tell me what you smell." The instructions are simple, almost strangely so, as this exercise was mostly reserved for newer apprentices, but Roeflame wanted to be able to assess where the brindled tom was in all aspects of his training, starting from the very beginning. While she’s keep an eye on the youth, her own senses would be on alert, scenting the stale squirrel in the breeze with a pang of concealed disappointment. Prey was at a concerning scarcity, rogues and oncoming frost to blame.



♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothpaw walked upon the brush alongside his new mentor, observing his surroundings with curiosity. The tom wasn't fond of waking up too early where the sun shined directly in his eyes but being brought to this part of the territory once more brought old memories of his early training. He showed a slight smile while his heart filled with nostalgia.

Being swallowed in memories, the sudden pause caught Moth off guard, almost sliding into his mentor with a hard stop. "...Sorry," the tom hesitated, now looking away, his face fell hot with embarrassment. Regaining composure, he eventually returned eye contact with Roeflame and nodded. Mothpaw paused to find wind direction, discovering that they had a North, tailwind with the dancing oak trees that stood above them. Now standing North, "There's not much, but a squirrel a bit of ways. From where the wind is at, I can't completely tell where it lays," He sighed. The tom shook with frustration; he had hoped that he could surprise his mentor with his experience, but he believed he just blew it.

As he waited for his mentor's comment, the apprentice attempted to blame the rouges for the loss in prey for some reassurance. He took note that he hasn't been out of camp in a while, this is the first time he's seen this problem face-to-face. Attempting to enhance his thought, he encouraged himself that he'll be fine.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 11 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Played by @Dutch

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame doesn’t think twice about the almost run-in, she had gotten lost in her head and come out just in time to avoid barreling into another cat more times than the warrior would care to count.
Her brilliant smile is steady and encouraging, nodding with Mothpaws answer despite his simmering frustration. "Great! You’re gonna show me how to find the trail." She keeps her tone as casual as possible while still bordering on authoritative, not wanting to put too much pressure on the apprentice- it was a faint trail, but it was what the forest had given her to work with.
"Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to find something fresher to follow, hm?" The tabby cannot help but chime, it wouldn’t be the first time following a cold lead led to a “warmer” opportunity, so to speak.



♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothpaw’s eyes glistened in the morning sun with determination… and later squinting with annoyance that the sun was in his eyes. The young tom was sure that he wasn’t going to stop till he found something, especially since the clan was already hurting from the lack of prey. Moving forward, feeling as the wind delicately blows on his chest, the tortoiseshell tom quietly begins to search for his prey.

Even if the squirrel’s tracks were old, he used his experience to attempt to locate it. Keeping on the quiet side when hunting was hard for Mothpaw. The dense underbrush made it difficult for him to find good spots to place his paws. Attempting to address his problem, he moved to more open spaces where the grass peaked through the brush, swaying with the wind. Seeming as if the squirrels scent stood higher up within the oaks, he paused to see if he could get a glimpse at it. He couldn’t see it and sighed, he had lost its scent, but found something else instead, immediately swapping direction to find the new abstract scent. Without saying a word, Mothpaw found the burrow of a black rat snake. The burrow was hollow, but he looked to his mentor for approval.

  • 🐿️

    Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 11 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Played by @Dutch