this time won't you save me &. dawnglare


starstruck with love.
Jun 10, 2022
when churro– er... sheepcurl. when sheepcurl had found him and brought him back to camp, he talked to few cats. he didn't know if any of them actually worried about him, which was fine he supposed. he wasn't the most active in the clan after the dog attack, and so he knew that he didn't talk to enough cats to get their attentions. but afterwards, he was gently led to the medicine cat den, where he now sat in a nest, rubbing his muzzle with his paw. he watched the shadowed figure who he could assume was dawnglare, by the shape of the shadow and his scent of herbs that clung to him. it could only be the medicine cat.

"hey there, heartbreaker. i hope I'm not messsssing with anything you're doing in here... we have gotta sssstop meeting like thisss."

the last time they'd actually had a full conversation was after the dog attack. stars knew how long that had been, but baguette had every intention of making up for it. he twitched his nose as the scent of herbs filled him, curiousity dancing within his mind. he did wonder how dawnglare could even tell them apart... other than the looks. but what if some of then looked the same? or perhaps, how did he possibly remember what did what? baguette never forgot anything... even if he wished he did. but recall was different. recalling information was not the easiest thing. luckily for him, he didn't have to recall much right at this moment... he only hoped he wasn't headed towards the elder den early.


What to feel? What to think when so ceremoniously, the tom is brought to his doorstep. Something about being lost, which, it's only natural for him to raise an eyebrow in reguards too. This one is far from new. So sorry to say, his incantations and inane ramblings have plagued these pines for moons. Oh why, oh how did he find himself stumbling home with the doe by his side? And so easygoing, too much so. "Mm-hmmm," Unamused. His eyes narrow at the blank canvas before him.

And he sits back on his haunches. Might as well get comfortable when there seems to be little else to do. Nothing new, no. So what was the matter? His tail whips behind him, flash of frustration. "What's wrong with you?" For lack of gentler words, or more so, not caring enough to find them. Something was the matter, certainly, for him to be here. But what exactly?