this too shall pass | disappearance

It's unfair, really, how life twists and turns on one so fast. A simple walk through the territory, nothing more, nothing less, certainly no room for heroics. And perhaps she should have realized this, perhaps she should have been selfish when the walk with the NPC accompanying her went south. If she had just been selfish, then none of this would happen, but she was never really popular for selfish tendencies, was she? The twoleg had come crashing through the undergrowth quicker than she could backpedal, and without thinking, they had been cornered against the metal cage. Do or die, and she chose to 'do', ramming the NPC out before she's forced backwards in the cage. Theres a blur of color as they book it in to the forest undergrowth, only melancholic triumph remains in her chest. The wire door trips shut.

With that, the Skyclan chapter in her life ends early, a sentence not bothered to be dotted with final punctuation. She would be taken back. But in the twoleg place would she finally reunited with her old housefolk, a bittersweet thing. She would lay in their arms, fate undecided, as she tries to come up with the quickest way to get back. One day she will see Skyclan again. One day will she see Red's face, even if through the smallest glimpse in the reflection of the glass backdoor. For now she cowers in the cage as she's whisked away, only a vague sign of resistance in the grass below and a fading scent is all that remains as the minutes pass, as the window for opportunity escapes. Sheepcurl of Skyclan would be known as 'Churro' once more.
The NPC warrior crashing through camp in a panic has Blazestar's hackles up immediately. It's an all-too familiar song and dance by now. He's on his paws and following her in a flash, tasting the air and trying to pit hope against the dread hardening in his belly. Sheepcurl's scent is still on the air, but by the time they get to where she'd saved the NPC's life, there is no one. A metallic stink of Twoleg and cage, her scent soft and muddled and fading into the wind.

"No," he murmurs, shoulders sagging with defeat. The NPC is trembling, as though afraid Blazestar will turn on her, as if she thought he'd blame her. He blinks at her, hoping to take that fear away. "It's not your fault. She was doing her duty as a SkyClan lead warrior. She's... she's always put her Clan first."

He sighs and his claws sink into the earth. Daisyflight and now Sheepcurl are both gone. What he does not know is that despite his attempts at rescue, neither of his former lead warriors will be returning to him.

  • Sad
Reactions: RoseTintedMoon

"Confound these damn things..." He'd never seen these horrible cages before in WindClan, the horseplace two-leg sometimes put out wire traps but those were meant to kill. These things were meant to capture and somehow it seed much worse. Dandelionwish frowned behind the flamepoint leader, having followed him the moment he burst out of the camp like a fire catching. Sheepcurl was gone. He hadn't known the lead warrior well, only in passing, but her apprentice had been named a warrior recently and it was a tragedy she would see no more of his growth.
"...surely they're taking 'er to the same place...?" Mismatched eyes wander to the leader as he pads forward and scents around the earth the cage once lay upon, the soil just soft enough it left a wiremesh pattern onto the ground like the crosshatch of crows feet.
  • Crying
Reactions: Fireflyglow

The news comes out of nowhere - a rush of words he should have been better prepared for under the past moons' circumstances. Should have, but Greeneyes held onto a foolish hope that he wouldn't have to lose anymore to those twoleg traps than what he'd already done.

Just like Daisyflight - just like Butterflytuft and Snowpaw - Sheepcurl, too is gone. A harsh strike that leaves him wide-eyed in disbelief. He can only follow after Blazestar, see the empty space where a trap had been for himself.

"N-No," Greeneyes starts, paws backing away. This must be a nightmare, it must be. His namesake's curse cannot be back in his paws, cannot have taken another from him. This can't be. "You're... You're lying. Sheepcurl, she... She would've been more careful! She would've --" He trails off, ears flattening. He knows the excuses he gives won't solve anything, that his mentor is gone.

Greeneyes can only find what pieces of hope had just been shredded before him, can only try to reassemble it into a new hope that Sheepcurl was taken to the same place as everyone else, that she will come home, just as his family will. But fear sits in the pit of his stomach - for he knows viridian has washed over his clan.
Fireflypaw remains close to his father's side as he's delivered the news, sensitive ears picking up the conversation. He frowns then, wondering how Greeneyes would take the news- would he falter, and bury himself in guilt? He hoped not. The medicine cat apprentice made his way over to Greeneyes' side, gently attempting to push his cheek against Green's shoulder to comfort him. "She will come home someday," He reassures the tom, though he knows that it won't work. Greeneyes was close to Sheepcurl; she'd been there since he was born, after all. Fireflypaw remembered when he first met her and Greenpaw back then; his eyes so wide and curious despite how achy they always were. Sheepcurl would be missed dearly by the apprentice. "If our clanmates can't find her, she'll come home someday. She has to." SkyClan doesn't leave their cats behind.
Hardly any of them are cats he cares to follow, but his spine is scratches, paws shifting forward with the call of her name. Sheepcurl, newly learned. Churro, always known. Only her scent remains, and a traitorous voice tells him he owes it to her to look on.

Look on he does, with lips pressed thin and a half - lidded gaze. He cared not for the tears, not for the crying; fleeting attempts to rationalize. There is only a distant feeling he cannot name, as he's here to smell her less and less. The leader is not spared a glance. Dawnglare would need to lose more than eyes to know how he looked. Defeated, befallen; sullen form of a rotten form. Would this only make it worse, he wonders? Not even the whines of the cursed one are enough to bring a rise out of him. He only looks on in dull disgust; his apprentice putting paws where they should not belong. " Careful, " he drawls.

Blue eyes flicker back to where Sheepcurl once stood. He cannot find it in himself to lie. For whose sake would it be anyhow? She was dense as a stormcloud, once. Who knows how much of that she has lost. Fireflypaw is given another sidelong glance, eyes portraying his thoughts, but he would say nothing, directly. " She will live. "