this used to be a funhouse // intro.

Dec 1, 2022
oddkit | 02 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58

The sun beats down overhead, and yet it does nothing to thaw the chill of the mid-morning breeze. A shiver wracks the child's body, and slowly eyes open wide to blink up at a blurry world. Frost and snow dust the ground around them, and it takes a moment for the kit to realize exactly where here is.

It seems it has fallen asleep in the middle of camp. It thinks it remembers something about 'go and play with the other kits' and 'just don't be a nuisance' before being unceremoniously shoed away. They hadn't bothered to do so - getting their rest was more important after all. It didn't matter to them where they slept, not really, so long as they got their 12 hours of rest. Or more. They'd really prefer more.

It stretches and rolls about, limbs flailing as they snap and crack from sleeping in such an awkward position and place. Tumbling over and onto unsteady paws, mismatched gaze flits about once more - this time to find something new to occupy it's time. Ungraceful and bumbling, the tumble of limbs makes its way over to the nearest figure, eager to 'make friends' - or at the very least, pester them. With steps much to big and stiff, they toddle right on over - oblivious to the looks of concern and confusion thrown their way.

It tips it's head to the side, peering at the figure with owlish gaze. "What doin? Oddkit is bored,"


the cold months had only just began their reign, and honeypaw was beginning to enjoy it. everyone spoke so dimly about leafbare, but when she had caught glimpses of snow falling gently from the sky, she could only think about how beautiful it was. prettier than any rock or shell she possessed. but she couldn't keep it. and oh had she tried. every time she attempted to catch a piece, it disappeared instantly. it left her cold and wet, but she didn't hate that it wasn't for her to keep. she would just have to admire it's beauty while it was here. it made it more special.

honey had decided to soak it all in by hanging out in camp. remaining in her den felt rude when the world had provided riverclan's home with such a beautiful sight. so, instead of staying inside to build herself a new nest, she was doing it out in the open where the frosty earth could act as her inspiration. blue eyes remained focused as her paws nimbly weaved the nest. she wasn't aware of anything else as she worked.

by the time the tabby had looked up to admire her new creation, there was a kit staring at her. she didn't know how long it had been there. it materialized out of thin air as far as she was concerned. still, she met oddkit's question with an endearing smile. "hello little one! i was making a new nest, wanna test it out for me?" the apprentice offered, gesturing a paw towards her finished nest.

Finch was about 90% sure that Oddkit had not been born and rather just kinda spontaneously popped into existence, not that he minded them any, it just seemed more plausible than any other possible explanation.

Padding over, it takes every thought process in his brain to not laugh at the way Oddkit walked. 'It looks like it's trying to make its way through softer ground than the camp is made of.' He thinks, setting down the cleaned shrew fur in his jaws before gesturing to Honeypaw that he thought she'd like a warm, finishing touch to her project. He does mention to Oddkit though, to not let this stop them from testing out its comfort beforehand.


darkpaw smiles, watching oddkit toddle over to honeypaw on unsteady, wobbly kitten legs. it seems like so long ago that he had first waddled out into the big, wide camp at the encouragement of his parents! so much has happened since then... and he's grown quite a bit, too!

sometimes, he misses the days he'd spent in the nursery, tussling with his littermates and climbing all over his mother while she tried to rest. but he always pushes those melancholic feelings away; he's happy right now, too. he has lots of friends, and an awesome mentor, and he's even caught a fish or two. (he doesn't think about the sting of reedrunner's resignation of their mentorship. houndsnarl is cool, too. reedrunner was super nice, and darkpaw liked them a lot, but houndsnarl is a good mentor!)

darkpaw shakes himself from his thoughts, putting back on a smile that he hadn't realized he'd lost and padding over to his denmates. "hi guys!" the apprentice chirps to all three, all while he eyes the nest that honeypaw's just finished in appreciation. she's pretty good at weaving, almost as good as reedrunner.

"hey, honeypaw, if you have any leftover moss, could i have it?" darkpaw blinks innocently at her, as if he isn't scheming on making some stink-bombs to ambush a couple of unsuspecting clanmates with.
oddkit | 02 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58

As blue eyes meet amber it stares soul searchingly for a moment, before a bright toothly grin unfurls and they nod their head eagerly. The ginger and white kitten bounces and hops right on into the offered nest, tiny paws and needle sharp claws kneading at it's softness, poking and prodding, testing it. It finds it sufficient, plopping itself right on down with a notable thump, to-big eyes peering up at the rest.

Oddkit certainly won't be leaving it anytime soon.

"Oddkit likes! Mine now!" they say cheerily, though there's something ever so slightly sharper about their gaze. They don't like to share after all - and they don't trust the apprentice to not snatch it away right out from under them.

  • Haha
Reactions: honeypaw
( ) A gentle purr of amusement would be heard coming from Minnowpaw as she slowly made her way towards her denmates with a vole in her jaws. The apprentice would set the prey down in front of the group, fully intending to share despite the prey's small size, before moving to take a seat beside Finchpaw and she smiled in her shy way.

"It is a beautiful nest...Honeypaw..." She speaks quietly as if worried if she made too much noise it would ruin the peaceful atmosphere that had settled over her friends. "Oddkit...s-seems to really l-like it." She would offer the kitten a warm smile as she tucked her paws underneath her and settled back into her usual quietness.


honeypaw greets finch with a wave of her tail before peering down to the shrew fur he had gestured to. how lovely, she hadn't even thought of that! "thanks finch!" she mused, sweeping the fur towards her with a paw. then her attention was turned to darkpaw who had approached asking for some moss. her brow furrowed in thought. she knew there had to be some left over, where did she put it.

turning around, misty eyes searched behind her as she finally spotted it. honey reached her leg out to offer it to the younger apprentice with a smile."here ya go, if you need any more i know a spot," she said, happy to help out her denmate in whatever way possible. when she looked back to the nest, it was occupied by orange and white fur demanding that the nest was theirs now.

the tabby had no qualms over her nest becoming oddkit's. she could always make another one. "alrighty then, yours it is!" the apprentice chimed with a small chuckle, gaze flickering down to the shrew fur at her feet. if it was going to the kitten, it would need to be warmer. they didn't have the comfort of dense fur like she did. "wanna add this to it? it's magic, it'll keep you warm no matter what," she asked, bending down to oddkit's level and whispering the last part like it was a big secret. a quiet voice brought her head right back up. minnowpaw complimenting her work brought an uncharacteristically shy smile to her face. "thank you, you're too kind," honeypaw purred in response.

A S H P A W.

Ashpaw is a few minutes behind her friends, having trailed distracted behind them, anxiously scanning the camp for her mentor. She feels like she should be training right now... The temporary assignment is not quite a match made in StarClan, but she knows there's no helping that. There just aren't very many mentors available. And it's just for a little while, she tells herself.

On approaching, she brushes Minnowpaw's flank, then Honeypaw's, purring warm greetings to each of them; to Finchpaw she offers a wave of her tail and a soft blink. Finally, should he allow it, she'll touch her nose to Darkpaw's cheek as a "hello". "Your rock looks really nice today," she adds.

She's pleased to be surrounded by her friends, a steady purr in her chest and a bounce in her paws. At last she glances down and notices Oddkit, the funny little center of this circle of apprentices.

The child has apparently commandeered Honeypaw's latest work. Ashpaw grins watching it wriggle and settle into the nest.

"Yeah, it's a really good nest," Ashpaw tacks onto the compliment. Honeypaw really did an awesome job. "And Minnowpaw knows what she's talking about. She makes the best nests."

She grins bigger at the conspiratorial whispers, the "magic" shrew fur—like Darkpaw's pebble, she thinks. "Ooh, like Darkpaw's pebble," she chirps. "You gotta hold onto it then!"

Oddkit is so little and leaf-bare is so cold. She's glad they have StarClan to bless them with things like pebbles and shrew fur.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and emotionally abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend
    - spent a couple months depressed
    - returned to ic/ooc activify