camp This will affect the trout population || polution


Fathoms Below
Mar 11, 2023
Riverwhisker always spent his time by his namesake. He was born beside this river, named after it. It was the only home he had ever known. The only one he wanted to know. To relax on the shore and watch the water glisten in the sunlight, to watch fish swim along and listen to the rippling water.... That is what he lived for.

This was his home.

And as such, he knew when something was amiss.

Instead of a leaf floating down the river, or a stick or anything else natural to the forest, he saw something shiny coming his way. Something red....

He furrowed his brows. He slipped into the water to retrieve the strange object. Whatever it was, it seemed to have been crushed a little. He could tell this half flat form wasn't it's natural state. He brought it to the shore and paused.

He should bring it back to camp.... He had come out by himself....

And so, shaking his fur, he strode back home with anxiety gnawing at him the entire time.

Once he was home, he set his funny item down and summoned the courage to raise his voice and call out to multiple people at once. Truly a feat of strength, social interaction was.

"Does.... Does anyone know what this is?" He asked, nudging the object. "I found it floating down the river... It's not..... Supposed to be in the river."

His fur prickled as he called attention to himself. What if the answer was obvious and now he looks stupid??? He wanted to curl up and die.​
stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Stalkingpaw has never seen such a thing - but she wants it. All pretty and shiny and red, the girl is immediately drawn over, eyes wide in fascination. "I've never seen something like that - do you think it's safe? I want one-" she rambles on for a moment, one ink-tipped paw coming out to touch the foreign object only to pull away quickly. It doesn't feel like anything she's ever felt either. How strange! "Do you think it's some sort of rock?"


It was terrible to see their territory trashed again so soon. Petalnose had just been discharged from the medic den and she had found that the camp had more branches and leaves to pick up and gather. With the addition of twoleg disposals it seemed, noting River whisker's call to an unfamiliar object. Last she had gotten into shimmery material, some had still lingered on her pelt despite her trudge through the river and frequent grooming.

This was another material that was shiny, however, it was in one piece. Her mix-matched gaze squinted at the object and her head lowered to sniff it, whiskers twitching curiously. "It's smells... Odd." she grumbled. There was a burn to the scent she couldn't quite describe- a fading but sharp scent that made her nose itch. Most of it was washed by the water but the touch to the scent still irritated her nose. She sneezed softly and rubbed her nose against her paw. "Gross." She spat as if the piece of material was alive, lifting her head and looking down at it in disgust. She was quick to dismiss Stalkingpaw's question, lightly tapping the shiny flattened matter, "It looks too light to be a rock. It's probably from those disgusting twolegs. I'll keep a watch on the next patrol I take. Could be bad news." She sighed, more trouble and headache for their clan she had supposed. "As if we're not dealing with enough.." she rumbled, eyes scanning the camp for a lead warrior or Cicadastar to take a peak. She wondered what they had to say for twoleg matter floating about their river. Petalnose was sure there wasn't much to do except keeping an eye out for the odd beasts and bury it.

Curiosity brought the lilac tabby over. Riverwhisker had a slight stutter over his inquiry but he usually wasn't one to really speak aloud much, not that she could recall anyways. "Mm?" She'd hum queerly with an adorning soft smile which soon froze on her face as her eyes made contact with the foreign object. "Stalkingpaw please be careful.." Honeystone would murmur, now concerned at the appearance of this unknown item.

Her grey-blue gaze would shift to Petalnose as she spoke, inspecting the red thing as well. A frown would slowly creep onto the face of the molly as she returned her sight to what the tom had brought back. "You're right, it's not supposed to be in the river.. But it was." She'd reiterate the warrior's words. — tags
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Hazecloud couldn't hide the uneasy grimace on her maw when she sees the strange trinket. She isn't a fan of twoleg bits, even less of one being brought back to camp. They had no clue what kind of danger the trinket held, even if it was lifeless. She didn't want them coming into their territory looking for whatever this what that belonged to them.

"Certainly nothing that should be here." She could agree with Petalnose. They were hardly finding more than sparing moments between tragedy and stress. Her silky tail twitched in mild irritation. Why had Riverwhisker thought to bring it here? It didn't have legs to crawl away, she could only think of the unknown dangers beyond anything else.

He is tired in a way he was not sure how to explain. Well-rested, wellfed, maybe he was eating more than usual in indulgence because the river's blessing was once more presented to them, but he had no real reason for the lethargy that clung to his bones and rattled in his ribcage demanding all his focus and attention. Smokethroat stifled a yawn, a paw raised to rub at his lone eye and he set it down with a firm stomp onto the moss beneath him he had been gradually shredding into new nesting material for the apprentice den; they could make the nests themselves, but if he let them prepare the bedding on their own the little ingrates would spend forever doing it to avoid work and he would not have it. Twin black ears pricked upward to voices, a question and exclaimation of disgust, a muttered assurance to be careful.
"Did this come from the river?" He asks, dark form approaching on swift steps to the gathering crowd of confused voices and murmured investigation. The moment he laid eyes on the object he knew what it was, a crumpled piece of two-leg garbage and something he'd seen plenty of in his youth wandering derelict stone structures and crumbling concrete nests. The white-spotted tom lashed his tail, expression hard to read but inwardly he was fretting over how irritating it would be if they found more of this junk in their river. Would it harm the fish? Was any of it dangerous? This, at least, he knew wasn't anything particularly deadly so while disgust at it being in camp was evident across his maw he did not immediately insist on its removal. Instead he locked that lone orange gaze with Riverwhisker, questioningly and insistent with a cold stare. Explain, it said, without a word uttered.
The river was theirs again, their camp was theirs again, even the slightly inclination something might be causing it harm or otherwise interfering with their peace of mind and comfort once more set him on edge and he found himself fighting the urge to bare his teeth at the object as though threatening the lifeless twist of crinkling metal could offer him any solace.
He had to agree it certainly looked like twoleg trash and that it didn't belong here. But something like this could mean bigger problems in the future. Fish were delicate, if something is wrong with the water they live in, it could spell doom for everyone. The entire forest.

"It was the only one I saw for now, but I think we should keep an eye out..." He said to the others. "It could be because of all this wind, you know?"

" If twoleg trash is ending up in the river, we should keep an eye on the fish....." He suggested.

His eyes caught Smokethroat's fiery gaze and it made his fur prickle. He locked gazes with him and wondered if he did something wrong. Why was he looking at him like that.


Why isn't he saying anything.

Is he in trouble.

"I can get rid of it.....???" He said, his voice cracking.​
stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Honeystones words of warning have her pausing, a pout on her face as wide green eyes turn pleading. It doesn't seem dangerous, just strange. Everyone else seems to be wary and bothered by it, but really stalkingpaw is only wondering if there are more - if starclan has blessed her with red things to collect from the riverside. "If your getting rid of it, can I have it-?" She chirps quickly, smacking her paw right back onto its cold surface. Its just so red, she wants it, has to have it really, and the thought of wasting such a pretty trinket sets her on edge.