pafp THORN IN MY SIDE - dual intro


Nov 19, 2023
Shiori has been on his best behavior the past while - no teasing his new Clanmates, no unnecessarily cruel jabs, and no prodding to get a reaction. He is not bored, not at all, because this whole sense of community is new to him. Rules, codes, traditions... Rather than seek out reactions with sharp comments, he's been intently focused on learning all the new things that come with being a part of this Clan. He, who has been mostly alone save for the occasional encounter and the bothersome tom that always seemed to come back when he least him to, has mostly fended for himself. But... it's less lonely this way. There's work to be done, cats to observe, and new things to learn, so every day since he's joined has felt new and exciting.

Even if that thorn in his side had followed him.

Copper eyes narrow as he looks beside him, the prey he's carrying in his mouth acting as a barrier between the words he wants to say to the other. Nevertheless, they can wait until he's safely set the spoils of the hunt where it belongs - in the fresh-kill pile. It will be harder to come back from a successful hunt in the extreme cold of leaf-bare, when prey is scarcer than it is now but Shiori is happy with what he's caught this time, and glad that the other's presence hadn't thrown him off his grove.

He sets down his spoils into the fresh kill pile, turning to look at Cal once more, eyes still narrowed. "It's almost like you've chosen to follow me wherever I go, Cally," he says, feigning annoyance and using the nickname that he knew bugged the other. He knows that neither he nor the tabby chose for this arrangement, but he still speaks the words. "I'm not so fragile that I can't take care of myself, you know. Honestly, you're more likely to cause me to get hurt or hurt me yourself then the dangers within the territory."

Davidfoot, a fellow member of the patrol they had just returned from, glances at Shiori with confusion in his eyes. Shiori doesn't care, and lets out a small laugh. He wonders if the queens and kits have eaten today, and fi they have a preference for the meal they receive. He'll ask them as soon as he's finished bothering Cal, he decides.

// please wait for @CAL !


this is who i am . nobody said you had to like it .
A long and annoying patrol, Cal couldn’t help but huff in annoyance, tossing a glance at the sky, praying for some patience, to not lash out in bouts of anger and become a sight of terror. He’d faced similar looks before he joined, even before he met Shiori of all cats he just had to bump into those rare times of social interaction. It wasn’t like he was trying to avoid cats, but Cal wasn’t all that good at, well, interacting with others that didn’t turn into a shouting mess or another useless fight because he said something wrong and so incredibly stupid that he would just lay there contemplating his life choices.

Returning was a gift from the heavens above, carrying an unsuspecting vole in his mouth just as Shiori was carrying his successful hunt. Cal dropped it unceremoniously amongst the other pieces of prey with a flick of his tail, golden gaze narrowing in annoyance. Oh, great. He couldn’t help the puff of annoyance that escaped thinned lips, staring at the Shiori who just had to open his stupid mouth, calling him out on him supposedly following him. As if. He wouldn’t stoop that low to follow his natural-born enemy, albeit, he wouldn’t have joined if he hadn’t seen Lux amongst them, and maybe something else akin to concern, but Cal refused to admit that out loud.

“This day would have gone a lot better if you hadn’t spoken,” Cal grumbled, lashing a fawn-colored tail in annoyance. “And no, I’m not following you. Who put that thought into that stupid head of yours, huh? Make sure you don’t get into trouble.” He scoffed, tone sarcastic, rumbling, and low-guttural. As if I had the time to make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble. I have other things to do, you know? Stupid idiot.

At the comment, Cal masked his hurt, instead opting to grin menacingly despite the obvious twitch of a golden hue. “Don’t you think that comment should be directed at yourself, huh? You’d be more likely to get yourself injured before I even touched you.” He hissed, willing the bubbling anger away. “Wouldn’t even last a day without someone getting you out of trouble.”
thought speech

"Will you two lovebirds shut the fuck up already? Seriously, I can hear your chatter from across the pines." Chrysaliswing couldn't stand to hear pointless babbling and bickering, as though idle chatter and lackadaisical motions were a plague of locusts, all buzzing and biting for attention in his ears. It was hypocritical of him to desire peace when he was the antithesis to harmony, a fault in the churning cogs. It was the paradox of beasts to yearn for the thing it pushed away from itself, like the slavering wolf hunting for the meat in its gentle jaws.

The chimaera-pelted tom couldn't be bothered to recall their names. Many of the faces of Skyclan were just a blurry ocean to him. It was especially true of those that came and went with the whims of the wandering wind itself, as they departed from and rejoined the sea as effortlessly as the restless rainwater. He didn't care to waste precious memory space on a cat who would surely leave when the next winter came. The two did still have that lingering stench of Twolegplace rot and carrion, the smell that lingered uncomfortably like a rancid taste or unfathomed ghost. Chrysalis had a keen nose that seemed apt on picking up filth and garbage wherever it went. The inklings of a snarl painted themselves upon a wildfire visage, the cold glint of an ivory blade beneath his lips. They earned his early and easy ire.

( in love with the izaya & shizuo pfps btw )

The bickering wasn't quite enough to get a rise out of Twitchbolt; he simply flicked an ear in acknowledgement, a look cast to the returning pair. By now, he was sorely used to Clanmates arguing- many didn't hide their disdain for daylight warriors far behind their fangs. Only when Chrysaliswing mentioned lovebirds did Twitchbolt double-take, wide eyes settling back on Shiori and Cal. Was that really it?

Sure, there was always disagreement, but this hardly sounded as if they liked each other at all. Tongue rasped against his paw, his quivering pupils flitted between the two. His foot slowly sunk back to the earth.

"Am I going to have to- to tell Orangeblossom you don't want to be put on patrols together...?" Twitchbolt's voice was scraped and exasperated, held together with an earnestness. He'd follow through, if that was actually what they wanted... or, or, he'd horribly misread everything. Wouldn't be a surprise. His muscles spasmed with the anxiety of it.
penned by pin ✧