THOSE GOSPEL LIPS CAN CHANGE ME — medicine cat ceremony

Starlingpaw has been to the moonstone one other time before. She remembers the tunnel, her whiskers brushing against each side, remembers the cavern it opens up into. It is all so familiar but all so strange at the same time. Her head is spinning. Not too long ago she had woken up, she had been Starlingpaw. She had not expected things to go crumbling away so fast, had not expected to be thrust into full medicine cat duties so soon. I thought I had more time. What a fool she had been to believe her aunt was anything other than the cat she had been showing herself to be all along. Starlingpaw cannot help but wonder how long she had been planning this, how long it had been coming. Had she always wanted to leave and was just looking for the right excuse? Everyone left in the end, she was quickly learning.

None of that mattered now, now she would share dreams with Star Clan. The thought sent an excited shiver down her spine. Selfishly, she hopes she gets to see her mother. At the end of the day she was still a child, after all, one who missed their mom. Her heart keels at the thought and she holds that hope in mind as she lays down on the smooth, cold floor and presses her nose to the stone. Like Bonejaw showed me, she thought bitterly.

When her eyes open next she lets out a small gasp. She finds herself in a meadow, the tall grass softly swaying around her, the breeze lulling her into a peaceful state of mind and the sunshine soft, golden. "Where am I?" she asks, her voice, full of wonder, barely a whisper. She finds in it that she does not stutter. Not here. It is such a relief to not trip over nearly every word that comes out of her mouth that her eyes start watering. She looks around her with wide, green eyes. Was this- was she in Star Clan?


When she was alive, Bonejaw had been Briarstar's greatest ally and confidant. She and her sister had been close. She did not know if joining the ranks in the stars opened her eyes to her sister's faults or whether things had digressed after her death, but she was disappointed in Bonejaw. She'd failed her Clan as medicine cat and left an untrained apprentice in her stead so she could run off, a traitor, to whatever destiny she felt was more important than serving her Clan, and her family. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she still loved her sister and though she was angry with her, she hoped she found what she was looking for (and maybe got a firm reminder of what she had left behind).

But today was not the day to dwell on that. Today Starlingpaw had come to the Moonstone to commune with StarClan and receive her medicine cat name. Her very own daughter, medicine cat of ShadowClan. Two of her children had risen to great importance in the Clans and she knew their legacy would never be forgotten. She was a proud mother, despite the horrible situation that surrounded Starlingpaw's promotion. She was confident the other medicine cats would catch the youngling up to speed as best they could. She would have allies in them, despite the growing tensions between the Clans. At least she hoped. Starlingpaw would grow more knowledgeable as the moons passed. It would be a pleasure watching her grow. Briarstar had been given the honor of bestowing her with her name. She had always dreamed of the day her second litter became warriors and she got to name them. That was Pitchstar's duty now but at least she had this one satisfaction.

Briarstar watched as her daughter appeared in her plane of existence, awed by the sight around her. She was hidden in the shadows, letting Starlingpaw soak in her new surroundings. When the medicine cat apprentice finally asked where she was, Briarstar emerged from the tall grass. Her black pelt sparkled with a thousand stars. "You walk with StarClan, Starlingpaw," she purred. She leaned forward and pressed her nose against her daughter's. She closed her eyes, delighted to be reunited with one of her children, even if only for a short time. "It's good to see you again, my dear. I miss you and your siblings."

She pulled back, pale green eyes suddenly looking bright. "My... you've grown. And you are here to become ShadowClan's medicine cat. You bring much honor to our family. Your father and I are very proud of you." She smiled reassuringly. "Unfortunately, there is not much time for talking. Our time together is short, so let's begin."

Briarstar sat back on her haunches and curled her tail around her paws. Several fox-lengths behind her, more starry shapes began to appear to watch the ceremony take place. "I, Briarstar, and all of StarClan look down fondly on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and though she has much to learn, will serve her Clan for many moons. Starlingpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" she asked and then went quiet, awaiting an answer.

Starlingpaw blinks and suddenly she is there, her ebony colored pelt glittering with starlight. She is more stunning than she remembered. She blinks away tears that threaten to flood her eyes. For a moment, she is the child she is. She wants to curl up next to her and stay, though she knows she cannot.

Already Starlingpaw feels the weight of her new responsibility on her shoulders.

"Mom…" she murmurs, leaning into her embrace but before she can say more her mother is telling her they do not have much time and she nods solemnly. She knows, there is never enough. Still, she is glad to be here, glad to have been given the chance to see her mother once more. Tears stain her cheeks when she mentions her father, how proud they are of her. Stubbornly, she wipes them away.

Now, Briarstar speaks the words of ceremony. Her eyes flicker momentarily to the crowd slowly forming behind her mother, searching for her father in the sea of faces. Her green gaze returns to her though as she speaks the words that would mark this monumental change in her life. "I promise" she says solemnly, and she does. She would not abandon her clan, her family, like her aunt had. She would be better.

She had to be.
I promise.

Briarstar nodded when the answer was given, her solemn expression giving way to a big, proud grin. Her chest puffed out confidently as she spoke. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true medicine cat name. Starlingpaw, from this moment until your last, you will be known as Starlingheart. StarClan honors your passion, faithfulness, and sensitivity and welcomes you as a full medicine cat of ShadowClan," she purred.

With that, she stood up and admired her daughter with fondness in her eyes. They brimmed with tears, both sad that she could not accompany her back into the land of the living and proud of her new accomplishment. It was a great honor to be a medicine cat, perhaps even a greater honor than leading. Briarstar knew she would never have the strength to be in her daughter's position, but believed she was a perfect fit for the role. She certainly believed she'd do a much better job than her predecessor anyways, but she kept that thought locked away. "I can't promise these next few moons will be easy, Starlingheart, and your Clan will need you now more than ever. Know that StarClan always walks alongside you and you should look to your ancestors for guidance when things seem grim."

The scene began to fade away. "Our time is almost up, dear one. I love you very much. We will meet again someday," she purred. Whether that was in death or a dream, it was uncertain, but Briarstar knew this was not goodbye forever and she hoped Starlingheart knew the same.


Upon hearing her new name she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. She had not expected to be called anything other that Starlingpaw for a long time but this new name, given to her by her mother no less, it felt right. Something about it felt familiar, though the reason why eluded her, like a bird call you could just barely hear but couldn’t place.

When she opens hers eyes again she sees her mother, her wide grin, the love in her eyes. Selfishly, she wants to beg her to not go. She wants to throw herself at her feet and wail for the childhood that had been so eagerly ripped from her paws. Selfish, she knows but she cannot help it. A lump forms in her throat as she watches the cats behind them slowly fade to nothing. She wants to beg Briar not to go but knows it is no use. "I love you so much, and I miss you and- and- " there were not enough words. There never would be.

Briarstar fades before her and she blinks away tears as darkness envelops her. When she opens her eyes next that grassy meadow is gone and with it returns the biting cold of mother mouth. She can’t help it now, the tears come, hard and fast until she is weeping.

She turns to Pitchstar, her brother. "I-it-it it w-waaaaaasssss it was m-m-mom" she chokes out between sobs.

A few deep breaths later and she’s calmed down enough to wipe the tears from her eyes. She misses her mother so terribly. "I-i-Iiiim I’m s-st-staaaar-Starlingheart n-now" she informs him quietly.

  • Crying
Reactions: PITCHSTAR
pitchstar had almost denied starlingpaw's request to escort her to the moonstone. he didn't want to go back there, to the sacred grounds of the deities who'd done nothing but spit on him. but starlingpaw needed him, and he needed her, too. he couldn't let anything happen to her, couldn't lose her to the same fate he'd lost his first life to; ambushed on the way home from the moonstone.

so he follows starlingpaw.

the wait is the worst part of it all. pitchstar paces back and forth in the glowing cavern while starlingpaw sleeps, his tail lashing at thin air. (he tries to dream with starclan once during the visit, in hopes of seeing his mother or father. but he's met with darkness, instead. after a few minutes of cold nothingness, he gives up and resumes pacing. fine, he thinks bitterly. if they don't want to speak with me, so be it.)

it seems like an eternity before the silence is broken. weeping fills the cold air of mothermouth, and pitchstar's head snaps towards his baby sister. tears are streaming down her face, and the rosette tabby is at her side within heartbeats. his wide eyes search hers for answers. "what?! what's wrong?" did starclan refuse her? was starlingpaw too young to receive starclan's blessing as a full medicine cat? or did starclan simply wish to see shadowclan suffer?

but no, that's not it. starlingpaw turns to him, and between the sobs that shake her small form, she says that she saw mom. pitchstar freezes. oh, so that's why... his mouth tightens into a thin line. he doesn't know how to fix the tears streaking her cheeks, so he does the next best thing; he ignores it. if they don't acknowledge the tears, maybe they'll go away. "what... did she say?" his voice sounds impossibly small, in the looming cavern.

i-i-iiiim i'm s-st-staaaar-starlingheart n-now.

her quiet words shock him into silence. starling...heart. the realization comes crashing down onto him, all at once. starlingpaw- no, heart- is only seven moons old, and she's already carrying the burden of a full medicine cat's name. bonejaw is truly gone, and shadowclan has a child as their healer. what a cruel twist of fate.

"starlingheart..." pitchstar tries out her new name on his tongue, his face shadowed by the furrowing of his brows. it's too mature for her. she should still be starlingpaw.

i hate bonejaw. i hate her for doing this to us. if i ever see her again, i'll...

the thought trails off, the shadowclan leader too terrified to continue it. pitchstar decides then that he doesn't want to talk about this name change any longer. "did mom say anything else?" did she say anything about bonejaw?