
Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

Roses. Sharpeye had been patrolling out near the twolegplace when he had come across the delicate looking red flowers tied neatly together with a piece of twine. The aroma that drifted up to meet him was a pleasant one, almost soothing. Though he couldn't help but ponder as to why they were there in the first place. Little did he know that they had come to be there because of a love rejected. A heartbroken twoleg had abandoned the bouquet out in the woods along with the scattered essence of his broken heart. Sharpeye would never come to know this.

The tom made the decision to take the bundle back to the camp so others could marvel at the elegant flowers, maybe even to share them out as a gift to help brighten the camp. It wasn't an easy feat for the small tom, but he managed... perhaps with a few bruised petals and some cuts to his lips thanks to the sharp thorns. He deposited the bundle in the middle of the camp before nudging them apart into an even spread so each one would be easier to take. "Would anyone like a pretty flower?" He queried, sounding somewhat unsure about what he was doing. Exchanging flowers, that's what romantic cats did, right? Sharpeye could already feel his ears heating up a little at the thought. Slowly he bent his head down and he picked up one of the roses by the stem in his mouth and he began to look around, as if seeking someone to give it to.


Howlpaw had quickly come to learn just how boring the day could be when she couldn't go on patrols, go hunting, or do much in camp. She still didn't think her strain was too bad but she did not want to go against the wishes of Dawnglare and Fireflypaw, so would wait out her remaining time to recover with as much grace as she could muster.

When she saw Sharpeye in camp with the flowers, she was immediately intrigued. Sometimes mates gave flowers to each other as a sign of affection, Howlpaw had seen so herself a few times. She wondered if Sharpeye had anyone special he planned to give them to? However, since the warrior seemed to be offering them out to anyone, she assumed that wouldn't be the case. "Can I have one?" Howlpaw asked, as she hobbled over to him, before sitting on the floor. "I want the brightest, prettiest one you've got!"

Hershey’s housefolk had been acting strange as of late. The warrior-turned part-time kittypet was still getting used to the intricacies of domestic life, but even his well-versed roomate was confused. The two twolegs had been mushing their faces together with ever-increasing frequency over the last few days, and Earthsoul was sick of it.

Leaping over the fence and trotting towards the forest, the feline wondered if the other daylight warriors would have an explanation. The strange sickness could’ve been a show of affection, but if that was the case then they would’ve been doing something normal couples did, like grooming each other’s fur or intertwining those tails twolegs must keep hidden. “Well,” graying features tilted to the side as he walked, mulling over his thoughts. “even if they did those things, I would still find it weird.”

Truthfully, Earthsould didn’t really ‘get’ romance. It wasn’t something he tried to hide, a quirk of his character the elder had long since accepted, but he’d never felt that fabled pull some cats seemed to prattle on about, emotionally or physically. The old man supposed he could see the appeal, but he much preferred good old-fashioned friendship to any romantic or carnal fling. It just wasn’t for him.

Arriving in camp, all matters of self-reflection flew out the window as emerald eyes spotted Sharpeye’s pile of roses. Earthsoul dashed forwards, skidding to a halt beside the warrior with trademark enthusiasm burning like an aura around him.
“I’ll take one!” he chirped, picking from the pile and savoring the smell as he held it in his mouth, wincing slightly as a thorn grazed him. The pain brought Sharpeye’s own injuries to his attention, and the old man let out a snort of amusement. “Who figured plants could do s’much damage? Somethin’ this pretty hurtin’ that much seems unfair.”

Howlpaw was the first to approach and he heard out her request for the prettiest one he had. A soft chuckle escaped him as he began to look over his supply, putting his namesake to good use until he finally spied one that possessed the richest colouration and not a single blemish on any of its petals. Carefully he shifted it towards the apprentice with his paw considering that his mouth was already a bit full with the one he had reserved for himself. "I think this one will suit you nicely, Howlpaw." He hoped so anyway, though he was now pondering as to whether or not she planned on keeping it for herself or planned to give it to someone special. Either way it wasn't his place to pry.

Earthsoul was next to arrive and it causes the sandy tom to prick up his ears with interest. The way that the other had dashed over nearly caused Sharpeye to spring backwards, but he managed to keep himself rooted down. Amusement soon gleamed in his eyes when the other tom found the sharp end of the elegant items. "I guess it's... a labour of love." He wasn't really one for puns or jokes, but he couldn't resist on this occasion. "They smell nice though, seemed a shame to leave them out in the woods." Gradually he began to look around himself, as if searching the camp for someone.

Sheeps passing by when she hears Sharpeye ask if anyone wanted pretty flowers. Being the cutesy flower lover she is, intrigued she walks over, eyes wide in amazement. "You got these yourself?" aww! Thats so sweet! Sheep thinks the Clan can use more of these fun little outings with their clanmates, the tensions had been a little high ever since the Windclan raid and she does not blame her clanmates at all.

"Could I maybe... have two? I think Red would love one of these." cheeks flush with heat as she giggles. He's been so... stoic lately, she thinks he deserves to have a small break, even if that was her grooming his fur and decorating them with flowers. Brightest, prettiest one you got, says Howlpaw and she sends an amused look over to the girl. She watches Sharpeye deliver and wow! He does not disappoint. "That ones so cute, Howlpaw!" she smiles. Earthsoul gets pricked by a thorn and she has to stiffle a barking laugh, looking away as she shifts weight on her paws. "Are you looking for someone?" a small jest as she spots wandering eyes. "You can tell me, I swear I won't spill to anyone else amigo!"
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Oh, those flowers again! Grapejuice approached the growing group with curiosity. His twolegs had some along with other flowers. He didn't know what they meant, what the funny red boxes meant.

"Twolegs are obsessed with these things this time of year. Something about love." He said.

But! If this twoleg didn't want their pretty flowers, he would be happy to take one!

"Can I have one?" He asked. "I bet I'll look SO GOOD with one in my collar."

Yes. He will be the most handsomest cat in the forest. The gathering is nigh, he will outshine all the other cats there! Brightest star in the sky!

.....Or. Or!

He could..... Give it to someone. He could. Yes. He could give it to Dogteeth.

The idea made his chest flutter. Yes! He would give Dogteeth a FLOWER!!!

"Please, help yourself to as many as you like." Sharpeye confirmed with a nod as he looked Sheepcurl's way. It wasn't like he was in short supply when it came to the roses. For a while he zoned out again as his eyes scoured the camp, that is until her words crept back into his ears and left him looking like a rabbit caught in headlights. "Well, I-..." He poises on the brink of giving an answer, but in the end he shies away from doing so with a solemn expression when his self-confidence plummeted like a lead weight. "... No, no one." He concludes with a slow exhale.

He nearly misses the fact that Grapejuice is talking to him, but he strains his brain into functioning just long enough to offer up the rose he had been holding in his jaw the whole time. "Um... here, this one is pretty good. It should go well with your collar."