THOUSAND YEARS AGO [ lichenpaw ]

Some time had passed since Pebblepaw had been camp bound and he had been dragging his paws to address the one thing he'd learned about himself during that time: he really liked Lichenpaw. The other had been so supportive as the lilac tom had tried to adjust to a slight change in balance and with his other feelings, it was almost unfair how kind the other apprentice had been. He believed it was an attitude best saved for another cat, but no amount of persistence had stopped his new friend from helping - it meant so much to the male that he could've cried. Feeling his ears grow hot whenever the tortie point was around and finding his words impeded by 'ums' and 'ahs' much more than usual, Pebblepaw knew that it was time to let Lichenpaw know how much he meant to him. It was not difficult to spot the dappled feline in camp, what was difficult, however, was finding the confidence to approach him. He was positively radiant as the sun crept into camp, each colour across his pelt as vivid as his smile. When the numbers around the camp began to thin, and Lichenpaw remained, Pebblepaw slowly began to approach. "Um, Lichenpaw, hi!" He called to the other, eyes squeezed shut as he smiled so as to not convey his fear.

He almost walked right past the tortie point because of it.

Looking over his shoulder his pupils uncertain of where they wanted to settle, the lilac tom leaped to face the other apprentice, his tail drooping. "Sorry if this is a bad time but... um... I've been meaning to ask you something. I know I'm not much of a cat but um... gosh this is so embarrassing... They would take a million dogs in camp before having to admit their feelings like this again. They remembered to breathe halfway through their silence, louder than usual as their lungs cried for oxygen. If he waited any longer, the pressure would eat him alive. "IthinkIlikeyoulikemorethanafriendIamsosorry." Ears were flat against his skull, Pebblepaw's eyes wide with horror as if he'd just uncovered a dark secret. He shook his head - 'stupid, stupid mousebrain'! Lichenpaw deserved more than groveling and a lack of explanation. "What I am... um... meaning to say is that you... have an honest soul and... would you m-maybe want to... I dunno um..." What did adults do to show they loved someone? They tried to put themselves in their uncles pawprints as they spoke.

"Watch the sky with me at some point?"



Lichenpaw is always happy to see Pebblepaw these days. He likes the tom, much as he wouldn't have expected it just a few moons ago. He's found it far easier than expected to put aside the other's kittypet roots; he's a ThunderClanner now, just like Lichenpaw, that's what really matters. And they feel comfortable around the Pebblepaw. His nervousness and pessimism never serves to put Lichenpaw off, finding companionship with this cat who shares so many of their same fears, and who, despite everything, is still kind. They admire him, a bit. In the way he didn't give up after his injury, with Lichenpaw there by his side to cheer him on. It's a fast-growing companionship, as his often are, the tortie point tom always eager to latch onto any sign of affection.

He's already in a good mood when Pebblepaw approaches him, smile coming easy and genuine, spending the morning chatting with some of the other apprentices. Well, perhaps it's a stretch to say Pebblepaw approaches him. They think that's what's happening, until he... walks right past him? Huh. But then he calls out their name, leaving Lichenpaw a bit confused as to what he's trying to do here. Still, though -- "Heya, Pebblepaw," he chirps, creeping a bit closer to the other's side.

Pebblepaw jumps to face him, causing Lichenpaw to quell a startle, and he seems... troubled. More nervous then usual. His words come uncertain and as apologetic as ever. Not much of a cat he says, and Lichenpaw gives a disapproving hum. He certainly doesn't think so. He's about to say as much when Pebblepaw breathes deeply in and --


Lichenpaw blinks. He thought he spoke fast but that... is a lot to process. It takes him a moment to untangle what Pebblepaw just said and then -- oh. Oh. The words' meaning hits them belatedly, Lichenpaw staring dumbfounded at Pebblepaw with his horrified, demure posture. He's... not quite sure how to respond to that. More than a friend as in... Well, okay, Lichenpaw's not oblivious, they know what that means.

It's just, he's never really thought much about... Romance? For himself, anyway. He's not really interested, never had need for finding a mate. Pebblepaw is a good friend, he thinks. Pebblepaw stumbles over his next words, his clumsy yet heartfelt offer, and it's a moment before Lichenpaw speaks again.

"I -- Pebble, I --" he pauses, swallows. He feels bad, turning down his friend like this. "I don't -- don't really... I'm sorry, I just -- don't really... feel the same way? Um, not in a bad way though! I still, um, I really like you, its just --" He rushes to reassure, grin turning more sharp-edged as nervousness compels his fidgety paws to movement. "I want to um -- stay, stay friends. Not -- y'know." He feels so awkward saying it out loud.

"...I would love to watch the sky with you, though," he adds, belatedly, and it is genuine. He doesn't want to lose what they have, would love to be closer with Pebblepaw, just not in the way that the other apprentice is thinking.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png

He had been expecting rejection for a multitude of reasons. He was not a strong cat compared to his siblings or the wildborn apprentices, he was as timid as a mouse, and he didn't think he had a good sense of humour. There were plenty of reasons why he thought himself a poor partner, but Lichenpaw didn't say any of them. It was almost a relief, he didn't think the other would lie to save his feelings, and it was all but confirmed when the nervous tortie point proclaimed to still like him in a friendly way. Oh. Had he misrepresented Lichenpaw's kindness? Had he misrepresented his appreciation for affection? His pale ears became hotter than the sun and soon, his entire face felt just as warm. At first, he'd been embarrassed, now, he was mortified. His throat felt as if it'd swallowed ash and stars, how much he would love to just run out into the forest, drink from a river and pretend he'd never opened his mouth. The lilac tom shook his head. "O-Oh um, I understand. Please um... don't apologise." It was easy enough for him to say, all he wanted to do right now was say sorry to Lichenpaw until Pebblepaw lost his voice.

"It's fine um... I..." I would love to watch the sky with you, though. Copper eyes had been searching all over the place for a better excuse to leave, as soon as Lichenpaw affirmed that they could still hang out, his panicked pupils shifted back to the other apprentice. It did little to stop his erratically beating heart, but at least he knew he had not ruined a good thing by being so forward. "Thank you... um... can we... maybe do that at another time? It's nothing against you I promise I'm just... haha it's..." Up and down he shifted his jaw, gently cursing the blasted thing for disabling his speech from being more coherent. "I... I don't wanna make things awkward now and I don't know if skywatching now would be too soon or if it's totally ok and we can talk about something else and move on and... am I talking too much? I think I'm talking too much. Um... sorry I'm... not sure what I was expecting or what I'm really doing." He let out a nervous chuckle, but the humour was lacking in his tone. He wanted Lichenpaw to let him know it was ok to leave, the other deserved that much at least after the lilac tom had the gall to drop such a bombshell.



Lichenpaw watches as Pebblepaw grows more and more embarassed, trying not to feel guilty about it. Did he... say something wrong? He certainly wasn't prepared for this, never really considered the idea that another cat could have a crush on him. After all, he's never had one on anyone else. He forgets, sometimes, how much other cats care about this type of thing. Just one more way he feels out of place.

He meant what he said -- both about staying friends, and about being uninterested in Pebblepaw romantically. A part of him wonders if he should have just gone along with it, lied to spare his friend's feelings, but he doesn't have the heart for that. Pebblepaw deserves honesty. Yet it still makes his mouth twist with concern to see how clearly nervous Pebblepaw is about it -- moreso than usual, and that's quite the feat. Their acceptance of him offer, romantic feelings aside, does seem to reassure him a bit at least. Or, well, he starts meeting their eyes again. That's probably good.

But his words are still disorganized and too-fast, clumsily suggesting they do that another time. Nothing against you, he says, a less committal mirror of their earlier assurance, and they do want to believe it. "'Course," he says, trying to inject some cheer into his nervous voice.

But Pebblepaw keeps speaking, worries about making things awkward and moving on from the subject, fears of talking too much -- hah, isn't that funny, usually Lichenpaw is the one running his mouth. Pebblepaw is clearly upset about this, and a strange sort of guilt tugs at Lichenpaw's chest, settling itself in beside the nervousness. He jumps in a bit too quick, once Pebblepaw's words have run their course. "No, its -- it's alright, really. I mean, I'm not -- I'm not, y'know, upset or anything, just uh. Wasn't expecting that, heh. I don't really -- um, know what I'm doing either. This is, uh, new. To me." His smile runs sheepish as he tries to find the right words. "I mean -- I don't think it'd be awkward for me? Um. Unless you don't want to -- er, unless you think it'd be too awkward. I'm -- I don't really mind awkwardness, though," he finishes lamely, matching Pebblepaw's uncertain torrent of words with one of his own.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png